Do People Get Horny At Certain Times To Make Certain Babies?

Lilly asks on the Mars and Sex blog:

“… astrological signs, aspects, etc. often run in families. I’ve often wondered if some people get hornier at certain times of the year because (if they or their partner conceived then) it would produce a child of a particular sign (or with a certain aspect)? What do you think?”

Lilly, I don’t know. Ultimately, it’s not the parents making the decision when a baby will be born. When parents choose to have sex has little to do with it.

For example, my daughter was three weeks early and my son three weeks late. And I know you’re a mother so I bet you agree, once you get these kids it’s obvious there are no mistakes.

So are humans on this plane smart enough to see all and make these inspired matchings between themselves and their children? Somehow I doubt it.

Anyone else with an opinion?

17 thoughts on “Do People Get Horny At Certain Times To Make Certain Babies?”

  1. I was adopted. My parents moved halfway across the world from where they lived before (USA) to where I was born, where they adopted me as a baby and brought me back to America.

    I am a Leo with an Aquarius rising and my mother is a Virgo (she has to be; she was born right on the cusp and there is no way she is a Leo) and my father is a Gemini. I don’t know their rising signs, but my older brother has a Leo rising. I’ve noticed that I generally hang out with Geminis, and folks with Leo rising. And I am often attracted to Virgo men.

  2. After watching two granddaughters come into the world in February – one exactly on her due date & the other five weeks early – babies have their own time table. the second baby has a 0 degree Pisces sun & 0 degree Aries Moon . . . 🙂

  3. Hmmm. This raised a different question in my mind… What about people that don’t have any children? Are babies not interested in coming into their lives?
    I’ve known some amazing people that don’t have kids…

  4. I think that another way to look at this question is the idea that astrological signatures symbolize genetics along with other things. You will see repeating signatures through generations as well. A big example is the frequency with which you see the child’s rising sign as the same as the Sun and Moon, sometimes Venus and Mars of the parent.

  5. I agree, Elsa. Both with the babies chosing their parents and the time of conception meaning nothing. I was due to be born on St. Patty’s Day, then was 2 weeks late to be born on April Fool’s Day. *chuckles* No idea how it happens or who/what configures it all, but it all works out right somehow…

  6. I was more than 8 weeks early, so I must have been pretty sure that these people were the ones I wanted to be born to 🙂

  7. Well, I’ve always held to the concept that we choose our parents and that, as spirits in our own right, we choose when to come into this world. I, myself, was 2 weeks early. My son was forced to come early, but I don’t doubt that his spirit knew what it was doing when it chose me as its vessel to life. My daughter was 2 weeks late, so again, it was destined to be the way it came about.

    What’s curious is that both of my children were born in July. My SO’s 2 other children both have birthdays within a wk or 2 of my children. He regularly gets more “randy” at a certain time of yr. Prime time for making babies to be born in late June or July.

    My curiosity was doubly piqued lately b/c of a surge in whatever it is that actually makes me “randy” (horny, lustful, whatever you wanna call it). I went from barely thinking about sex, to thinking of it 24/7 – even in my dreams, which never used to happen before. I noticed the timing and I am prime for making an Aries baby right now. I am also Aries, so it wouldn’t be surprising to have an Aries child. Also, Aries women tend to run in my family, and I’ve been told more than once that my 3rd child will be female. So! That’s what got me to thinking about this.

    My daughter has a stellium in her Sun’s sign, just like her father. But her chart is very Cardinal, like mine. She is heavy on the Cancer, just like my grandmother. My son is Leo Sun, Aquarius rising, I’m Aries Sun (another fire-y Sun), Aquarius rising. However, his chart is predominantly Fixed, just like his father’s. I can make links from my children’s charts to those of my parents (and my SO’s parents) as well. Suffice it to say that, my children’s charts definitely reflect that of their parent’s. It’s just something I’ve found fascinating over the years.

    It just makes me wonder…our children’s spirits chose us, yes…but are there other powers at work facilitating that? Drawing us to certain people, at certain times, to optimize the chances for that spirit to come thru?

    In either case, like seekingzen states, it all works out right somehow…right? 🙂

  8. My friend recently had a scheduled C-Section delivery. You’d think that this would provide more control, but this happened right around the solstice, and although the husband wanted the C-Section to happen in Gemini (he’s a Gemini), for various scheduling reasons between the parents and the hospital, that baby ended up being born a Cancer…

  9. Becca, I always thought I’d be a lousy mother as well and swore (from the time I was 5 yrs old, actually) that I’d never have children. I got pregnant (both times) while on the pill – and I only have one ovary due to cancer when I was young…trust me, unless you have your reproductive organs removed, or simply don’t have sex EVER, it is not entirely your choice when or if you get pregnant. Of course, I could’ve had abortions, but when presented with (what I considered to be) a near-miracle pregnancy [two times!!], I couldn’t even consider it. As for whether I’m a lousy mom, I couldn’t say. I’ll ask my kids when they’re grown. 😉 I do my best…and I think that’s all anyone can ask.

  10. My SO and I are in marriage talk/baby talk/etc..and he thinks March is the best time of year for a baby to be born (of course he is a March Pisces)…ummm…like that will happen! It will be what it will be. It’s cute of him though…:)

  11. Gem writes:

    “ummm…like that will happen! It will be what it will be. It’s cute of him though…:)”

    and Elsa snorts. 😛

  12. Becca,
    I’m somewhat bummed that you would think you’d ba lousy mother, because if you worry so much about sucking at it, you’ll probably be better than most, since you’ll try harder. Its like being a nerd at school!!! Either way, I was thinking about my aunt when I raised that question, because she has no children of her own, but is practically a mother to me and my two brothers. I have always said she is more of a mother to me than my biological one. I am very close to her and love her to bits! I wonder if we choose to which aunts to be born. 🙂

  13. I believe that the entire family while in the spiritual realm decides on being a family as well as birthdates and times to make the correct astrological charts that will further everyone’s growth while on this earthly plane.

    I’m unsure of my parents birthtimes but they are both Aquarians with 2 years of each other My mom with an Aries moon and my dad with a moon in Cancer. They generally don’t mix, and finally figured that out after years of an emotionally and physically abusive relationship and 3 children between them as well as 3 children by my father.

    The children have all been affected by their relationship in one way or another and we all affect each other through our charts and some of us are more psychically connected to each other than others.
    In order we’re Sag, Cap, Aries, Cancer, Gemini and Sag. Its all a part of the divine plan…fate.

    So much fate that my parents had been divorced for 3 whole years before my birth and I still came into being 13 weeks ahead of my due date. Luckily I survived!

  14. Gee I just think sometimes the timing is right for pregnancy because of your own body cycles and when a woman is the most fertile. My mother has 3 sag moon babies

    People have children for different reasons..Some people choose to have children with the thought that the child will take care of them in old age other people have children with the thought that they just want to take care of a child..
    Some people choose not to have children at all.
    And sometimes with no thought at all, someone is with child so who knows….

  15. Also, there are chart indicators for fertility or lack of fertility..Timing to me thats all it is..
    I wish I could believe its some mystical fated thing, I think sometimes two people get together for one reason and then a child happens…
    Sometimes I think we forget that we are creatures with instinct something that has been within our Genes for Millions of years and sexual urges are something we can not control and that is very hard for us to digest as humans..

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