New Year’s Resolutions, Goals, Wishes, Hopes & Dreams

2023 new yearsIt must be all the planets in Capricorn.  I feel compelled to define my goals, heading into the new year…

First, I don’t want to cause anyone harm or pain. I think there’s plenty of trouble out there. I don’t want to add to anyone’s burden.

On a similar note, I want to be a source for people, rather than a sink. I intend to watch my exchanges of energy to insure I’m not draining the other person.

I also want to handle the things I’m responsible for, without complaining.

I want to make sure I offer solutions, if I have them, rather than just delineating the problem or challenge.

That’s it! And I don’t think these things are magnanimous in any way. These things are in my own self-interest on many levels. I feel I’m designed to be a good person and I want to live up this.

What do you hope for 2023?

13 thoughts on “New Year’s Resolutions, Goals, Wishes, Hopes & Dreams”

  1. I had that same idea for Christmas. Instead of buying everyone stuff, I wanted to ask “how can I enrich or enhance your life”?. Unfortunately, not everyone feels comfortable asking for what they need or want from other people. I hace decided to not be so judgemental and bitchy as I tend to be sometimes when I’m stressed.

  2. These planets are mostly in my 9th. Uranus backed up to a second exact square to my Sun. Couldn’t be betrer timing for a move to a new state in 3 days and a new job in 9 days! Merry Christmas everyone!

  3. I like this very much. Cracked open by the Scorpio eclipse conjunct Venus and my ascendant. Am moving to the art healing calling I’ve fought off for 20+ years. My 2023 will be the start of my complete, passionate dedication to sharing the power of an image to change your life. Happy New Year to us (hug)

  4. Get in shape/stronger. Work on my own healing through therapy and the relationship with my daughter. Take more responsibility for planning my future and then doing something about it. Learn more astrology!

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