People Who Won’t Take No For An Answer

zodiac-smallI mentioned some gal in the Pisces defense video who just would or could not take no for an answer. You ignore 10 emails from the person and they continue to send email.

Who in the zodiac is most inclined towards this kind of behavior? Who do you think is least inclined?

27 thoughts on “People Who Won’t Take No For An Answer”

  1. they all are, just for different reasons. even air and mutable signs who normally don’t care that much about anything can get pretty obnoxious if they think you’re stupid and need to be informed of this and/or re-taught.

  2. Certain Pluto aspects for sure lead to obsessive behavior i.e. ten plus emails!

    Squares to Mercury (especially Mercury in Leo) for sure lead to “not hearing” the no.

    Some Virgos keep wanting to split hairs and get it right even if you are done talking….

    And Cancerians 🙂 most definitely cling….

  3. Well, I don’t want to point fingers
    hahaahha *evil grin*

    Having some Scorpio emphasis I know we people can be obnoxiously insistent. I’d also say Taurus but their insistence is of a more innocent kind.

    As for the other side of the pole, probably Aries (you don’t want to hear from ME?!), Gemini (“moving on…”)…

  4. I don’t know any Taurus who would behave in that way, and I know a lot of them. They are much more likely to just turn their back and walk away if they didn’t get a response after a couple of attempts to communicate.

    I’d say Libras are probably pretty bad about that kind of thing because they are often a) impulsive in their communications, so they probably want to ‘clarify’ themselves in case you misunderstood where they were coming from, b) they can argue with themselves, so they often think of things they want to tell you later after the last communication, c) they think way too much, leaving them with a surfeit of things to say, d) they can think of your excuses for not replying for you, so they email again and again thinking that perhaps you didn’t get the email, or maybe you misunderstood the email, or maybe they weren’t clear enough to begin with, or maybe your dog died and you haven’t checked email in a few days while you cope with your grief, or maybe your computer got busted and your email was all deleted and you didn’t ever see the email in question…etc, etc, etc.

    As a Libra, I think we can be really awful about this kind of thing.

  5. Avatar

    I don’t think I could point to just one sign. I’d say that someone who is doing that has not had enough social conditioning?

    I’ve known an Aries that was into pestering, but now she’s on another project so…

    I’d agree Tauruses will turn their back and walk away. A Leo I know is surprisingly subtle and will do a polite follow-up every month or so on the SAME subject. I do know a number of virgos that will split hairs into infinity unless you can redirect them. (good people, meaning well, stuck in a groove of importance to them without seeing over the bank to the level of importance it has to others)

    Can’t speak to the others as the few people I’ve met that are this bad are unbalanced in life in general.

  6. I like what Rkkggg said about Libras doing that. I have experienced exactly this kind of thing with Libra energy as well.

    I have also seen this with Cancer/ Cap axis.

    I can see why we might think fixed energy might not take no for an answer at first, but generally, fixed energy seems more about doing their own thing and kind of have an “Oh well. . .your loss” kind of mentality when someone says No.

    Also, it might be the first thought that mutable signs would not do this, but honestly, I have been persuaded more than once by an enthusiastic Gemini or a super-excitable Sag. I wouldn’t have been talked into something in a more Cardinal controlling way, but something about mutable excitement and willingness to change that makes me just change my mind from No to Yes.

  7. Depends on the question. I thought of Capricorn, but realized I meant ‘won’t take no for an answer if you’re trying to escape responsibility.’
    I know Taurus is stubborn (I am one) but for us no means no, so…

  8. As a Taurus, I can say it’s a rare one that will ‘not take no for an answer’. If someone tells us no, we walk away and find another way to get our own way.

    I’d say cancers have a problem with this, because they attach a lot of emotional significance to whatever they’re asking for.

  9. Some Libras for sure. My worst experience was with an insane Libra Aunt who would fill up my (and other relatives) voice mail. I haven’t spoken to her in 10 years and she still calls and leaves messages.

  10. laughing at rk’s description of libras…

    loon-i’m way mutable, and i’m not a stalker. and i’ll foooolllloooowwww you around to make sure you understand that. i’ll explain every way i’m not a stalker and expound upon each angle, ocd style…snort!

  11. Aries, Aries, Aries Aries. The stalker of the zodiac is Aries. Secondly, that supposedly soft and maternal Cancer. Relationship? Iron fist in a velvet glove, there is more than once Cancer that I have nicknamed ‘bossy’ and trying to break up with a Cancer, is like, well you might as well just suck it up and change your name and leave the country for a while. Libra wants to be a stalker, but it is hard for them to bring themselves to be quite that obnoxious. I have had no problem with Capricorns but almost all my bosses have been Capricorns and they the only ones I can get along with, for some reason a capricorn can tell me what to do and it’s ok.

    In my experience, fixed signs don’t stalk. Leo moves to the next on the list, Scorpio gets even, (another one for whom, in a break up, might be a good idea to change your name and leave the country, maybe forever), Aquarius might make some kind of extreme statement and then disapear, Taurus, stalk? Nah. That is too much work. Unless, maybe you owe us money, then we stalk your ass.

    Mutable signs stalk? Well, probably they are all the biggest electronic stalkers of all time, but to Gemini, it’s just something to do for that instant and they are probably stalking 12 other people simultaneously, and none of it means much of anything to them really, to Sag, it’s just another excuse to preach or philosophize (they are not nearly as interested in you as you might think they are based on quantity of communiction), Virgo just wants to make sure nothing is left out, so it is more like MEGA-OCD, and Pisces? You got a Pisces stalking you? Look again, there must be some kind of confusion.

  12. I have to agree with the first poster (June) who says any and everyone can do this, regardless of sign.

    Also, I appreciate the poster above me’s thoroughness (Loonsounds) but I think it’s a bit too ‘perfect’ to be true. I don’t think that there is anything that can be generalized in this way. I think we can all get into trouble if we use astrology this way…


    (a non-stalking Aries! 🙂 )

  13. they probably want to ‘clarify’ themselves in case you misunderstood where they were coming from, b) they can argue with themselves, so they often think of things they want to tell you later after the last communication, c) they think way too much, leaving them with a surfeit of things to say, d) they can think of your excuses for not replying for you, so they email again and again thinking that perhaps you didn’t get the email, or maybe you misunderstood the email, or maybe they weren’t clear enough to begin with, or maybe your dog died and you haven’t checked email in a few days while you cope with your grief,

    Oh my goodness I feel like I’ve been caught out of school! I’m a Libra with a Gemini moon and yes, I’ve been guilty of every single thought that Rkggg describes. The one thing I will say is I do NOT keep sending the emails or texts. I have a 5th-house Sun/stellium and I’m just too proud. But believe me, I want to and it kills me…

  14. cancer, cancer, cancer…they cannot let go…i have one with a venus in leo who has been in love with me for 2 years now. nothing i do works…i can spurn him, insult him, be nice to him, avoid him and he does not let go. i last heard he is with a 6’4″ brazilian “supermodel” but he’s still asking our mutual friends about me (let me tell you, i have my charms, but i’m no supermodel)…so now i lie low and try to avoid social situations where he might be also. why, you ask? because anytime i show up, either with a guy friend or without (NOT a lover), he throws these wounded hurt-puppy-dog looks my way and i wind up feeling guilty as we do the avoidance dance around the hors d’oeuvres. maybe one day he’ll grow up…he’s a nice enough fellow but a bit of an attention hog which drives my venus in capricorn bonkers. argh.

  15. I’m a Gemini, Libra rising, squares from Pluto in Virgo to Moon, Mercury in Gemini and I’m obsessive. Can totally relate to what Rkggg describes but am able to control it (I have dozens of “rebuttal” email messages sitting in my draft box which will never be sent!). 12th house Pluto is self-protective and keeps me safe in its velvet cage.
    Anna the Gemini

  16. p.s. imho, relationships are like shoes. if a shoe doesn’t fit, i don’t buy it. my foot isn’t going to change its shape, right? same goes for men. if he’s not right for me, i drop him. unless i want to walk around in pain, i move on to the new merchandise. simple enough, no? saggy sun here, so i love the hunt. or at least window-shopping. 8)

  17. lol…I think that behavior is annoying from both sides. I don’t like it when people try and get involved in my life, make their way in and then leave me high and dry. It certainly makes me want to cling, argh. I also don’t like it when I draw my boundaries from the start, and the other party keeps pestering me. I figure I’m not responsible if I never get involved in the first place. But if I do get involved I don’t like to leave any unfinished business…so I’ll dig till the problem is resolved.

    I think it all depends on the intent though because it takes two people to create this kind of dynamic. The key is knowing what you want and being clear about it to the other person from the beginning.

  18. Cancer and Scorpio men and Libra women. My apologies to either who might be reading this, but gah. Scorpio eventually sees the writing on the wall, to their credit, but Cancer either doesn’t want to see it or is too invested in arguing with it to just let it the fuck go. Libra? Too precious to fathom why someone might not be interested in interacting anymore? I don’t know.

    Loonsounds, I don’t think Aries is #1 because we’re too self-absorbed to really care all that much what anyone else is doing. If I’m rejected, I pack up and say adios with dignity firmly intact. Which, of course, never happens. *flips hair*

  19. Funny, I know many Cancers who get involved and then drop the ball. They won’t accept avoidance and are persistent about getting in, then when I let them in they get cold and leave…until I leave and then they find me and start again. Maybe it’s my Capricorn, who knows. I also know a Scorpio who leaves his partners at the slightest sign of ‘obsessiveness’ but then if they leave him he obsesses and stalks them. Perhaps taking no for an answer depends on who is saying ‘no’.

  20. “but generally, fixed energy seems more about doing their own thing and kind of have an “Oh well. . .your loss” kind of mentality when someone says No.”

    Capricorn, yes. There’s totally a concern with “is it worth it.” Cancer, no.

    “Mutable signs stalk? Well, probably they are all the biggest electronic stalkers of all time, but to Gemini, it’s just something to do for that instant and they are probably stalking 12 other people simultaneously, and none of it means much of anything to them really”

    Hahaha I have to cop to doing this. People wonder how I know so much about them when I first meet them. Way too much time spent on the facebook and a retentive memory.

    And the winner is: Cancer. They cling so much. I can’t take no for an answer, have to kind of retreat back into myself and make it an answer I’m comfortable with. Or find different ways to ask them so I’m okay with the answer. This is why I can’t take criticism. A Cancer is a lot like an oyster. You throw a grit of sand into it and it hurts too much so they close up and salivate over it until the sand is a pearl and no longer has its sharpness. As a result, they can’t benefit from the criticism.

    This plays out in me in less relationship based ways. For instance, I want to show my Aquarian mother something small like a song (usually something distracting me when I’m supposed to be working) and she will utterly refuse. Not even for a second? No. And I find her irrational, but she finds me irrational in the way that I keep pulling her over to see something after she’s said no.

    I know a Cancer guy who continues to hang on my Libra friend. Very difficult to brush off. In my experience, this is when you have the upper hand. When you don’t, they may completely forget about you when they move or leave. Being clingy doesn’t preclude being selfish or self-absorbed.

  21. where the hell do you people get your stalkers? i totally can’t relate.
    then again i have aries mars opposed pluto and have no idea who i have incinerated in my wake.
    if anyone clings too tight to me i start to get really pissed off (sag ascendant–i really value my independence and private interior life).

  22. Sigh…I never get the stalkers.

    I always get the aloof, you-barely-even-register-on-my-radar men.

    Sucks, I’d love to find someone who’s actually emotionally involved.

  23. Yeah, I don’t get stalkers (Aries Stellium). I have been known to stalk myself (Saturn’s mixed up in the Aries), although secretly (Scorpio rising).

  24. In my experience, Taurus and Leo don’t take “NO” for an answer. Sagittarius and Virgos are more to decline this kind of behavior.

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