Psychopaths & Hard Aspects In Their Natal Chart

psychoI wrote the scary Mars post on the blog and thought of another person who unnerves me.  This person is a psychopath, but I got to wondering where their Mars sign. That’s his chart and do you know, this person has no problems in life, whatsoever.  He does not struggle at all.

He’s got no feelings, that’s why.  And if you get in his way, he’ll take care of you, for sure, when and however he likes and feel absolutely, nothing, no matter what goes down.

Coming across this, I decided to post it, because it’s chilling.  To understand, just think how much trouble your square or T-square causes in your life.  This chart is very difficult, but this person has never experienced suffering.  If there is any suffering going to be happening, it’s going to be on your end, you peasant, with feelings!

I wish people would develop their ability to spot people like this, because from my perspective, this ability does not exist, for 95% of people out there. Maybe higher.

It seems to me, we should have innate ability to sense danger, like any animal. Assuming that is correct, I wonder how and why this skill is so dulled.

Does anyone have any guess?


5 thoughts on “Psychopaths & Hard Aspects In Their Natal Chart”

  1. It’s about karma. Maybe these kind of people coming into the world to be the karmic retribute so to speak. Souless. Since everyone has karma even from past lives, there are those who are on the receiving end of it in this life. Things are not as they seem on the surface usually so person who appears to be un or a victim is just having their own karma return to them and learning a lesson that needs to be learned in order to grow whatever way that would entail .

  2. 1- I can’t see which planets are involved in which configuration on that chart you share, so it’s hard to comment. I.e. You can have a liars signature but if checked by saturn in an interpersonal house… efficacy is compromised and perhaps you always get caught.
    2- How to spot one using astrology, but what if you dont have the chart to begin with (and I assume this IS the norm) ?

    1. I don’t think you can id a psychopath by a chart, at all. I know this is a psychopath. I know this person in real life, for many years.

      My point with the chart is to say, a psychopath can have a chart like that and they will not suffer, the least little bit. I think this is something to feel and register… really, what I said in the post, is the post.

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