Best Way To Compare Charts? Synastry? Composite Charts?

Venus Mars paintingmax writes on Mismatched Love Natures video:

“My question is: if you have Venus/Neptune and AMF had Venus/Saturn, what happens with the Soldier since he has Venus/Saturn?”

max – I don’t know. The situations are very different. The AMF had Venus conjunct Saturn in Scorpio in the 8th. That’s pretty severe. Also his Venus Saturn was in hard aspect (wide orb) to my Venus in Leo.

In contrast the soldier has an inconjunct from Venus to Saturn which is much milder. He also has a sextile between Uranus and Venus and an opposition to Jupiter. His Venus is also tightly sextile mine. How’s this for an interpretation…

Saturn plays in that we were separated for an entire Saturn cycle – 28 years. Is that enough delay for ya? Also the commitment we have is profound.

His Venus/ Uranus aspect suits my Uranus in the 7th house(Venus) and Jupiter? Suffice to say we both “believe” in love. Couple this with the easy aspect between the two Venuses and I think we’re looking pretty good.

This is going to be my next topic by the way. Synastry! You can get Compatibility and Synastry reports here.

If you are an astrologer who uses synastry, what approach do you take? Classic chart comparison? Composites? What?

pictured – Venus and Mars by Sidney Harold Meteyard. Oil on canvas

10 thoughts on “Best Way To Compare Charts? Synastry? Composite Charts?”

  1. chart comparison can give me an inkling of the way energy moves between two people. it’s more something i’m playing with to try to understand rather than anything i feel comfortable enough with to explain at the moment.

    composites baffle me. i can see how they apply (or, at least, feel it, when it involves me) but the sense of the dynamics is strange. it’s a disorienting perspective.

    i’d love to hear more of what you have to say about this…..

  2. With synastry I scan right to the Venuses and the Marses and get a sense of the attraction. Then I go to the Suns and Moons and see how meals and daily compatibility is experienced. I look at the Mercuries to see if there is talk and what kind. I check out Neptune to see if it’s the truth. If something amazing happens, like almost all planets land in one house, I probably sit there and stare for 15 minutes, imagining how can there be that much of that area of life.

    Then I go to composite and look at the path. I scan for the Moon, where do the two people feel at home, and Jupiter where they have success. I look at how Venus aspects to see how the people feel loved. I look at Saturn for staying power. I flip back and forth between synastry and composite to compare and back to the natals to see if the composite shocks the natals, like if quiet people get together and then talk a lot together, that counts as a shocking looking composite sometimes, like wow, it must be a relief to talk. I check out Chiron’s aspect to Venus because sometimes it give a sense of who will have more money and how that is experienced and I check out Pluto to see if someone has more power.

  3. P.S. The part about all the planets landing in one house is composite, not synaytry, oops.

    P.S.S. Also I find Mars synastry aspects can show the dynamic in who is chasing whom.

  4. I use basic chart comparison but also house comparison, for instance if A got Pluto in the 10th house and B got Mars in his/her 10th house, there may be power struggles in professional or public affairs between A and B. Instead of Composites I prefer the Combine or Davidson Chart, which is a real chart of the midpoint in time and in space of both charts, and not just a mathematical construct, were Mercury can be opposite to the Sun, or to Venus, and fictions like that. You may check the Davidson Chart at under extended chart selection, it’s a great method.

  5. Note: But I am not an astrologer, I just learned it because it’s a excellent tool to understand reality, and I love it.

  6. Is that enough delay for ya? Also the commitment we have is profound.

    H’ok. Sounds good. Sounds much better actually.

    If you are an astrologer who uses synastry, what approach do you take? Classic chart comparison? Composites? What?

    Well, see, first I actually read the individual charts, and then I do the synastry chart and look for the relationship between the Suns and the Moons and then I dig up some asteroids, and then I diddle with the house placements, and then I look at the composite (finally) and then I go back to the synastry and then I go back to the individual charts. Or something like that.

    Actually, that’s a complete lie. Mostly I just sorta glance at the individual charts (green good, red bad, orange caution) and then I do the same thing with the synastry charts. More green than red, we’re all set; lots of red, hrmm, is that disasterous red or annoying red? Annoying red? Ok, all set! ‘He will annoy you a lot, but he likes you.’

    And then I say whatever I have to say and then the person goes and does whatever it was they were gonna do anyways. 😉

    [‘Complete waste of time, but they often seem to feel better. Or not.’]

  7. Like Max said . . . start with natal charts to see if the person even is interested in being in a relationship, look over the synastry of the personal planets, look for double-whammies (same planets aspecting each other from both charts) and check for outer planets messing about.

    The composite chart describes the relationship and only is viable if all parties have good birth times. And my experience supports what John Townley says, and that is composite charts are more accurate the longer the relationship lasts.

    I can’t stress enough the importance looking at the natal charts first. The greatest synastry ever is going to be null and void if person A runs away at the slightest hint of the “C” word – commitment.

    and that’s my two cents worth! 😀

  8. Im not an astrologger but this what I do from what I’ve learnt. I look at the individual charts first (what type of person is this) and then I have a quick glance at chart comparsion (eg Moon, Venus, Sun ect)I will check house synastry if I know birth times. However I think mostly I look for recurring patterns or themes in a chart both in the individual charts and in the synastry between the two people.

    I dont do composite only because I dont feel I dont know much about it to give accurate or proper insight however I still look at it when I do it for me personally

  9. I dont do composite only because I dont feel I dont know much about it to give accurate or proper insight

    I read it like it’s a person, and the person has a relationship to the two people actually involved.

    The greatest synastry ever is going to be null and void if person A runs away at the slightest hint of the “C” word – commitment.

    We are totally the same person.

    [‘How’d that happen?’]

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