Saturn & Pluto Conjunct My Capricorn Ascendant

I wrote this in June, 2019. I want to update it, because it’s just so intense. I also hope it benefits my fellow Capricorn risings, at the later degrees, because we’re really in for it.  Here’s the original post:

Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn are currently conjunct my ascendant in the sign. It’s quite intense.  I see that I am under construction (as I decay)!

But so is my family (4th house), my partner(s) (7th house) and my career (10th house).  It’s like making manure.  You just keep turning the pile. Eventually it’s ready. I don’t enjoy this process but I’m familiar with it and it is interesting.

For one thing, my prodigal daughter returned.  She left with Jupiter in Sagittarius, literally told me that she was “traveling”. Twelve years later, she’s back. We talk several times a week. Some conversations are short and maybe even shallow, but this is because the day or the week before, we got into something intense.  The pile was stirred and it has to rest.

Anyway, it’s not painful on either side. But this is something we have to reckon with.

For the record, she has Pluto conjunct her ascendant in Scorpio so she’s right in there… even with me, I’d say.  My point is, it doesn’t hurt, but the loss is harsh on both sides. We can never get that time back. It used to me my loss but now it’s hers in many ways. This doesn’t help me. No one likes to see their child struggle.  Just, no.

My son is also having to reckon with a number of things… with more to come.  So I’m standing here at the parent; how did I do?  I have to judge this. No one else can. Same with my marriage, to which I am so deeply committed.  And this blog! I have to reckon with it as well.

This is my personal, Cardinal Crush and I don’t know how I’m going to come through it. I expect I will, but I don’t know what’s going to be left of me.

I am isolated at this time, unsurprisingly. No one likes to rot in public!  I’m losing weight.

Then I wrote this in August, 2019:

Losing Weight With Saturn In Capricorn

To update, September, 2019, I got on the scale today, after a month of avoiding it. I was expecting to see a small gain. Instead I found that I’d lost another five pounds.  I haven’t bought any new clothes. At this point, I don’t think I will because I’m pretty sure I’m going to lose more weight… probably rapidly.

I used to be pretty small, and packing a punch. My friend, Ben, compared me to a caper! (Short video about Pluto turning direct.)  Small and potent.

Between hormones, Lupus, steroids I had to take over these last years, I had this weight gain. I really thought it was permanent but now I see that I am returning to my natural state.

Do you have a mid to late degree Capricorn rising? How are you faring with this transit?

79 thoughts on “Saturn & Pluto Conjunct My Capricorn Ascendant”

  1. Dear Elsa!
    I hope you will just transform and regenerate! I wish you all the best!
    Be well

  2. Things usually make more sense when these 2 planets go into your 1st house as opposed to being conjunct from the shadows of the 12th but on the rising they will still be visible. This post was very libra-like though, taking in consideration all the cardinal angles and implications. I’d say to focus on 1st house first because you can’t solve stuff when you are not watching more over your body and health. Just remembering some other posts about your health in general. I read those with interest because I’m also a middle degree capricorn rising and dominant stellium there with derived health issues starting the transiting cardinal grand cross from a few years back. – body// and self under construction fits like a glove- Wishing you health and strenght ~

  3. Intense indeed! My ASC is 2 degrees Cap. When Pluto crossed the ASC, I had a major health crisis and nearly died. When Saturn stationed my ASC last year, the isolation and depression were horrible. Jupiter transit the 12th doesn’t really help matters, even though it’s in its home sign.

    A totally new life philosophy is in order, I think. It’s ok to be scared but we gotta turn around and actually look at what is chasing us. I recently saw an article in a home magazine recommending a cleaning practice where you compile of the junk in your house into one big pile and then sort it. If it’s in the way, out in the open, you gotta sort through it, you can’t ignore it. I laughed because Saturn/Pluto in the first feels a lot like this. It’s important to really go through the pile and, as you’ve said, purge beliefs or honor them by putting them on display in the proper Cardinal house.

    1. Nicole – The Cap Pluto/Saturn conjunction is currently in my 12H. I recently purged my overflowing clothes closet. I knew I was simply procrastinating (Saturn) and didn’t want to admit (Pluto) that the clothes didn’t fit me anymore. This process was both shocking and cleansing. Now, I actually feel good walking into my closet after facing those 12H shadows.

      1. That is such a fantastic analogy of cleaning out that 12th house! I feel (intuitive gifts coming out now) like you were not just holding onto garments, you were holding onto career and events/accolades/experiences surrounding your career growth and learning. We do need to face that the past is gone and it’s ok to let go, it’s ok to evolve and not need that “security” anymore. ❤

    2. wow. I have my pluto conjunct 23 Virgo. The saturn pluto conjunction falls in my fourth. I live on someones property with too much stuff. My role is to go through their pile. Selfless service and my north node in pisces in the sixth. Glad you shared . The perspective is validating.

  4. Yes! I also have a child with Pluto conjunct ascendant.

    I’m pretty sure I’m in it but I’m not sure which way it’s going to go.

    “It’s like making manure. You just keep turning the pile. Eventually it’s ready.”

    This is sort of reassuring, I guess. I am doing stuff it just seems quite slow

  5. Hi. My long term relationship partner has this transit with Pluto’s retrograde motion meaning the planet cuts over and back and over his Ascendant again. He’s going through a very deep and difficult transformation. It’s not easy to experience from outside.

  6. Hubby became a hermit his last 5 years. This was strange to me as he was such a social person..Now I get it. No one wants to rot in public. Thanks Elsa. I pray for your regeneration, to come out strong and healthy.

  7. I well remember when Saturn was conjunct my Ascendant in Leo, and I still wanted to hide (and lost about 30 pounds without trying). Take care of you. (((hugs)))

  8. Huge, huge, huge hugs.

    I know you offer people hope and clarity and honest opinions. But if you ever need to just talk and be really heard, a single email will do. I promise to virtually hold your hand across the puddle between our two continents and just listen. You have my details.

    (Cap Neptune, Jupiter, Venus, Vertex and Moon in 4th/5th house here). Virgo ascendents are the best friends you never know you needed. 🙂

  9. Saturn shrinks what it touches… it did so to me when it transited my libra 6th. Now what you shared really got mw feeling bad for myself, but good for you. You are a fighter and that is no small deal. I agree with X-rayed. First look after number 1. Your kids are their own person with their own burdens to shoulder. They were born of you but they are souls with their own paths to take and experiences to learn from. It probably is counter-intuitive for a parent (im not one but ive gone through this with my mom) but most of the times with adult kids all you can possibly do and that is actually invaluable (for the time being and afterwards when the sun shines again) is to “hold space” for them when they need it. It seems thats what you are doing already. Do not give up on your loved ones but give THEM up to god. Blessings Elsa and thank you for sharing. I think i needed to feel humbled today.

    1. Oh, I’m not giving up on anyone. It’s just that my kids are adults and Saturn in Capricorn is Saturn in Capricorn – school of hard knocks. And I can’t run in and save either one of them. Boundaries.

      They are both doing exceptionally well with their respective struggles. I just hate to have to stand there and watch this. But I have to, otherwise I will deprive them of these tests of their maturity. There is no easy way, to actually GROW UP.

  10. I’m catching the flip side, with my 20d Cancer ascendant. My family has been visiting for the past 10 days… which has been busy, but nice. I’m finishing my 3 month-long Master Gardener class tomorrow. Today I completed 6 weeks of physical therapy for low back pain. I have also been using a new adjustable height desk and a Swissball for working on my computer. Going to a college friend’s wedding this weekend, which will be interesting. I just can’t wait until next week when I should be able to focus on projects and get shit done.

  11. You got this sissy didn’t you ever hear your daughter your daughter your daughters for life your sons your son till he gets him a wife I wish I were strong right now I’ve been hitting homers but I’m weak,I think money but I have sons and grands and animals work customers clients; lonely? Shouldn’t be a by product but that’s what I feel I’m floating again inside and I want this to pass fast I don’t want to worry about but it is heavy inside my head and heart my whole body aches I feel so little; I am thinking to go to the pond tomorrow to dig clams
    Hoping it will swoosh stuff out of me, you got this girl

  12. As always you’re spot on for the “No one likes to rot in public”

    Ha, that was like coin smacking me right on the head and it dawned on me why everyone keep talking about why you will either feel secluded or take a seclusioinal period while the 12th house stuff is stirred and piled up/turned like manure. Makes so much sense now actually, even if Pluto has been transitting there for quite some time now. It feels like an eternity, but in reality it’s perhaps 5-7 years or so.

    When Pluto is finally getting out of this area, he will square my natal Saturn/Pluto conjunction in the 8th. I am *NOT* looking forward to this. This will mean the end of all relationships without soul growth I guess. Not gonna lie, it scares the bejeezus out of me. Better work on dem soul connections, right?!

  13. That’s all making it’s way past my descendant into my 8th house, trying to launch my kids, while watching my dad die and knowing I should call my own mother who I haven’t talked to in 6 months, but that I really have nothing else to say since her husband told me my kids were not welcome in his house any longer since they don’t agree with his opinions anymore. But watching my children struggle is the absolute worse! Maybe that’s why birds and reptiles tend not to watch their children hatch – they can’t help and the struggle is real. Hugs to you Elsa!

    1. I think that’s precisely the *problem* (fright)… as in, WE, our shoulders, have (got) this weight of responsibility on us…..( or maybe it’s just because I have nataly, Saturn (my chart ruler) in the 7th house, frickin’ aspecting everything in my chart as does Pluto).

      Maybe, literally, all the crap that might come up will be ours to solve and sort, and fight. As in, we got this -battle- it is ours. Perhaps maybe our time to shine? Show ‘em what we’re really made out of? …are we really made out of the stuff we think or hope?

      No one wants to perish like a fading horse, but it is so also that at the very least, if you die in battle, you don’t want to do so without honor. I don’t think what we want has any effect on what will be, unless maybe we really put forth the bravest of effort…then again, that hope might be fantasy. Perhaps all there is to learn is humility and to be humbled.

      In any respect, I think we Cappy ascendants being hit tight by this Saturn Pluto conjunction should start a support group online. Could be illuminating and helpful!

        1. I like that idea…just not sure how to get it up and going. Do I register first then just start the thread?

          Thanks for the message board. All these conversations have been helpful.

              1. Hello Ellen:-)
                We are all alone
                Do you have family members ?
                They must love you dearly
                Only that matters
                People come and go, as you know
                Cancer time is always so f…ed up for me I noticed… Every single summer of my life I feel lonely . These oppositions to our Cap are brutal.
                Maybe now it will ease up Ellen , please don’t stop believing . Use that lonely , shit time to build your inner-self to hold on to it tightly , when we enter these rough, lonely waters.
                Fuck loneliness .
                I was walking today home from work and I was dwelling of how many people are lonely nowadays. Millions. So sad . We should be gathering , laughing , social cooking , exchanging ideas ets. Together .
                I see you Ellen. I know your existence now. I feel you.
                I hope somebody wonderful will enter your life, to share moments that you crave for .
                Write to somebody
                Use social apps
                Fight !
                Fuck the loneliness .
                Show loneliness where it can go!

  14. Geez. I hope you will make it through alright. I have a few friends w/ it in their 1st house, too, but well past their Rising degree. I have it in my 10th house. Saturn will be leaving the 10th in Jan., so will Pluto first time in years, since 09. I know changes are coming. I want to retire early and do something else for one thing. Lots of different scenarios in my head, whirling around. It’s a liminal space for many right now.

  15. Squaring my Sun/MC at 17 and 15. I dont know how Im doing, except that Im better than I was. I dont feel like I have a lot of choices, which is good and bad, right? The road narrows, and its easier to see where you need to go, but theres a grieving process every time one path is blocked.

    At this point, I dont give a shit where I rot, or who I offend, so thats kind of freeing. I hid for a long time, and Im not judging my past self or anyone else, for staying private. I just realized after years of this Pluto transit that I need help. I need friends. I might or might not get it if I expressed it, but Im guaranteed to not get it, if I don’t.

    1. It’s squaring my progressed sun and Mc and in my progressed first house but it’s really happening in my whole sign third house. What you say, libra noir, resonates with me. I need friends too…desperately. I don’t have a single real friend. I read somewhere about the Saturn/pluto in cap going through the third as having something important to say…not sure about that right now because my words have recently(mercury conjunct north node transit a few days ago) got me in trouble. My husband likes the expression, “a closed mouth doesn’t get fed”. He reminds me I’ve closed myself off to people. I truly feel not good at connecting anymore. I don’t know what to say. I don’t want to rot in public either. For me, this Saturn pluto in cap has been building my anxiety about my public standing. Already a hermit but teetering on the verge of agoraphobia.

      1. Yikes! That’s rough.

        I’m just hanging back with Jupiter and Saturn Rx. Gardening. But planning to leave veggies for people at their door, rather than visit. And I think I may need another hip replacement, if so I’ll do that in the fall and just sort of emerge next spring.

        I call people, though and they call me. And we do have people visit, pretty routinely. We don’t have dinner parties like we used to but we do have close friends or family stop by. And I go to lunch with friend as well. Once a month, more or less.

        1. Oh wow, I just remembered you said something about not emerging until 2020 (maybe I’m wrong). When Pluto crossed my Ascendant for the last time it was like that scene in Twister. The one where a family opens the door to their storm cellar and cautiously makes their way out into the daylight sun after a huge tornado leaves the area.

        2. Progressed ascendant conjunct neptune and south node is just awful right now. I want to evaporate. It’s bringing up powerful sad memories being triggered by current circumstances. Thank you, Elsa, for your blog. Your words make me feel comfortable and understood. I need that right now. Scorpio rising, saturn in Scorpio, sun in Pisces conjunct IC, and a moon in libra.
          Emerging next spring sounds great. I’m going to have to steal your idea. I could take some time and hibernate.

      2. I was verging on agoraphobia too, until about 8 months ago. At some point I couldnt even stand being with myself. Scary. I was compelled to seek friendship. Even if they cant help, its been good for me to tell another human being what was going on inside of me.
        I was never one to lean on others for support, until the only other option was a dark dark place.

  16. I never realized Saturn shrinks what it touches. I was down to 110 pounds when Saturn was transiting my ascendant in Sag. Nonetheless I feel u are going to be ok. Just a month ago we were focusing on the miracle of having your daughter back in your life. Focus on that and not the void of missing space u both carry within for being apart those years. It is no longer that way. Thanks goodness she is back and a Phone call away. I bet she knew she needed her mom.

  17. I’m the opposite — it’s all happening nearly at my DSC/Saturn conjunction (15 and 13 Cap respectively). It’s a momentous time for me — am leaving job and city to move and start fresh elsewhere. Sick of the job, sick of this state with its politics I loathe, sick of living an incomplete life, sad about hard changes in some important relationships, very sad losing my mom, shaken by a serious cancer diagnosis though so far so good re remission.

    I’ve been living a tamped-down life, holding still to try to weather it all. Pluto and then Saturn went over natal 3 Cap moon in there, didn’t help. I’ve changed; or it’s more than mostly survived with the hard inner core of me.

    I’m really feeling positive though about getting unstuck, moving the plot along. In stark contrast to your current experience, maybe the difference between it happening on my DSC versus yours at ASC?.

    I wish you luck through it all.

  18. My nSun 22:45 Cap.

    A few circumstances in your post are tracking the same for me. Most majorly my son who was given for adoption at his birth in 1970, decided to move 15 minutes away, with his mom (mom is his adopted mom) when Sun entered Cap. That is just one of a number of extreme issues this aspect is supporting. Notable is his nMars oppose my nSun 30 min and my nMars exact conj his Aqu Asc.

    Interesting event, a few weeks ago Pluto rx conj nSun, Saturn rx sq my nNeptune. These transits happened within 1 minute. I fractured a tooth which was the last support tooth for my partial. I expect an upper denture is likely before the completion of transit Pluto conj nSun. Many years ago an older Astrologer mentioned to me Pluto to Saturn as related to major loss of teeth.

    Along the way to the final conjunction, tSaturn will conj tPluto at 22:47 Cap about 18 hours b4 my 2020 solar return, with Ceres at 22:34. My nCeres is 25 Cap. tMerc will be 24:32 at the return.

    Quite a lineup. Would love to discuss and share our perceptions and perspectives, if you are interested. I am not wanting advice or a reading, my interests are in the synchronicity I am seeing revealed in your post, and anything else we may discover in this most transformative type of configuration that we are both experiencing. As an Astrologer, I have never been more interested in a conversation with another Astrologer sharing similar potency.

    How close to my Sun is your Asc?

  19. My current theme in this endless sea of unknown time and place as I starve and shed is “detached emotion”. Even though I know not where I am or where I am going I feel focused, have goals and romantic interests are of the I don’t really care kind (thank Gawd I am single right now going through this!!). I have lost weight, I am quitting tobacco, eating healthier than ever before, addicted to working out and all of my past obsessions/jealousy/anger/want/need with the opposite sex has faded away gence the “detached emotion”.

  20. omg i thought she had died… or something… from how suddenly i stopped hearing about her.
    i’m glad to hear otherwise. she really shone in your writing about her, back when.

  21. I have been going through a Pluto transit For five years now. I have Sun at 12° Capricorn and ascendant at 17° Capricorn. I am also an astrologer but even having knowledge of the effects of this transit it has been difficult. One of the most challenging periods of my life. When transiting Pluto hit my sun I was going through a breakup after a two year marriage to a verbally abusive man. This was my fourth divorce. I moved in with my father temporarily he was 92 years old at the time. We had always had a love hate relationship because of his anger and controlling issues. This was a hard move for me but turned into a life-changing experience. He became ill shortly after I moved in and I ended up living there for three years. Pluto had left my sun but was starting to transit my ascendant. As Pluto was retrograding I moved him into an assisted living home and begin to renovate his house to sell by myself. Meanwhile transiting Saturn was opposing my moon at 2° cancer. I spent a lot of time trying to control my emotions which were off the chart. I then moved back into a house I owned and begin to renovate that for a year. When Saturn made its last pass opposing my moon my father passed away. The positive part is that we bonded after a lifetime of strife. When Saturn began to transit my ascendant I put my house up for sale and decided to move from the south to the north to be near my daughter and grandchildren after living in the same state for over 40 years. Talk about transformation. I now live an hour from my daughter but I know no one in the area I’m living in. I find that I am having to push myself to be more aggressive, which is not my nature. The Pluto transit was definitely the destruction of everything I’ve known for quite a while and now I’m going through the rebirth. Quite an interesting journey at 69 years old.

  22. Im a 29 degree Capricorn ascendant with Chiron at 24 degrees Capricorn – 12th house. Really curious about the upcoming conjunction of Saturn and Pluto near my Chiron! I have been feeling lonely and isolated in a way I’ve never experienced and not connected to the beautiful place I live. My inner guidance doesn’t seem to be supplying me with answers about what I would like to do next. I’m hoping that when Saturn and Pluto enter my 1st I’ll get some clarity and direction. For now I’m loving myself, grounding, and waiting.

  23. Me too! I was 10-12lb over my normal weight after having a baby in late 2017. By 2018 I thought this was my new weight. I wasn’t doing anything differently. Now as Saturn nears my ascendant I’m close to my pre baby weight and dropping. Honestly no big change in my eating habits! I also started wearing eyeliner again and feel like it’s my daily war paint

  24. I have a capricorn ascendant, I also have saturn conjuct with the ASC.

    Currently Pluto / Saturn are passing and returning on my ASC and saturn included.

    And to clarify I am Saturn / Pluto Dominant, with stellium in scorpio 10th house and stellium in capricorn (uranus, neptune, saturn)

    Can you imagine all these transits? Ok .. I have noticed a change in my brutal life, My previous 28 years of age were unconscious along with the entire dark side of Scorpio and Capricorn. This transit was my resurrection, I was bottoming out, it was the moment where my mind finally woke up and I began to see everything bad that I did in the past. Now I am in a healing process. I had a spiritual awakening (neptune transits conjunct my pisces moon) That yes … I am currently a hermitanio but it will be for a while until it heals my mind and soul.

    I think this traffic is currently not being bad because it really had already hit bottom.

  25. Asc in Date got an offer to move to France. He is moving. I am left alone again. This time is different though. I am more laughing at my loneliness face. Yes, it does bother me, but I have no fear of it. I don’t obsess to find a new partner.I would like to be romantically involved but something now is telling me : not now,observe. So I withdrew. I am less talkative at work with my mates. I stopped joking , kind of losing my sens of humor. I just don’t bother. I work harder. I am moving to my new flat. I packed everything by myself. I feel incredible endurance .I can feel sth poweeful is happening in me. I am working out but not more then usual. I haven’t changed my appearance. I am still very much the same,but eternally I feel darker , I choose not to entertain anyone with my presence. I listen to many podcasts about mindfulness etc. sth is really changing. Am I going to be a Hermit , from now on? Maybe.

  26. I had Pluto on my angles twice cause I’m a 7 deg Libra AC. My Mars is at 7 cancer so it is extra action-sex-power related.
    The grand cross 12-14 with Uranus was the latest hit.
    I’m what some astrologers call an outer-planet person.
    I don’t want to step into details about what happend. First because it’s past and second because it’s individual and will not happen to others in the same way.
    I just want to say, that we can handle way more than we can think.
    And there is this strange saying that ‘what doesn’t kill us, makes us stronger’.
    I don’t like this to be true, but it is reality.
    And yes. I’m one of those having the upcoming Pluto-Saturn conjunction in my 4th house. And yes. They packed a punch.
    It will take away. I will build. I feel it is preparing me for having these two guys opposite my sun next.
    Surrender, trust and build.
    I like Elsas saying and will repeat it: may we all get through this together.
    Or in other words: may the force be with us. ????

  27. First of all, thank you for starting this thread; it has been interesting reading all of the accounts of others’ journeys.

    For me, Pluto conjuncting my ascendant started last year – 19 Capricorn. Now Saturn is hanging out as well, and Uranus has joined the party conjuncting my Sun, Mercury Jupiter, that are very early Taurus. Whew! Sun Conjunct Jupiter, I am forever optimistic! And while I didn’t expect this to be easy, I did think it would be “necessary” and empowering. Necessary, maybe, but what followed has finally brought me to my knees.

    When Pluto first hit my ascendant my soulmate died quite suddenly. This was the one person I was closer to than anyone in the world. We knew each other a little more than 20 years. At the same time my best friend died and even my therapist. Over the course of the next 10 months friends & family continued to die one by one…. I’m only 50 FYI. I’ve lived in many different countries and consequently my friends have been very spread out. Now, I only have one friend left alive that I have known for more than 4 years and she is in another country.

    Then there are the financial issues – I have suddenly become the target for cyber crimes, accounts stollen, hackers demanding bitcoin, and clients and contracts lost as a result. Another major client demanded sexual favors and refused to pay when I didn’t comply. He then threatened to bring charges against me saying that he would claim I continually propositioned him and was “soliciting”. Since I wasn’t born in the US such claims would threaten my legal status. He’s married, I’m kind of a Barbie-doll looking blonde. I’ve also been the victim of fraud, twice. Overall, with all of these things my income has dropped a little more than 75%, I’m tied up in legal battles, that I can no longer afford to pursue, over each one of these issues individually, and all of the people I would have called friends have vanished. Isolating? Yes.

    Am I being rebuilt? I don’t know. Sure doesn’t feel like that. It has emotionally and financially devastating to the point of food becoming a luxury. I am what people usually refer to as ‘elegant and refined’; well-educated, well-read. I grew up in housing projects and have always had to fight very hard for every win in life. Also, my name is Phoenix, and I have Moon in Scorpio so I’m no stranger to the death/rebirth cycle, and didn’t expect this to be easy, but also, could never have imagined anything like this.

    If I make it through, I’ll let you all know. And sending much love to anyone else who is trying to make their way through this.

  28. Thanks Elsa. I’ve been reading your blog for years… absolutely love it… always resonates. My best friend was an astrologer as well and yours was one of her favs. Thank you for all that you do and the community you create. xo

  29. Hello:-) Just wanted to see how everybody is doing? We are in November now. How do you endure skin shedding my dear cap ascendents? I am still very isolated. I had romantic interest , but I denied . I just can’t feel… Its scary. I tried to have conversations but feels so dry. Instead I keep reading and getting wrapped up on my sofa like in the cocoon. Working harder then ever . How are you all doing ? Is the sky getting clearer? Are you looking forward for finale in January?

  30. Hi, I have Cap Rising at 22°. I also have a 21° Aries sun. In the last year and a half I have shacked up with someone that’s probably not great for me and turned into a hermit. Completely lost interest in my community or being social at all. Never see my friends anymore.,Completely derailed my career. I’m down to working part time for people that worked part time for me after not working for nine months. My father (we were close) died. I moved twice, packed and moved all by myself. I had a house fall out of escrow (twice!) and recently sold a condo and decided to buy an off grid house with 20 acres in a totally different state. CA to NM. It’s in the middle of nowhere. In the last two years I had gained a lot of weight from stress and overeating and now I’m jumping on the keto bandwagon And seeing some progress. Pretty much every aspect of my life has changed. I’m definitely fearful of the Saturn/Pluto/Jupiter conjunction in my first house and Saturn square Sun BUT….as I’ve already lost/changed everything I’m not sure what else is left to go. But this also makes me worry about my health in the first house maybe?? Since Pluto is death AND rebirth do things start to get better at the end of the transit? I do feel like I’ve been rebuilt with Teflon at this point but I might have a bit of PTSD from all this sh*t. Does anyone know how long it usually takes after an exact hit for things to get better? And FYI I’m surprisingly in a decent mood. Thanks for any insight

    1. Wowwww , welcome on Keto mate! I gained around 2017 and since Saturn is sitting on my 17:55 cap asc ,I felt I need to disappear a bit in all sense , physically too. So I have started to work out, moreover I deny myself sugar and struggling but in the same time deriving pleasure . Hermit and moved to a new place. I am feeling with you.

    2. Btw. I have also PTSD after totally stripping me naked Saturn in 12th in recent years etc , but I kind of feel so worn out , that i am even feeling excited what else is there and more optimistic about Pl Sat and Jup coming together . I kind of feel that we will be spreading these dark and wounded wings and show now how we toughen up but in a positive way. After all that hit and run by these planets in 12th , now in 1st I think we will just show what’s left from us and what are we made of now and I have one word that comes to my mind- Power

  31. Wow, Adriana yeah ok! I like this way of thinking. Definitely sounds like the plot of any netflix supernatural/superhero show, I’m in. Sign me up.

  32. Thanks for making this page! Awesome to read this stuff. I’m 22′ 35″ Capricorn ascendant and man what a journey life has been since 2012. For most of my life (I’m 24 now) I have not truly known myself and really had been limiting myself in so many ways. I struggled with depression for almost two years until I found astrology. I’ve been very blessed this year to have found my faith again (my jupiter returned in sag) and I was able to come closer to my 9th house north node destiny. Although the change has been hard the universe has really been rewarding me. Around the summer of 2018 I felt I got a glimpse of the person I was to become after this transit and really learned I was not ready to be that person. Things started to fall apart and I immediately got into my first relationship. But at that point I was still at a high with my confidence and life in general. And I finally had a boyfriend which I had wanted for so long. Well the relationship moved so fast and it was definitely a twin flame type of love. I really lost myself in the relationship and I started to really see how my whole life I have lost myself in people and that’s why I didn’t know me. I learned so much about myself and where I needed to go and I started to do things without a plan. So unlike me. I usually research and plan but I quit my job at the end of March 2019. I knew I didn’t want to be an accountant anymore and that I needed more passion in my career but I had no plans. I ended up staying part time getting paid more on a temp contract until they could hire someone new. It gave me the time I needed. Then when i trained the new person I ended up getting approved for unemployment giving me even more time to make changes in my life. The relationship ended and although it was hard it has freed me in a lot of ways to finally go for it. I feel like I have so embraced the changes this year and a lot of it has to do with faith. I really don’t know exactly where I am going but I know what doesn’t work and I need to remove that from my life. In a sense With pluto energy what doesn’t work must die before it can be reborn into something new. And we will never know what will be reborn from the ashes until it happens. So I’ve been very very grateful for the jupiter in sag transit really blessing me with luck and faith as I expand my world. The more faith you have that the universe has your back and that overall this change is good, the easier it will be to kill what no longer works in your life even if you don’t know what will happen next. I’ve learned to not be so attached to the outcome but really attached to why I’m doing something or what it means to me and just trusting that the universe will lead me where I need to be. I’m really learning to relinquish my need for control because it has been limiting me my whole life. It is going to open my life up to something deeper, where I’m no longer afraid and fear is no longer holding me back either. So if there is any advice I can give it is just to trust yourself and the universe. You always land on your feet and the more you are willing to give up in your life the more you are opening yourself up to better opportunities.

    1. Love this and really resonate with the need to relinquish control and trust. Big Pluto issues. It’s a great balance and though you are young for this you seem very well equipped and aware. Yore doing great love, thanks for speaking X

  33. Hi, I am Michelle, I have ascendant at 21 49 of Capricorn which has been rectified from 23 20 Cap. So I am using the Pluto transit to sort of be sure of the exact degree of ascendant. I am getting more sure that it is the earlier one but we shall see. Like many of you I have had 12 to 14 years of the 12th house Pluto transit. I was very ill with Trigeminal Neuralgia for the first 8 years. This was cured on the alternative health system and forced me to work less and mainly from home, so in the 12th house cave. Then my dad died and my son became schizophrenic and seriously violent in his pain and confusion and I hid even more to protect myself. It took 5 or 6 years here in UK to get proper mental health support for my son and he was sectioned in hospital a year ago and for the first time had treatment. In November of this year he came out of section into a halfway house that I fought for with the authorities and we are beginning to build a healthier relationship with each other. I have been in training as a medicine woman for the past two years and this has been a great support to research and confront the 12th house shadow and to deal with the endless sorrow of apparently losing my son. Last week when Pluto hit 21 20 of Capricorn my mother telephoned to tell me she was disinheriting me because of a dispute we had over a narcissistic ex boyfriend exactly a year ago (When my son was sectioned) and at the time I went into therapy with a specialist in NPD abuse and, of course located my mum as the primary source. She actually disinherited me then, a year ago, and waited till now to tell me and has spent a year telling me I should phone more often and not cut off from my family and stop being with the medicine teachings as she sees it as a cult. I have navigated this as consciously as possible with love and firm boundaries supported by the therapy (12th house) and medicine teachers (Shadow work) and by letting go of expectations from family connections. My moon is at 22 Taurus so trine to the ascendant and the current triple conjunction of Saturn Venus Pluto on the ascendant. And here is the beauty. On the same day my mum landed the bombshell on me, earlier in the day, I had been sick for a week following a strong medicine teaching and decided to sit in not doing until and impulse arose. I suddenly found myself contacting my local dive centre and enrolling to continue my dive training which I had abandoned 23 years previously when I became a mother and went into overwhelm. Then 4 hours later I was disinherited. All night long I held on to the nugget of I am renting Mother Ocean, my beautiful secret and felt a quiet joy. Of course the next morning I wept over the loss of support from my own mum and have cried over one thing or another ever since, including baby animals on the internet. But the symbols are clear even if the understanding isn’t yet. Mothers, Emotions, Safety or not, And with Pluto and then Venus and Saturn entering the first house its pretty much over. The 12th house cycle has deepened me massively I have learned to the unlovable and also to protect myself and my secret nuggets at the same time. To cherish solitude and the gift of time to really really process deep issues and bring them home to myself and heal them rather than denying myself that power by accusing others and not transforming-that was hard. Don’t get me wrong Im packing myself about being totally self reliant physically and emotionally but I now see it as possible and and credible. I don’t feel stronger but I know I am. Weird that one. And I love in a really solid and truthful way now that is not as attached to a need for support or gratification, don’t know how that happened but I am glad of it. Its a true freedom. Tonight is the full moon quincunx this stellium transiting my ascendant and yes I am uncomfortable and wobbly, but kind of relaxed and accepting at the same time, relieved almost. I am looking forward to the Pluto transit of my first house, which is 2 signs so its gonna be a long one and I guess I must need that face on the world transformation. I have been reading this thread for the past year or so and it has been scary and heart strengthening all at the same time. I have lost much in this transit but lets face it it needed to go and I had to accept that. I love that I got to be alone with myself, thats what really got me through and actually I am scared of the coming out but its attached to a deep love with the diving so that will help drive me. Thanks, it has really helped me to be in contact with your processes over the past year and its helped me to understand some of my own journey. Sorry its such a long one, I think I was probably pent up. Much Love to you all and It’s gonna be alright, you’re gonna be fine. Michelle Dancing Moon X

  34. “Ilove in a really solid and truthful way now that is not as attached to a need for support or gratification, don’t know how that happened but I am glad of it. Its a true freedom”
    Bravo Michelle
    Welcome to true power
    This is exactly what I have gathered from pains of this looooooong journey. Always wanted someone to rescue me with or without love.
    This is over now .
    We are like gladiators , honestly and now we are free.
    Let’s get whatever we were terrified to reach for .
    The power is with us now .
    Big hug to you.
    You are not alone

  35. I have had Pluto in my 12th since 2007. I have had a nervous breakdown, gone back to school, moved across the country, traveled the west coast with my new career, come back home, career dying now, friends falling by the wayside, living with someone with severe PTSD (not a partner just a roommate), stepfather died. There are currently 5 planets having a house party in my 12th; sun, Mercury, Jupiter and the Pluto/ Saturn conjunction which is just a few degrees away from my ascendant. Pluto retrograde has been moving back and forth over my ascendant and feels like being caught in a rip tide and being pummeled by heavy waves I can’t escape. I feel empty and isolated, no emotional content within me right now. I’m grateful for this blog because I’ve been beating myself up for isolating myself, and for everything else. Relationship with my daughter is very rocky and she is frequently mad at me for me being me. I’m not a horrible person or anything, she has mental health issues. Also we had to bring her dad to a long term care facility for dementia (he’s only 61) the day after I moved back home because he was found wandering. There is so much more to all of the above and I can’t even begin to explain it. I feel like I’m in Plato’s cave, just a shadow of a person. I’ve gained 30 pounds in the last few years so am hoping that when Saturn hits my first house I might lose it. I feel heavy in every way and am excruciatingly uncomfortable on all levels, like I’m wearing a hair shirt or carrying a cross in my back, lol. I’m terrified of what is to come with this next transit in my ascendant again, and then having it in my first house. One really good thing was having my car totaled in an accident (nobody was hurt, besides some knee pain- Capricorn!)that wasn’t my fault. The other guys insurance paid off my predatory car loan and I got a better car, a new bank and a lower monthly payment. I’m still scared. Hugs to you all and thanks for this blog.

  36. Wow, thank all of you for sharing!
    This big conjunction of Saturn and Pluto is happening dead on my ascendant… (also conj natal Uranus/Neptune)… it’s almost hilarious just how crazy 12H got. Was about to be head to grad school, fancy car/house/bf/pets. I was using psychedelics so of course things got weird, but all I will say is out of nowhere 4 pets disappear, someone else totals my car, leave abusive/demonic relationship, mother refused to help despite her empire, so I end up homeless/carless and disassociated out of my body (for years) of which caused me to drop out mid last semester bc I found out the research team I was working for was helping neural networks of drones (yet I thought I was a social justice warrior). End up traveling for past 4-5 years, sometimes just with a backpack, as a young female alone all over the US, everything has been STRAIGHT MYSTIC, constant synchronicities!! I currently live in the most 12H town in America, Crestone, home of the most spiritual retreat centers and supernatural events (San Luis Valley). And often I would end up accidently hanging near asylums or “the crazy ppl park” while traveling. All pretty hilarious, but gnarly, lots of dark dark creepy street life/desert life/mountain life stuff/ multi dimensional jokes coming from the subconscious!
    But now Saturn Pluto conjunction and my sun, Jupiter, mercury, ceres, all together moving into the 1st, Im trying not to be egotistical and wonder about my body but lol Im 26 and my bones are brittle/have to realign spine all day, worried but still just trying to be patient and do the best I can with what I’ve got. but Ive been dancing super hard/super sexy and def can feel a fearless phoenix brewing, no matter what Im ready for the next cosmic adventure!

  37. This is strange about the pets… So I am a Cap Rising at 26 degrees and while the Saturn/Pluto conjunction is not right on my ascendant, this is all in my 12th House and close to my ascendant and I lost my cat whom was a soul bond for me one day to a “freak” accident. Came home to find him dead on the living room floor due to being killed by some dogs that were at the house for dogsitting. I had th ecat for over 10 years and nothing like thi shas even came close to happening before. This happened on the Winter Solistice and around the time of the Dec eclipse.

  38. I have capricorn ascendant with mercury and mars conjunct on 21 degree of capricorn 😀 What can I say? I did not die-yet

  39. Cap. rising 24 degrees. This is STILL on ! All this 12 house Isolation, so this is the last hurrah? A Steven King Show. I never even read Steven King . I’d rather not know, but here we are. In lockdown. We need a couple miracles.

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    Robin Carpenter

    Hi all, I have Capricorn rising at 28.4 in my chart. Pluto has been going back and forth over my ascendant. When Saturn/Pluto conjunction happened in my 12th house, my father became deathly ill and I had to go back to where I grew up(Alabama)and ended up spending 18 months there getting him into a nursing home, closing out his horribly disgusted hoarder’s house and dealing with a culture which is filled with cruelty and racism. With Pluto going back and forth over my asc I became very ill while there (and they now suspect cancer) and my previously cured/addressed PTSD came screaming back. I was just able to return to California and am now navigating new doctors and returning to my home which was overrun by a rodent infestation. So after clearing out my Dad’s mess, I’m throwing most of my things in CA out. My husband went through this transit about 15 years ago and I
    watched him go through a harsh, but amazing transformation. I hold on to that and pray to be transformed in a way that I can accept with grace.

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