Saturn Transit Over The Descendent In Libra

This is for those with Saturn in the 6th house, in a rush to see it enter the 7th. From a consultation:

“This really is the last chance you get to fix thing before you go on a seven year climb to the peak of your career and relationship life. Your mistakes (or lack of mistakes) will be more and more visible as time passes. Don’t just use the time you have to edit. Cherish it because  using it wisely will help you succeed beyond a point you’ve never experienced before…”

Anyone else getting set for their debut when Saturn crosses their descendant?

14 thoughts on “Saturn Transit Over The Descendent In Libra”

  1. I had this, except moving from Aries to Taurus, in the late 90’s, and wish I’d done this. I was in my early twenties at the time.

  2. I had this when I was 12, and I did it all wrong, I did the exact opposite. While Saturn was in my 7th and onwards, I gradually made things worse for me. And suffered when it hit my MC.

  3. Alicia I think the fist step could be making a work/day-to-day life/health related commitment. Alicia considering your dream cafe–a business plan?? Research into how other entrepreneurs have done it–which you are already doing:)

    When Saturn hit my 6th I moved back from being overseas for 4 years, I got a job that I committed to keep for a year no matter what (I was not stable at all at that point). I remember doing 7 years of back taxes too (!) I also stopped indulging in drugs.
    Now Saturn is in my 10th and I’m still in the same workplace 10 years later but I’m planning on leaving permanently once I graduate from university and have something under my belt.

  4. @h.: I agree with you. Working in our goals sounds like a good start.
    I’m also working on my daily routine. I needed to make some changes so I could find some kind of balance, physically and mentally. I’m paying more attention on how to manage my time and workload, to get proper sleep, exercise, take some time off to decompress, stuff like that.

    Saturn is in my 6th now so when I read the post and it said this was the last chance to fix things, I was worried. But then I thought that, if I’m not mistaken, Saturn will only leave for the 7th around 2013/14, so there’s still time to figure it all out and get the job done.

    And I really, really want to get the job done right. I don’t want to upset Saturn.

    The lack of mistakes will be more visible? How so? Like putting us in situations we never experienced before?

  5. “…Like putting us in situations we never experienced before?”

    No necessarily. The change is that you are more visible. There is life before your debut…and life after and they are very distinct.

  6. Marta I think too, Saturn asks you to step up when you are faced with limitations. At that time I had a bad living situation and I was afraid to get my own apartment as I’d never done it before and the money seemed so big at the time. I hemmed and hawed and the situation went from bad to worse–I finally moved out into a cute little bachelor pad and I felt good about myself! Stuff like that builds confidence, so when it got to my 9th (and I was scared to go back to university to finish a degree)–I was able to feel more stable in my home life, so I went ahead and tackled the next thing.:)

  7. Right. Even though I was underweight and easily exhausted (this happened under the Saturn transit to my Ceres/Chiron/Sun in the 6th), and dealing Social Anxiety and agoraphobia, I wanted to take a chance on volunteering at a shelter that was a hop, skip and a jump from New Paltz, in the Hudson Valley (an animal sanctuary, actually). I’d just decided to (somehow) keep the pups that came along with my sister’s beautiful adopted dog, and thought that if I got that volunteer/intern job (living on the premises), I could take them with me, socialize them, and maybe move off into my own place after a while, helping there, and having it help me to situate myself where I wanted to be. (Win-win, right?) My mother freaked out on me, and told me that I was too good to be shovelling s**t of the horses at the sanctuary, bursting my bubble (I was 24, and excited by the whole idea). I ended up not going, and getting worse again… when she asked me if the placement was still available, it no longer was (that I knew of).

    I don’t know where Saturn was at that point, if it was in my 7th house and made it to squaring my MC and IC – I know it was in my 6th in 1997, because that’s when I lost all the weight (accidentally), was tired all the time, and stopped exercising for a while, and started to learn astrology, starting with finding out my chart at (December 1997).

  8. I don’t even know where to begin to use it wisely.Just go on my instincts I guess.I’m not terribly fond of the idea of being public.I’m on my way there anyway though,the Aries opposition has me fired up lol

  9. What do i do if Saturn is already in my 7th, virgo ruled, in fact smack in the middle of it. I dropped out of college while it traversed the last degrees of my 6Th. are some people just uber resistant to learning lessons? i never know what im supposed to do. sun in cancer in 5th, pisces ascendant, and natal saturn conjunct uranus conjunct mc. thanks for the heads up though, for the next time saturn does its thing.

  10. Debut??? That’s what happens when Saturn crosses the DSC?? Interesting!!!! and it sounds like much better news than what I was expecting;-)

    Saturn is rendezvousing with natal Pluto, Vertex & N.Node while transiting my 6th (which also happens to be 52 degrees BIG in Placidus) and the last 3 years of my life are turning out to be some of the most difficult I’ve ever experienced: diagnosed with 5 auto-immune diseases, being put on disability, losing my job and income from it, along with most of my friends and self-confidence….talk about being forced to learn some intense lessons!!!

    I think these first 3.5 years have shown me my mistakes and have been teaching me in a very painful way, what I need to do to reconcile my fears regarding my health and work situations. I know the battle’s not close to being over, but I think I at least have some semblance of a foot-hold on what I need to do to change. And with all my Neptune, I need all the clarity and vision I can get.

    I also have Uranus conj my DSC (which opposes Chiron, Venus & Mars on the ASC) so trying to think about how THAT will play into Saturn joining the party is a little overwhelming!!!! Saturn will conj my DSC exact on Nov 15, 2012 and Venus closely follows it up to conj exact on the 27th….I feel the need for a consultation coming on STRONG!!!!!

  11. I wonder if it means I should put my art-stuff out there full force,hmm.I have Saturn in the 7th natally,I also wonder if that makes it earlier.Just “thinking” aloud.

  12. It’s right now! Rx Saturn has just backed into my 6th where it was for ages. I was having minor health issues (slow digestion and some overall sluggishness in health) which all disappeared as if by magic when Saturn hit my Desc at 14Libra.
    I’ve never had a really tough time with Saturn but as it’s going over my Desc and I’m not all that clever in relationships I’m hoping something more solid regarding relationships might come to the fore. I’ve just met a complete jerk and realised he needed to go so perhaps that’s a start. Uranus conjuncts my Desc at 16Libra so I don’t really like the ones that others consider a “proper” choice for me. Career – I just tend to plod along and pounce on the odd lucky break. Haven’t had any of those in really a long time. I have a stellium of 5 planets in 8th/9th so any good pointers/advice for my next step would be much appreciated. Let’s learn this Saturn thing once and for all!

  13. Thanks! I’m 25/11/71 2:10pm London UK Tons of transits to work with currently. Saturn, Pluto, Uranus and Neptune are hard aspects now. Have to laugh… I’ll start with Saturn and Uranus. 7th House stuff.

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