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Astrology Books For Beginners

Let’s say you’re read enough online to know you want to learn astrology and you’re ready to invest in some books. Since you can calculate a chart online you can start with 3-5 books. You need a book on planets in signs, and eventually a book on planets in houses. You need a book on

off balance see-saw

The Quincunx Aspect

“What goes up must come down. But there comes a time when not everything that is down can come up.” –George Burns The aspect of the quincunx (sometimes referred to as the inconjunct) is usually not characterized as a major aspect, but I think it should be. It’s measured as 150 degrees from point to


What Is A Orb? What Is An Aspect?

When you hear, “Venus is in aspect to Mars” this means there is a mathematical connection between the two planets. We’re talking about standard geometry here. A 90 degree angle is a “square”, a 180 degree angle is an “opposition”… etc. You can see cheat sheet on aspect here. I urge beginners to focus on

Introduction To The Nadir

“Home, home is where you wear your hat. I feel so break up I wanna go home.” –Lord John Whorfin, Buckaroo Banzai The nadir, or Imum Coeli (IC), is one of the four angles of the chart, and probably the one least referenced. I tend to think that is because it is so internal and


Mars And The Ascendant

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” –Viktor E. Frankl, Scorpio Mars No matter what else I’m working on I like to go back periodically and readdress my perspective on the basics. For instance I

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George and Gracie

What Are Planets In Mutual Reception?

“You complete me.” –Jerry Maguire Two planets are said to be in mutual reception when each planet is in the sign of the other’s rulership. An example of this would be the Sun in Cancer with the Moon in Leo. Leo is Sun-ruled while Cancer is Moon-ruled; they are in each other’s signs. This gives

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