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Sun In One Sign, Stellium In Another?

“My mom is a Taurus but all of the rest of her planets appear in Aquarius. Does this make her “more Aquarius then Taurus?” Not really. You could say that and many astrologers do. But if you do you should understand exactly what you’re saying. This would be like taking a telephone poll and tying

zodiac signs dress

How Can I Learn Astrology?

If you’re new to astrology, it can be pretty daunting. We try to help people catch on here. I have written a lot of “beginner” posts covering common questions. Tag – Beginners. We also maintain a forum on this site. Anyone can join and post their chart along with their question(s). You’d be amazed how

apple pie

What If Energies In A Natal Chart Conflict?

Hi, Elsa. How do you fuse the contradictory energy of planets in a chart? For an example a restrictive, traditionalist Saturn conjunct freedom loving, unconventional Uranus in the unknown realms of boundless, confusing Neptune(12H). Does not Saturn lose its sense of structure or Uranus loses its genius amidst neptunic confusion? Or they actually don’t fuse

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