
All about the Mars in the natal chart…

How Do You Respond To A Threat?

My husband and I have been watching the series, Revenge. We used to watch Luke and Laura on General Hospital when we were teenagers, along with the rest of the nation. This is how relive that. We like the cheese! We like how dead people aren’t really dead and how the story become more implausible

Things that make you insanely pissed off

“Is this the hill you want to die on?” “Choose your battles.” Those phrases are commonly used these days.  They have value but I want to take a deeper look. The things that irk my husband and cause him to react are rarely things that irk me.  Many things that infuriate me don’t bother him


Mars And Tactics: Winning vs Winning On Your Own Terms

I was working with a long-time client who has been trained to think and act, tactically. With Mars (tactics) conjunct Mercury (mind) in my chart, I mesh easily with this sort of person. I love writing to her, because I know that above all, she wants to be effective in her life. It’s easy for

transit watch

Mars In Virgo Does Not Suffer Fools

Mars enters Virgo on October 14th. To fare well, put your effort towards fixing and organizing things. It’s a good time to clean things up, to assert yourself at work or to offer assistance. This combination describes a hero in the office. A brave servant. An energetic helper. A mental challenge. Virgo is Mercury-ruled, so


Mars! How Do You Deal With Your Anger?

goddess writes: “What helps people deal with anger? I don’t get angry all that often, but one of the absolute best things I can do when I’m feeling angry is to clean the house. That helps more than anything else I’ve found, including other types of physical activity. My Mars is in the 4th, trine

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