
Five Years Post A Spirtual Crisis: Stellium In Virgo In The 9th House

Good Day Elsa, Some years ago, as a teenager and young adult, I belonged to a Christian church and a woman’s group. Due to the influence of these groups, I became someone unrecognizable. I went from being a shy moody girl to being an over zealous, self-righteous, bible quoting, hand waving, and hallelujah shouting fanatic. […]

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Family Trouble: I Grew Up In A Religious Home, I Now Study Astrology

Hi Elsa, I am having trouble relating to my sisters. I talk to them all very superficially, but I feel I cannot be myself around them. We grew up in a religious home (evangelical Christians) but I am not religious. I curse like a trucker, I am pro-choice, I hang out with all kinds of

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