
Synastry – the study of relationships in astrology…

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When Good Synastry Is Bad

Good synastry is great, right? No. Not always. I worked with a gal yesterday who is in a bad relationship with good synastry. This is not about her situation, but scenarios like here. You’re walking down the street minding your own business and WHAM!  You meet someone and the chemistry hits you like a (good) […]

couple in love

Are Oppositions In Synastry Good Or Bad?

Oppositions in synastry create tension. Many feel this problematic. You don’t see things eye to eye (Mercury). Your values oppose (Venus). Your way of going about things (Mars) is very different. Simply speaking, these things are true.  But there are other considerations. For example, my Mercury in Libra opposes my husband’s Mercury in Aries.  It’s

zodiac dresss

What Is “In Depth” Astrology?

I’m gearing up for my Blood and Guts Astro class which will begin in August. I want to get into the meat of things. This is necessary to truly benefit from astrology. As an example, relationships have truly become a trouble spot in the lives of many. You may even feel like you hate everyone!

zodiac napier

What Is The Difference Between Synastry And A Composite Chart?

“Synastry” refers to the astrological study of relationships. There are several techniques. Each have their own merits. A synastry chart or “chart comparison” is when you check how one person’s planets relate to another person’s and interpret what you find. As an example, people who have their Jupiter conjunct one of your personal planets are

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