Temporary Insanity Happens! Lapses Of Judgement!

leonard cohen sepiaI asked, Is Insanity Contagious? There are interesting takes on that thread. As it developed, I started thinking about things other wrote. It’s led me to write this…

There is such a thing as temporary insanity (which is different than “crimes of passion”, which I don’t think exist). If you live long enough, you’ll see it and you may very well experience it.

This can happen due to an exceptional transit or combination of transits.  Neptune comes to mind, first, as it can easily impair a person’s judgement, unbeknownst to them!  Whoops! Slipped on a banana peel, into a cult!

Saturn and Pluto transits can take a person into very dark places. I think of myself at 15 years old, lying around in the dark, like a corpse, listening to Leonard Cohen, for hours, for months.  While not crazy, I wasn’t my usual dimply self!

These are mild examples. If you work with astrology as long as I have and talk to a lot of people, you will see insane transit periods set up; the person has to make it through there periods.  I think the sentiment in this song, is true.

Like you NEED to quit your job, for example, though every rolls their eyes!  Uranus transits are like this.  When I quit Frito Lay, I was warned, I would never get a “job like this again”. I didn’t want a “job like this” anymore.  That’s why I was quitting!

Puberty and menopause impair most people.  My God, your kid turns into a demon… just like you did, at their age.

Writing this to say, I think we should give people space so they might go through these times… be willing to forgive their trespasses and welcome them back when it makes sense.  I say this because it’s logical, but also because the Golden Rule is just that. It is the Golden Rule. Treat people as you’d like them to treat you!

Have you not ever acted an ass?  If you think the answer to this question is “no”, I think you’re in a delusional period, right now!

This is really about using astrology, not to indict someone, but to understand when a person is going through something. I know I say this a lot but it’s important to give people the benefit of the doubt. One day you may need people to do the same for you.

My most insane period was when the mega-Capricorns were born.  The stellium included Neptune; it crossed my ascendent, with Jupiter and Saturn, etc. I also had a Pluto transit going.  Note this three decades ago. The friends who stuck with me are still my friends, today.  See how that works?  The had their crazy times too!

Recently I wrote about sticking with someone; your spouse I think, when they were going through something, acting crazy.  I think bolting is often a mistake. You find this out, down the road.

Have you ever had a crazy period?  Did anyone stick by you or did you not allow such a thing?

15 thoughts on “Temporary Insanity Happens! Lapses Of Judgement!”

  1. I’ve done both, been the bolter and been bolted upon… and see the point you’re making in personal relationships.

    I have a question as it relates not to personal relationships, but rather personalities who lead organizations. I’ve bolted from organizations when I found the truth of their intentions were not just false, but covered with sweet p.c. and apparent liberal do-goodness. Years later, I circled round and returned to enjoy the space (I always loved the physical space), But a situation arose and I saw the sweet p.c. personalities had not changed. Still crazy!

    I pulled up stakes again. There is a difference here; love your neighbor but keep your pig fence intact.

    How about this?

    1. Oooo, the question, did.anybody stick by your side OR did you not allow it.
      It’s like a form of cry wolf when we wail so much or push people away that once we’ve exhausted ourselves (or the wild transit is over) we wonder where everyone went.

      Humbling and enlightening.

  2. Bar in the Sky

    I’ve played the escape game. Gone to my Neptune safe place and let a few years cruise by without much thought to where I was going. Got no friends now because of it. Though I do have Saturn conjunct Venus and find no friends is pretty common with that. Even though that might have been a low point in my life, I feel like I’m right where I was supposed to be all along. Was I meant to experience that? Sure bet.

  3. Avatar
    James slattery

    Funny you should mention this in this month because I am on the verge of losing myself. People and jobs and homes are all areas for change now at one time! Am I strong enough to carry on or will I transform my outlook to survive? God help me now.

  4. I love this Elsa! Succinct and right on. When we realize that nothing is really about oneself, it is easier to give others this gift of space and non-judgement. And heaven knows they need this grace. As each of us will, someday. ❤️

  5. Avatar
    the laughing goat

    I have been *gifted the space to be temporarily crazy and have returned the favor. I was given grace and therefore I returned the grace given. As you said, golden rule.

    *I used the word gifted because I truly believe it is a gift to be allowed the space to temporarily lose yourself and be welcomed back when you are back on track. An act of love really.

  6. Elsa said, “Is Insanity Contagious?”

    Most certainly is, especially for groups…

    TEMPORARY, as in 3+ years…

    C O V I D

    Note: the head of youtube who said she censored(deleted)
    half a million information videos youtube didn’t like (about cov19),
    has gone on cosmic vacation–rest in peace. We are reminded again
    that Mother Nature (truth) is not to be messed with, no matter
    who you are, or think you are…


  7. I am feeling particularly insane at the moment and having definite lapses of judgment and my nervous system is a bit fried. It’s being exascerbated by medical CBD that I am taking. I used to have chronic pain and as it slowly resolves the THC in the mix is becoming way too strong. I think that’s affecting my mental health (It’s very mild by most people standards, but I’m very sensitive to these things)

    I’m having to do a lot of vagus nerve regulation, EFT tapping, deep breathing etc just to get through each day.

    I have a Sun Mercury Uranus conjunction natally that has been being opposed by Pluto for the last few years. Now it’s opposite Uranus, with transiting Uranus also squared my natal Pluto. Oh and Chiron is squared Sun as well. Help!

    This post was comforting in some strange way. I’m not alone. Whew!

  8. I still sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and CRINGE when I get odd memories of my almost decade ago temporary insanity, OMG! It’s like, can my bed please turn into a large chasm to swallow me whole, Edvard Munch screaming style, and I can disappear forever?

    Nope, it just turns into a crumpled duvet blanket of chaos, complete with pillows of shame lol

    A handful of people have remained, as they had their OWN phases too, some of us at the same time, seems Neptune and/or Pluto transits were involved. Forgiveness on both sides was automatic and by default 🙂

  9. spent a year neptuning, felt like the whirled was on the other side
    of a 12 inch layer of aspic. After deciding to eat it away, ‘reality’ became
    more sentient again. Weird scenes inside the gold mine, strange days,
    riding on the storm, till the end–then break on through to the other
    side. Doors opened…

  10. Mid teens, late 30s, late 50s — Bolting, mentally and/or physically, with delusional or magical thinking. I searched transits to find a common theme — Uranus and Neptune are most suspect. Transit Neptune and Uranus on my Cap Asc/NN and opposing natal Uranus in late 30s, Tr. Uranus opposing my natal Mercury in teens, Tr. Uranus conjunct natal Mercury in 50s.

    My natal Libra Neptune in 9th opposes my Aries Sun in 3rd and squares my natal Uranus/SN/Dsc. Could this be a chart marker for predisposition to these flights of fancy?

  11. Dark place pluto. Before during and after of conjunct moon, square Jupiter and M.C.
    Disappeared, died. 10 years of walking dead, social.isolatiom, yet folks who me me loved me could feel my light
    I couldn’t (or maybe wouldn’t).
    Low and behold, pushing up through the earth, whether as from a seed or an early grave not meant for me, there’s new life, new worlds, new career, new education, country relocation.

    But dannng this mutable feeling last and upcoming few weeks before the move abroad is ouuuuf! What stays what goes?
    Guess I know simply that iiiii stay centred and the rest falls into place.
    No hands outside the bus windows if you wanna keep em’

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