The 7th House And Projection In Relationships

projectorThe 7th house rules “the other”. Consequently, whatever is in your 7th house gets projected. Hearing this, you might say, “not me”, but the fact is, this is phenomenon and no one is excluded.

If you can catch on, the understanding will help you for through out your life, because the tendency will never leave you. This is what I mean by “phenomenon”.  Understanding this will not stop it from happening, but it will stop you from throwing your life away.

Yesterday, I spoke with a gal who was lamenting the fact other people are talented and creative; they are doing creative things and she’s, I don’t know.  Some kind of dog is not allowed in this realm? On my end of the of the phone, my eyes opened wide; her voice in my ear, while staring at the chart of an obviously talented artist.

Sun Venus in Taurus / 7th. Mars in Aries in the 5th. Leo at the the top of the chart, etc.

Further, she has a lifetime of dance training, since she was a toddler, essentially, and above all and most of all, she has the exact idea of what she wants to do. I mean, she knows and she has the innate energy and all the skills needed to make it… but her talent is so projected, she’s stuck!  This is how profound this is!

This is not easy information to come across so I made this video to help people see it.  It’s old but I used stories to illustrate.

If you’re constantly obsessed by other people are doing (good or bad), this is the kind of thing you want to check.  Because whatever’s in your 7th house, belongs to you. If you don’t catch off the parts of your life described by the planets will be experienced vicariously,  with your blinders in tact.

One more thing – this is what you all “useful astrology”.  It becoming harder and harder to find, so please share this.

There were a lot of questions in the comments. I’ve started to address them here: What if there is nothing in my 7th house?

Do you wonder what’s in your 7th house? Get your Natal Chart Report.

145 thoughts on “The 7th House And Projection In Relationships”

  1. Yes, I project. I don’t know exactly how I do that but with Venus, Pluto and Saturn there..I surely project.
    Perhaps, I look for people who are attractive, intense and serious about love and life. That’s like trying to find a needle in a hay stack, when the needle is actually me. I’m the one with those attributes after all.

  2. LOL! Love it, Elsa!! I have Taurus on the Descendant & Uranus in the 7th and I married a farmer/carpenter whose Sun is square Uranus. Now he has Neptune/Saturn conjunct in Libra in the 7th and I’m a Libra Sun sq Saturn and Moon conjunct Neptune! Hey, it works!!

  3. Mercury and Venus. If I see a cute guy with glasses who looks smart, immediately he becomes The One and I must have him for my own! When he turns out to be just another dopey guy with glasses…that’s disappointing.

  4. Pluto and Uranus in 7th — married a man who lived in a storage unit for 3 years! sounds disturbing but it was multi-level and as big as any nyc hutch. didn’t live with me ’til six months into the marriage. he’s a high maintenance plutonian virgo who is definitely eccentric — he’s hungarian, and I think they’re all crazy geniuses over there.

  5. Pluto/Uranus in the 7th. Buncha goddamned freaks.

    Okay, so I was reading just last night (!) about projection, the Shadow, and the 7th house from this lady:

    She says that if we’re consistently attracting stuff we don’t like in our partners, what we need to do is to embody those qualities ourselves so we’re not as attracted and attached to them in the Other.

    So, let’s say I’m attracted to closet sex addicts and people who can’t commit to lunch, let alone anything long-term. By her logic, I now need to become the unavailable one and I dunno, troll Craigslist for multiple one-night stands so I’ll no longer attract people like that. Elsa, do you agree? I really don’t want to embrace my Shadow to that extent, but honey, my usual MO ain’t working, either.

  6. Neptune in the 7th house here. Had a string of drug-addicted artists and alcohol dependent musicians whom I worshhipped for their talents when I was in my 20’s. UGh…no more…no way.
    So what..worship my own talents? good idea.

  7. Moon, Mars, Jupiter & Chiron in 7th. Mars usually predominates – I like someone I can spar with, but I’m not sure if I want to win the fight or not.

  8. All these Venuses in the 7th! So, anyone want to trade me their Venus for my Saturn? I’d even take a Mars, I think. I’ll throw in a moon opposition for free.

    If what I’m meeting with is a projection, I’m projecting 1) lack of relationships, 2) lack of appreciation, and/or 3) lack of loyalty. I’ve definitely been in love and been loved in return, but most of my life I’ve felt starved for partnership. But I think things are getting better as I get older.

    So, Avery, my MO isn’t working, either. But I guess I have come around to the idea that if I embody Saturn…the good parts of it…I won’t meet the negative side of it in others.

    Glad to hear, Kashmiri, that you and the SO have
    found each other and are happy. You give me hope!

  9. Thank you, Valkyrie…it took me quite some time to realize that I was happiest with another Saturn type, and not some flaky nutbar (my MO before my current relationship).
    There is an age gap between my SO and I (he’s the older one) and I know that he felt the same feelings you described in your post.
    Saturn in the 7th seems to me like a dance between independant living and partnership every single day.

  10. Mars and Saturn in 7th.. have always tended to choose dominant partners… very attracted to intensity.. not sure what else I project.. but I’m sure there are quite a few (have a grand cross so oppositions are in play?)

  11. Valkyrie,

    You’re not alone!

    But how do you solve this? The project thing has never been clear to me.

    If you’re projecting lack of relationships, then what does that mean and what can you do to change it?

  12. Vita, I’m pretty confused about it myself, and would like to hear from others. But as I understand it, projecting means that I fear/expect those very things I’m meeting with, which brings them about. So one way I’m trying to resolve it is by not fearing it, being okay meeting this again and again, and still having faith it could work out some day.

    I meet with dumb luck in other parts of my life, but this area has never been a free ride.

  13. Valkyrie,

    Those words could have come from my mouth exactly; especially the part of meeting with dumb luck in other parts of my life . . . what’s this about? I’d love insight. I thought projecting could be anything (not just fear). Maybe someone here (Elsa? Someone?) can give a good example.

  14. Planning to follow up on this… answer the questions, but yeah Vita. You can project anything. Does not have to be negative as I mentioned in the video. Venus in the 7th thinks the partner valuable and desirable and is dissociated to some extent around their own value.

  15. Great, Elsa. I will look forward to hearing more about how this works. Very confusing for me. My example (just one among many) is that I am verbal, communicative, capable of intimacy (good listener, affectionate, warm, etc…) but the last two men were not very good with intimacy AT ALL. So what is that? I am capable of intimacy and crave it but find partners who are not able to be? Hmm…

  16. Elsa if what’s in your seventh house is retrograde what does that mean GENERALLY? I’m lost in a sideshow funhouse w/all the funky mirrors????

  17. I get confused with the whole projection thing too. When i first read about it i thought what i give my moon away, but their my feelings, my emotions, i’m confused. But in an other i do look for someone who’s caring and homely (moon), able to teach me something (jup), different in some way (ura) and intense (plu). Most of the men i’ve dated have had at least one of these qualities. My current (and hopefully last but with uranus who can tell) man is a sag sun (jup) conj uranus (ura), moon in cancer (moon) and venus conj plu in scorp (plu). Fits pretty well i think. He has nothing in 7th but aries rules (he likes to spar too) and i have venus there trining his sun. The more planets in 7th the more need for or interest in relationship dyou think? Virgo is on my desc so i like to analyze relationships, like to see how they work or dont work. Synastry & composite i find fascinating.

  18. Oooh I do love this post on relationships, got Libra! I myself get confused on the whole projection thing. I dont have anything in my 7th and more heavy on the sqaure/conjunction aspects than oppositions.

    I do know I project my neptune/mars conjunction and my venus pluto conjunction. Im always falling for the artists or musicians who are intense, passionate,sexy or vague and dissappering. Im really trying to own this especially my pluto venus because boy do I know that is an energy I want to own! I must say I get confused trying to work out if im projecting or they projecting or both or neither.

    BTW havent had the chance to watch your videos recently elsa and it was so good and refreshing to see your smile again. Oh and the (capricorn) red looks good on you.

  19. yeah, actually having Venus in the 7th next to Saturn probably makes it even more difficult because it makes the other person (that for one reason or another we “can’t have”) so much more desirable…Bugger!

  20. If the chart rectification is right, I have pluto and uranus in 7H also…which makes sense…I tend to date eccentric types…lived in an RV and train caboose for a bit with one, another ex and I lived in a basement party lounge in LES NYC, lived in 1/2M$ home with another, and now with my fiancee, he lives in something larger than a gear locker & travels every other week for work…and we are planning on living together in a few months. All of my relationships (no matter how short or long) have been intensely plutonic for me…

    I used to project the uranian energy a lot, then two years ago had an epiphany via a conversation with a long ago ex that I was now owning it. Odd….

    Best to all!

  21. One thing I’ve come to realize with 7th House Saturn is that my relationships need to be dedicated and disciplined.
    My SO’s Saturn is conjunct his Sun; mine is in a Grand Trine with Neptune/Venus Mars conjunction, also squared my Sun.

    I won’t speak for what he needs to be disciplined/dedicated about (that’s his life) but I can say I need to be dedicated to
    (a) not being delusional about what my partner is supposed to *be* (Neptunian)
    (b) not imposing on my partner how he is supposed to love me (Venusian expectations) and last but not least
    (c) not going ape-shit when things don’t go my way (Mars call to action).

    Saturn in 7th has, above all, taught me to love myself. Not easy when it squares Sun (or conjunct Sun, like my SO’s).
    Once I realized I had a right to be a part of the world and it was just as easy for to me to be gentle with myself and love myself.

    And lest I sound like it’s easy and I have everything figured out, it is an uphill climb. Frequently. While love (Venus) comes easy, so does delusion (Neptune).

    1. Aside from other general interpretations, I´ve had bad luck with narcissists, but as it´s placed on Capricorn, it seems like I was destined to get over them.

      Other interpretations say that you would be attracted to spiritual persons, someone with whom you have a spiritual connection, empaths.

  22. lot of 7th house saturns here. me too. hadn’t thought of it in terms of projection, but my husband is a very hard working, practical, earthy fellow. very smart! and i know these are qualities i also have, but i often don’t connect with them directly. (i.e. no matter how hard i work, i feel like i “should do more,” etc.)


  23. Thank to this post I have learned that I have Saturn, Uranus (Aquarius Descendant) in my 7th house, whatever that means. I don’t project. My heart does. No matter how hard I try, this stubborn idiot always wins the battle against my mind. It must be enjoying pain and sea of tears. It would be nice if it allows me to fall in love with this kind, handsome and intelligent man who truly loves me. Or let me fly from flower to flower at least once in my life.

  24. Go real slow would you? I have my free chart from I see what I actually have IN my 7th house. It is retrograde which I am supposing means ?SOMETHING? …and now folks are talking about what is on the cusp of it, confusing me even more.

    Gee, where does a girl look for her cusp???????

  25. What is your Ascendant DreamsAreality? The Descendant or the cusp of the 7th house is the exact opposite of your Ascendant.

  26. @joana – thanks Joana for your response. I am Scorpio Rising, meaning what rides the cusp of my Ascendant is Taurus, otherwise known as my Descendant, is that correct?

    So – does this mean that I project earthy, solid, sensuality onto my partners? Meaning I see them that way, whether they are or not?????

    Okay, folks, how do we clear the air then of our projections and get to see how people really are?

    Does this mean that people are walking around looking at me as if I’m like something I’m not, which is why I get that ‘ho thing sometimes???

  27. ‘Does this mean that people are walking around looking at me as if I’m like something I’m not, which is why I get that ‘ho thing sometimes???’

    Dreamsareality that made me laugh! But yes thats possible. As we can project so can others onto us. And retrogrades are debatable, some astrologers dont think they make much difference but as someone with quite a few i think they do. They tend to work on a more internal level and things happen slower. I’m not too good at explaining but this site might help clarify..

  28. No planets in the 7th but, I do have pisces on the cusp, and neptune is conjunct uranus and saturn in the fifth, trining mercury and venus conjunction in the first and sextiling moon pluto conjunction in the 3rd. I’ve always seen my reationships with others as a sort of enrichment and learning experience. But, most of my relationships are very platonic, relating in a very connected emotionally and mentally way, but rarely ever physical. And they’re far and few between, I don’t date much. I’ve got a serious merging streak, being the hallmark of both my venus-neptune trine, neptune 5th house and neptune-ruled 7th house. not to mention all that scorpio-pluto. All in all, other people are just too damn colorful for me not to love. And least to say, since I’m without right now, it’s a big void, but as I’ve done for most of my life, I fill it with music and oil pastels. but who knows, I’m having jupiter over that uranus-neptune-saturn conjunction this year, so who knows!

  29. Ack, Elsa! Good timing. I was just thinking about this! I have Venus and Mars in the 7th house, both in Cancer no less… so I project a neediness onto others I prefer to disassociate with myself….

  30. between the 7th house mars and the aries venus i tend to look towards partners that challenge me. when i was younger any ol’ challenge would do and that got kind of unpleasant. i had a bad habit of picking people who fought and debated as a matter of course and ego and whatever rather than to get somewhere (non constructive conflict) and i played that game.

    when challenge disappears, my interest evaporates. suddenly the person doesn’t look like a partner anymore. if there’s no interest in growing/evolving the relationship (which i may have imagined in the first place as an act of projection) then there’s no energy feeding into it and little point to my feeding my own energy in- stagnancy really disturbs me.

    (and i can never tell whether i’m more interested in high intensity or extreme independence- the libra/aries pluto/venus opposition at work, i guess- i think i projected the pluto for a long time- looking for controlling people just to prove they couldn’t control me ;P)

    but i do prefer positive growth/constructive criticism/inspiring challenge to conflict for conflict’s sake. it’s how you use the energy. and easier to focus when you observe it at work.

  31. Mercury, Venus and Neptune. This is like learning a new language.

    Mercury- I am excited about learning but yesterday isn’t soon enough.

    Do I project impatience?

    Venus- I am OK with that.

    I like to believe that I project an acceptance of others that is unconditional. Do I project a calm balance that may be percieved as a lack of emotion?

    Neptune- Prentend I don’t like drama, but secretly enjoy witnessing other peoples drama. [Will however go out of my way to help others!] Suffer no delusions, but can usually spot it in others. Become stronger in stormy seas.

    I once was asked to not attend a men’s group. My friend invited me for tea and said Randamandar, you know Paul and I voted for you but some of the others felt that you did not belong because you don’t seem to have any problems to speak of and they are uncomfortable beacuse they do have problems.

    Do I project that I am judgemental?

    If I am lost in translation, I certainly would appreciate some guidance.

  32. Wow Wyrdling. This is me exactly. Though I have cancer at the cusp of my 7th/moon . . . project dependency and neediness…

    But I’d love to talk with you more and see how you reach a happy medium.

  33. Wyrdling – great description of how your 7th house Mars & Aries Venus operates: “when challenge disappears, my interest evaporates.”
    I can relate to that with Aries Moon/Jupiter and Taurus Mars in the 7th.
    I am just beginning to realize that so much of the conflict in my relationships is self-created. I woke up next to my boyfriend this morning, and thought to myself, “I feel bored.” It was just a normal fleeting thought, but later in the day I was questioning him about whether I bore him. Talk about projection!

  34. Alma, I’ve got Neptune on the 7th house cusp conjunct moon in capricorn. I usually project the neptune and play out the capricorn moon. I tend to see my partners as being dreamy, gentle, shy types at first. And after knowing them a while I ‘see’ them as impractical, passive and evasive. Big time projection. When I get to be neptune, my partners see me as the above too…and then I am the evasive one. Of course, I’m attracted to pisces/neptune and they are attracted to me. It’s all roses as long as the projections are kept intact 😉

  35. vita-
    i’m not sure it’s so much a happy medium as making sure when i swing out one way or another it’s in the service of keeping the vitality of the interaction and not some fear based response. fear of being controlled led me to have to “prove” i couldn’t, for example. there’s always extremes, in my experience, but simply owning the energies i project has been really helpful. “i need X in a relationship” and recognizing how i orient myself in that direction and becoming more conscious of it has done wonders. thinking of more positive alternatives for specific energies, particularly.

  36. I have Moon in my seventh. Two things:

    a) Florence Nightingale syndrome out the wazoo. I’m attracted to deeply troubled people. A couple of hugely bad experiences have curbed this impulse to some extent.

    b) If there’s a man in the room that no other women are paying attention to, you’ll find me in his lap within five minutes. (I know a couple other women who share this trait, but not too many of them.) This has actually worked out very well for me.

    I also like the advice about loving things within yourself… good stuff, that.

  37. Ewinbee,
    I have Moon in my seventh also – seem to attract men who had troubled childhoods. I guess most people have troubled childhoods, but I mean abusive, etc. Since moon is conjunct jupiter in my chart, I’m usually able to help them sort out their feelings and to make some sort of peace with their parents. I feel like that is part of my mission. By peace, it can mean reestablishing contact with their parents, or just coming to the conclusion that though their parents will never change, they can change the way they approach the relationship and deal with its limitations.

  38. What a great thread, Elsa and others are just cracking me up! I have nothing in the 7th house, so does that mean, as in the words of Jack Nicholson, “The good news is, I don’t Have a type”?

    I think we have contracts in this life to meet specific people, or at least certain types, in order to show us what we still need to learn. (I mean do you ever get feelings when you meet someone, sometimes instantly, that you have a strong connection already?) How many times have I banged my head in different relationship areas of my life over the same old patterns?

    Or at least that’s how it’s played out for me. And as much as I’d like to think that I have learned how to not totally fall for men who definitely have had common traits, feeling that if this person really loved me as much as I love them, that somehow, I would be complete, well the jury’s still out on that one. But at least now I am aware of what the main red flags are. (Flattering, Self assured, flattering, eloquent, vulnerable, alcoholic, worldly, sensitive, flattering…)Think I need to hook up with someone who lives in a storage bin ha ha!

    I actually have the endorsement from a close friend, of this man who I’m going to meet up with in a group, and he called me today in anticipation. But I’m already turned off by the fact that I’m pretty sure he lives day to day, can’t afford health insurance, as my friend helped him out with a cast…Help me, I don’t want to be a snob, and I like to think that it’s not blue collar workers that turn me off, just blue-collar attitudes, (you know, defeatist, glass ceiling stuff).

    But I do believe now, after much observation, that we really only attract people who are able to love us as much as we love ourselves. So that’s been my focus, infinite love and gratitude to me!

  39. dreamsAreality, With Taurus on the Descendant it is as if you have Venus in the 7th as it is the Ruler of Taurus. You project all things Venusian onto your partner. Not bad.
    Like Elsa said we can use negative or positive energy of the Planet to manifest the projection.
    Hope that helps. 🙂

  40. Hi, Mari. I was reading your post and saw that you had the same question as most of us do.

    “What a great thread, Elsa and others are just cracking me up! I have nothing in the 7th house, so does that mean, as in the words of Jack Nicholson, “The good news is, I don’t Have a type”?”

    What Sign is on the cusp of your 7th House? The Planet that rules this Sign is the energy that you will project onto others……for good or ill.

    I have no Planets in the 7th but Aries is on the cusp so Elsa says this is like having Mars in this House. “Period!”

    What is on your Descendant?

  41. Hi, Descendant is about 13 degrees Aires, closet planet below in 6th house is Jupiter at 8 degrees Aires, then nothing in 5th, nothing in 7th. Thanks, Jamie

  42. So you project the energy of Mars onto your partners. You have Jupiter in Pisces @ 8 degrees in the 6th? I also have Aries on the Descendant.

    This could imply that you are impulsive in relationships (jumping in too soon) or that you marry someone younger than yourself.

    If you are in the business of projecting you might
    say that your partner is too impatient or too daring while you are totally unaware that you display the same qualities.

    I like the story Elsa tells of “Shack Man”. It illustrates projection perfectly. 🙂

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