The Composite Sun Shows The Purpose Of A Relationship

sun shine round astrologyThe composite sun shows the purpose of a relationship. It shows where and how the couple shine and express their vital life energy. The life’s (sun/solar) purpose of the the coupling?

Not surprisingly, my husband and I have a 8th house composite Sun in Cancer.

Correspondingly, we live (and shine) in the shadow. People are attracted and repelled. We’re comfortable in uncomfortable places and we’re attracted to them.  We’re also tend to hold our cards, close to our chests.

We deal in depth. We’re intensely loyal and we lack interest in anything superficial. We live for transformation via exchange of energy and thrive in 8th house realms like death and psych, healing and regeneration.  We’re seen as safe and protective “parents”, who nurture children (real or borrowed) for their empowerment.

I thought it would be interesting if people who were partnered noted the house of where the Sun falls in the composite chart with their partner, along with a sketch of how it manifests.

Check out your Composite Chart Report.

Where does the Sun fall in the composite chart of you and your partner? How do you see it manifest?

97 thoughts on “The Composite Sun Shows The Purpose Of A Relationship”

  1. Avatar
    curious wanderer

    I completely agree with Orlando. 🙂

    I did the composite for me and my ex – 5th house Sun, and I don’t think I needed software to tell me that as we both have 5th house Suns.

    I can say that when things were superficial (romance level), they were great. But attempting to get the real relationship stuff done is where it all fell apart.

    Maybe if we would’ve had children we would’ve had something to solidify our relationship on…and then ended up divorcing anyway when empty nest syndrome kicked in 20+ years later. Both individual charts and the composite chart have empty 7th houses, and only Pluto in Libra. Though he has Uranus in Scorpio conjunct the DC. Can such a pair make it work when there’s little astrology supporting investment in relationships? (I realize this may be a whole other topic)

  2. My guy and I also have an 8th House composite Sun, in Cancer.

    We comfort each other. A lot. It’s a very loving relationship and nothing at all like the kind of love I’ve had with previous partners.

  3. Oh brother, I just realized we have a stellium in Gemini/7th House. Opposing Moon in Sagittarius.
    blah blah blah blah

    nota and now you have a baby! I love your photo:)

  4. My ex and I: 12th House, in PIsces. Conjunct Jupiter. We were lost at sea together. Would have been forever unless someone pulled the drain out of the sink, I guess. Damn.

    1. Yaaassss, also had a composite sun in pisces 12th house. he had a pisces sun i’m an aqua. drifting drifting drifting…cept then i realized that the whole time i thought he knew where he was going (and i was foolishly following to avoid my own responsibility for my life.)
      When you realize you’re ‘first love’ is a puer, though the plug was pulled long before i really figured it out.

  5. composite for us is: 9th house, Leo Sun. Sag Moon (1st house), scorpio rising.
    Not sure how this works. It’s hard to miss us when we are out.

  6. Fourth house Aries composite sun. We were family from the moment we met and moved in together very soon after. We’ve moved three times since we met nearly four years ago and would love to move to Ireland together. No matter where we are, we are home as long as we’re together.

  7. 6th house composite Sun with tight conjunctions to Venus,Mercury, and Mars. All 4 in Sag. We met at work and became friends. Got together a few years later, he transferred out so we could marry and not have a work conflict. After we married, I started work in the same large department. We finished our careers 20 years later.
    Other 6th house stuff: we have several animals; we both run errands for our widowed mothers. There’s probably more.

    1. I love this one too! Some say composite sun in the 6th is a bad placement, shows inequality between partners, etc. Yours just sounds so sweet in a practical, everyday way.

      1. Composite in the 10th, in Gemini. We’ve both undergone drastic career changes during our marriage, and each has supported the other through the ups and downs of that.

        But I think it’s more than just the “work/career/status” bit people tend to assign to the 10th at the expense of the other type of work. He and I were both youngest children, drastically different from our other family members. I think together, we’ve been able to do “work” on ourselves it would have been harder to accomplish separately. (And, as with everyone, we’re always works in progress!)

        Yes, with a Gemini placement, there’s a lot of analysis/communication involved–especially since I’m a Virgo sun and he has a Virgo stellium.

  8. In tenth house, in Scorpio, conjunct moon – we both have 10th house suns. Don’t know enough about this to know what it means – we did meet in college (career?).

  9. I looked for my ex b/f — We had sun, moon, mercury and venus (in cancer) in the 10th. He was like a parent to me (still is a little bit, but getting less and less) — and had tremendous influence on my career. Does this mean I did the same for him? He changed my life for sure.

    Saturn in 6th, btw. Restriction in daily life, absolutely.

  10. The only guy I have right now that I feel is viable is SuperScorp.

    We have a Libra sun in the second (in a nice grand air trine with the moon and Saturn, and in the middle of a Libra stellium). I can definitely see the “civilising” effect (Libra) we have on each other, but even though my natal sun is in the second I can’t grasp it. Neither of us are very materialistic, though we do enjoy comfort.
    Maybe it’s something to do with the values we express? Or maybe we’re just fuckin’ muleheaded. (Hint: we are.)

    Had a 12th house Virgo sun with the ex. I can’t grasp that, either. Yay? 😛

  11. My friend Capricorn douchebag and I had a 3rd house Pisces sun, which doesn’t surprise me in the least. He changed my taste in books and everything. I’m surprised that we have Mercury/Venus in Aries in the 4th house, we do love to talk, but we also fight like crazy.

    1. A synastry chart compares the planets in your natal birth chart to the planets in the other person’s natal birth chart. For example you might see that your Venus is in the same spot on the chart as their Mars is at, so you have a conjunction with each other. A composite chart shows the spot exactly between the same planets of each of you. For example your Sun is at 0 degrees Aries and their Sun is at 0 degrees Virgo, your composite chart would show right in between these two points at 0 degrees Cancer.

  12. Oh — snapdragon. A composite chart takes the midpoints between two charts and recalculates them into a new chart. A synastry chart lays the two over each other to see what aspects are formed.

    1. I like your answer. It got right to the point. I need to learn how to do this. My sons tell me my texts are too long too.

  13. @Snapdragon: as far as I have read, synastry is the overlay of one chart on top of another to see where their or your planets fall in their or your houses. this is how you act with each other. the composite chart is a midpoint chart done with both of your birth data and is one chart describing the bottom line of the relationship.

    I have a 8th House sun with a guy that I met on line, and we carried on kind of a secret relationship for a year before I met him. We comfort each other a lot and seem to thrive in the realm of our friendship being separate from the rest of our lives. I thought it would mean rockin’ sex…but that came to not. But we both are interested in many subjects and can talk and talk and talk. I love him with the breth of my soul…we are kindered spirits. The ruler of our composite is Neptune and we both admitted that we forget we are so far away from each other.

  14. We have our composite sun, jupiter and mercury in the 10th house pisces.

    Venus and Mars in the 9th house, but venus is in the pisces portion of the 9th while mars is in the aquarius portion.

    In the 7th house capricorn, we have the moon and neptune. While the 6th house has uranus and saturn in Sag. Pluto is in 5th house scorp; Chiron in the 12th house Gemini.

    N.Node 11th house Aries.

    He definitely helped me a lot in my career, or rather… I’d say in the extraverted expression of myself to society.
    We met and got into the relationship while we were both pursuing a higher education outside our respective home countries….

  15. We’re both Tauruses with Composite sun in House 2 (but also Venus & Mercury conjunct the Sun). We “belong” to each other. He’s mine, I’m his. He’s all over me, I’m all over him. And it’ so good. It’s physical and extremely erotic (we both have Venus in Gemini, and we do exchange a lot by phone – at all levels…) and I feel so much emotional security with him. He loves me so (his Leo rising overwhelms my aries moon and sadge ascendant), yet accepts who I am. First time I feel my emotional needs are fullfilled. Don’t know if this will last because there seems to be so many mountains that stand between us (or maybe I chose this deliberately because I’m committment phobic)- Composite Uranus in the 7th. It’s certainly a very unconventional relationship (like my friends would say “hey Missty, what the F*** are you doing in this crazy relationship, get a grip), he is unconventional – (and I have natal Venus trine Uranus) – met on the internet, lives 700 km away, has 4 kids (and I have 2) I booked my plane ticket to meet him only 2 weeks after we’d made connexion (crazy?!) It’s been 6 months now – and we only met 3 times – but our bond is so strong. I can’t let go of him, even though I know our relationship is unrealistic. I don’t know what the Saturn in Libra transit has in store for us…

  16. Elsa and others, do you use equal houses for a composite chart?

    Also, I discovered that now allows for composite charts calculated between more than two people. Fascinating! Anyone here tried doing composite or synastry between 3 or more? The one chart I looked at for myself, my husband and someone we both love was just stunning and very much reflected the dynamic between the three of us.

  17. Yes, I use Equal houses for everything. As for combining more than 2 charts, there was a guy here local who used to do charts of football teams in that manner, predict the winner of a match and had his articles published in the local paper…

  18. I prefer equal houses too and it seems to make more sense to me with composites as well.

    Very interesting about the football teams. What sort of results did he get? Cool gimmick at the least though.

  19. I’ve done several composite charts for myself with The Man, using our most likely rising signs (combos of Scorp and Cancer for me, and Scorp, Gem and Leo for him). They all have our joint Sun in Libra, in either the first, second or fourth house.

    All the potential combos show a potent mix of very good and very difficult aspects and placements (which sounds about right!) with strong emotion and sexual attraction made problematic on account of our propensity to challenge each other, and to misunderstand each pother emotionally.

    In all of them we have Venus conjuct Moon, with Venus on the Ascendant in some and squared in others! In all we have Sun conjunct both Mercury and Neptune in the same house.

    The fact is, whatever The Man’s time of birth, he still has a very strongly Leo chart (ego and stubbornness) with an Aquarius moon and Venus in Gemini, giving him a need for freedom and a distanced emotional nature hard to reconcile with his strong sex drive – which will always be hard for any woman to deal with

  20. Avatar

    This is very interesting as Shannon just helped me post a composite chart for me and my hubby in the Advice tab for our new business… We have a 11th Taurus sun. Does that mean we’re friends and co-workers in a social cause? We’re both pretty crunchy-granola, tree-hugging, neo-pagan-ish types… We have some great exchanges of humor. Most of the time we crack each other up! I’m most curious about the composite chart now and want to read all about it!

  21. Hmm… In an astrology forum I used to frequent in, I was told that my composite chart with my partner is a cause of alarm.

    We both have a composite 9th house (equal system) in Capricorn with a whole lot of aspects hitting it…

    – conjunction with MC (in capricorn)
    – conjunction with mercury (in capricorn)
    – Venus and Moon in cancer opposing them.

    We both met in an advocacy group. When I spoke to my bf about this later, he said there’s always been attraction from his end but I was being “snobby” (lol!). I always found him attractive but I was interested in someone else then. We did develop a very strong friendship and four years later, we started dating. We’ve been together for 2.5 years now.

    I guess that’s the “Capricorn” part – we took a LOOOONG time until we realized we had feelings for each other. But I was told that 10th house is all about the “public face” and that the relationship could not be of substance? Because this is not true as it was based on a very very solid friendship.

    It’s probably one of those doom and gloom astrologer types 😛

  22. Well, our composite Sun and Venus and ASC are in Leo, which sounds promising.
    But eww, that Sun and Venus are in the 12th, which seems bad if you google it!
    Funny because of all my relationships/marriages, this is the one that is the best for my getting what I want out of life. For him, too. Both of us feel we have possibilities being with each other that we wouldn’t have with others.
    So– perhaps there is a positive spin to the 12th house somehow.

  23. My ex and I had a composite 10th house Sun, along with the Moon and two other planets. We were not 10th house people though, so never got that. We were all about being at home and cooking dinner, and going for hikes. Head scratcher. Our birth times are both correct too. All those planets are in Taurus however, and these are all Taurean activities. The 10th house doesn’t really work well here though, unless we had a ‘reputation’ we didn’t know about or something.

  24. We have a 4th house sun in Pisces. I knew we were home with each other immediately and was impatient to get on with it, maybe that’s the composite 6th house Aries moon, eh 😉

    We married quickly and I was sent back to school to finish my degree which was by far a 6th house experience for me versus the traditional school is a 9th house thing.

    It was like “ok, so you’re home now, you can finish your work! HURRY (aries)”

    Do the planets in the composite take on gender roles or does one person seem to act out certain planets more?

  25. My husband and I have a 6th house Sun in Aquarius. It is tightly conjunct Venus and Mercury. All 3 are trined by Pluto which must be pretty good. Pluto (in 2nd House Virgo) is “technically” opposition to the 8th house Pisces Moon, but it is literally minutes away from being out of orb completely.

    We seem to have a mix of hard and easy angles.

  26. Okay, thanks Eva and Dawn. It almost seems like a composite chart is more valuable than a synastry chart? Anyone have any thoughts?

  27. “It almost seems like a composite chart is more valuable than a synastry chart?”

    I’d like to know this, too, snapdragon. I’ve heard that both are important. Also, that the composite tends to take on more importance the longer you are with your mate.

  28. Sun, Moon and Mercury all in composte 8th house in Scorpio.

    Very, very painful experience.
    We strat this relationship when he was still married but he said that he was divorcing process..and that was not the I would say nothing good comes from this position of planets in Composite.

    My previous relationship has the same.
    Only Venus was also there. He was much younger than me so our relationship was a secret.. damnnn 8th house composite!

    just how i have experience it.

  29. Depending upon which chart service I use, within 1deg orb before or after the ASC, but in either case, directly on it. Mars is in the VIIth house (not in opposition).

  30. Avatar
    munequita bonita

    I have a 6 house relationship (not romantic) and I was surprised to see that yes one is in a helping/teaching role, moon there conjunct sun too and venus conjunct jupiter in the this is looking good except i’m a little worried cuz that sun/moon/mercury conjunction is in capricorn I HATE SATURN

  31. Our composite sun is in the 7th (Aries) conjunct Juno and Mercury. Ceres also in the 7th. Composite moon is in the 4th in Sag.

  32. 8th house sun/stellium and 10th house moon /stellium . we have both transformed, and also have worked side by side on our careers for 13yrs…. Very career motivated couple.

  33. First House Capricorn Sun/Venus/Mercury/Jupiter. Neither of us have planets in earth natally & this relationship keeps us both well grounded. We recently paid off our mortgage & own our property free and clear.

    Other people see us as a strong, happy couple who make a good team though not particularly romantic . . . *grin*

    1. my boyfriend and i have an 8th house composite sun in Virgo, 3rd house moon in Taurus, Capricorn rising. we were together for a year and right now he is taking space to figure out his career and if he can compromise and have kids sooner than he planned (i’m 34 he’s 28). instantly transformational connection, painfully so at the moment yet beautiful…we cry together. i agree with Neith since neither of us have personal planets in earth this is a very grounding relationship. Jupiter just entered our 7th house so i look forward to some levity and rejuvenation. mostly we just need Pluto to get out of our 12th house. with a yod between uranus and sun-mercury anchored by our communicative moon in Taurus, i know this partnership has some serious staying power despite current appearances. we’re figuring out together how to answer a higher calling. just call us Brangelina! 😛

  34. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I read The Curious Wanderer’s comment about the composit fifth house Sun.
    That is exactly what happened to me and my husband (we have the Sun in the 5th, too). Romance – great: love, devotion, intimacy, fun, everything! After the wedding we just couldn’t follow through, it’s like we couldn’t grow up. I, too, thought, that maybe if we had had children, then we would have been forced to get real. We are in the middle of a divorce.

    1. yup. exact thing in my marrige- and then divorce. We couldn’t grow up together- and no kids either. parted with love though- 5th house leo sun conjunct jupiter.

  35. Composite 12th House Sag. Sun conjunct mercury. We’re destined to live alone in a house in the woods, pushing each other’s buttons until the end of time.

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