The 4th house in your chart reveals your base. For example if Saturn rules your 4th or if Saturn in placed in your 4th house, I’d consider you fear-based.
If Jupiter ruled your 4th or was placed there, I would think of you as faith-based, etc.
The 10th house is public, the 4th house is not. Whatever is described by your 10th house is there to be seen by the public.
In contrast only you and your intimates are likely to be aware of the qualities described by your 4th house. You do have to consider the entire chart as there are exceptions to this and I can serve as an example.
Mars rules my 4th house. Fire in the belly! At my core, I am driven, angry, ambitious, heroic, etc. Mars in my chart is in the 9th house, conjunct Mercury. I broadcast these qualities. I flat our state that if you break into my house (4th), I will shoot you (Mars).
I also live with a retired Green Beret! How’s that for Mars ruling my 4th?
How does your 4th house describe you?
Elsa … there are times you crack me up, and your description of broadcasting to the world that you’ll shoot anyone who malevolently breaks into your house was one such occurrence. I believe I laugh in recognition of kinship. My sun and venus are conjunct in 4rh house aries. I don’t announce it … but feel super- protective of home, and confident of having the tools to succeed in this.
Very late degree of Gemini on my 4th house cusp and I have Mars,Uranus and Sun in Cancer in there. .wowza, the upcoming Mars transit.. I’ll be studying THAT this week!!
I am fiercely Cancerian and my home basse is my center of well being, fulfilment, and purpose. Even my career was “family” oriented..I worked with moms,babies,families.
As much as I always wanted a home I moved into and STAYED FOREVER, our life circumstances and my husband’s whims have caused us to move a LOT! I mean a LOT! mAND my hones have often been very unique.I lived in a pyramid shaped house,for instance,yeah really strange but cool.I have lived in a Spanish hacienda. A mobile home. A Victorian mansion (rented the top 2 floors.) My homes have always had a huge LIBRARY WALL.. (Gemini) many many books and learning, thinking,discussing is always a huge part of my family life..
My husband is also a Cancerian and has a HOME OFFICE where he still works 2 days a week. Always people in and out of my home!!
Now,I am an elder.I feel pretty settled down and live in an average,comfortable suburban home with all the things I need to be content : a small art studio, a place for my husband to work at a career he still loves, a pool, a large kitchen.I spend a lot of time at HOME, I entertain often at HOME, I have meals on my patio, I cherish the comforts of HOME.
AS I am in the final third of life,I wonder how much MORE disruption I will see in my HOME life..I do not see us moving again. I am content here. There is no current family drama.Our son was very sick and moved back home and is still here, but is better now, and on his way out soon..
I’d love to redecorate some areas but not willing to spend the $$ or ok with “good enough.”
I am feeling VERY creative lately, more inclined to STAY HOME and make art,music, cook, and hang with my neighbors/friends. I take several trips a year, but in between, love being in my own living room and kitchen and out on the patio..Arizona= nice weather most of the time..
We shall see what’s up ahead. I am an energetic and busy bee on many levels..always open to new ideas and projects..we’ll see what’s next… I’d like to stay HOME and write that book I have on back burner, I’d like to freshen up our space a bit (small projects) I’d like to live in total abandon to my creativity..this is how I want my “old age” to be (4th house,end part of life.. the last third,final act so to speak..not going anywhere soon, but I am aware of the TIME of life I am in..)
I don’t have much anger in me,never have. I am Pisces Rising, I tend to cry when I get hurt, not get mad..I get hurt feelings that run deep ..
I have tons of FAITH,especially since 2020, and I believe it will lead me through the next cycles.HOME is where my heart is and I”ll hunker down as needed!!
awwwww i love your analysis of your 4H journey.
i was literally going to saY im sure you’re a uranus in the 4H [takes one to know one!]
and then i looked back at your msg & went ooPs yuP confirmed 😁.
[it was the amount of uprooting /moving, but also the quirky houses or offbeat living 😉 ]
good lucK in your third part of life – i hope some stable home tranquility comes your waY !!🏡
Would not know what to do with a “tranquil” existence! LOL. I feel tranquil on the inside, but there is always something going on with the lifestyle!! LOL. We retired early in life, tried mountain living,came back to the burbs.. I have learned to mostly cherish the eccentric lifestyle.. luckily,I share it with my soulmate for over 50 years1 My husband is my rock. As long as we are on the journey together!!
Five-planet Taurus stellium in the 4th for me (under equal house) — moon, Mercury, Venus, Saturn all conjunct 1-9 degrees, and Mars near IC. No family,, estranged from remaining family of origin, no pets, no partner. Just a lot of plants. And I love it. So glad to be unburdened.
Accountant, nature lover, fear around waste (resources, money, creature’s, all kinds), eco-destruction, monitoring shared organizational budgets, controlling costs, avoiding extravagant spending by colleagues at my various jobs. Ugh shared resources, so stressful. No problem sticking to my own tight budget. Frugal, disciplined, always been careful with my own money. Easy to do living a solitary life. Generous with friends.
Been living on the same block for 25 years (first in a rental apartment, now my own condo), almost half my life. Moved every 7 years while in university. Lots of shared, crowded houses. My home is sacred, for me only. No more roommates, never again! Work from home, rarely go out or on vacation except to my community garden around the corner. And I love my life. Pshaw all the naysayers about my lifestyle. They have no idea how blissful and peaceful and healthy it is.
Aquarius 4th house with Chiron on the cusp. Pluto is kissing it pretty hard right now so I’m paying attention to how to heal the healer. I’ve worked out of my home for decades. Cancer 10th house. I don’t like bosses so I work for myself even though technically retired. With Chiron I feel like I’ve always lived in someone else’s house. My grand parents house. My parents house. My husbands house, but never MY house. I day dream of all the things I would do here if I were alone in this house. My husband likes white walls. All the cupboards are wood. I would paint and add color. I would do a massive change outside. No weird collections like the 30 old bicycles my husband keeps around. I’m so tired of clutter and chaos. I want simple clean lines. Nothing on the counters or tables. But literally every horizontal space is covered with something. Some of it is mine. I have an entire room that I keep all my arts and crafts in. It looks like a kids storage unit. I guard it like a dragon. It’s my childhood trying to be lived out in a healthy way through collections of thread, fabric, paper and paint, tons of beads and strange dolls I’ve crafted through the years. Chiron trying to heal me, or others because that’s how I help people reconnect to their Muse while I court my own. Healing arts. I’m also a fierce guardian of my home. Some weird people stopped this last week on their side by side, hoping to have a word with my husband who wasn’t home. They interrupted a very important phone call I was having with my distraught daughter who has been dealing with chronic illness and was in a melt down. Their arrival forced me to have to hang up for a minute to deal with them. I was not kind, in fact I was so scary the woman spun around and almost ran back to the vehicle. My reaction surprised even me. I used to be more diplomatic with Libra planets, but Aries Moon stepped up. Covid changed everything. You can’t just drop in on me unexpectedly anymore and not expect a fighting face. I need a sign that says ‘The dogs are friendly, it’s the wife you need to watch out for!”. We live rurally and two miles west of us there is a compound of meth users who have had shootouts amongst themselves, have burned down a trailer house, and are suspected of stealing people’s mail from mail boxes. The sheriffs do nothing so the whole neighborhood is always alert to weird crap going on. Anyone around here who is stupid enough to break in is assumed to have a death wish. It’s weird because not that long ago we could leave our house unlocked and not worry about it. Not now. Locked and loaded takes on a whole new meaning.
haha 🤣
ThaT’s so ePicaLLy cooL!