Astrology and the Proliferation of Porn: Pluto in Sagittarius

The wide variety and copious amount of pornography available these days I would also chock up to Pluto in Sadge. When Pluto moves through a sign, we see the shadow side if the things it rules. It’s the publishing (Sagittarius) of that which is private (Pluto), on a wide scale (Sagittarius). Taboo sex (Pluto) is especially large (Jupiter). Publish the shadow side. Broadcast it!

And along with the other manifestations of Pluto through Sagittarius, none of this is new. The performance enhancing drugs (shadow side of Sagittarius ruled sports) the doctored photographs and the plagiarism….and the made up non fiction books, ala “Million Little Pieces” (shadow side of publishing) and pedophile priests (shadow side of religion) are not new. This has just come to the front at this time, and in a big way, because we’re talkin’ Sadge here.

So porn is always a hot topic on this blog. And sure enough there is another one of those questions coming up, but for those who are having problems…people married to porn addicts for examples, who are being told that porn is here to stay, well I think that’s right. However, I think its popularity has nearly peaked.

Right now it sort of the soup de jour. But when Pluto leaves Sadge…well, people will have reached a point of saturation. They will start to see that making a career of, making a life of watching porn and defending their right to watch porn will becom passÆ’

4 thoughts on “Astrology and the Proliferation of Porn: Pluto in Sagittarius”

  1. Avatar
    Strawberry Fields

    Thank you, once more. There was something very specific I needed from this blog, that lit a lightbulb for me re: something that happened last night. Thank you, be blessed.

  2. Personally, I’ll be relieved to have pluto transition out of Sadge. I don’t see porn as bad or good. It has it’s place, as does erotica, as does a healthy relationship! I’m just a bit worn out with the daily exposure and worried about the impacts on the younger generation – do they see porn as normal, expected – new societal rules are being applied to the younger generations. How does that impact them?

    I’m quite curious as to what we expect to be exposed in 2008. Will we see the workaholic exposed? The high achiever, over do it society’s dark side? 😉

    ::runs off to do more work::

  3. C.,
    As pluto enters capricorn it will be squaring Uranus in Aries…. from 2008 to 2012. The society will be transformed, either by war or natural disaster 😐 someting like that.
    Has anyone heard about the mayan prophecies for 2012?
    -Porn in younger generations, some people get dessensitized (loose sensitivity?) to porn, after being exposed to it so much. Others, expect their girfriends to look and act like porn stars, hopefully, eventually they come to their senses if they get some experience in a real relationship and mature a bit.

  4. I wonder if all the crazy poparazzi scandals who are driving the celebs mad recently have anything to do with Pluto in Saggitarius. People want these pictures published and they want the truth. It makes sense? Oh, and I’ve been desensititized! It just makes you realize what good sex is about, and its about connecting mind, body, and soul. People arent objects and that was a good realization transformation (thanks to pluto)
    -I’m really scared to see what it will be like when pluto enters Capricorn. Just think about it… the dark side of the “GOAT”. Thats scary! I think we’re gonna start seeing a lot more demonic cults and stuff like that come out of the closet. People are going to be a lot more selfish and materialistic too i think, but I sure hope it’s not as bad as I can imagine it could be, but then again pluto IS extemes so it will probably be your worst nightmare.

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