The Stellium In Capricorn… Personally Speaking: The Little Match Girl

little match girlKingsley wrote:

“I think you mentioned the twelfth house previously Elsa. Things come from out of the blue in the twelfth. Its hard to say what might be “going on” in that hidden house. All will be revealed when one planet after the other crosses the ascendant.

I guess you will have to trust your instincts or react to a script in life.”

The stellium does fall in my 12th house and I feel, Little Match Girl-esque. A 12th house full of Capricorn is a Saturn Neptune exchange. I already have a strong Saturn Neptune signature natally now exacerbated by the current sky and it’s really something to behold.

I can kiss reality goodbye, that’s for sure but what about that Little Match Girl? What does she do exist so that others may think and feel things that have nothing to do with her?. And what is her problem anyway? Her problem is not defined. Her reality is not defined.

Reality surrounds her (it’s cold!) but it is irrelevant even as it takes her life.

10 thoughts on “The Stellium In Capricorn… Personally Speaking: The Little Match Girl”

  1. Elsa — This is quite strange because yesterday a friend asked me if I believed in reincarnation and I said, “Not really.” Then I went off on a riff about how I was the Little Match Girl in a previous life or a character out of Dickens’ Victorian London. Of coure, I also have a stellium in Capricorn — Sun, Mercury, and Saturn — but it’s at the IC. At any rate, the Little Match Girl is in the air! — Monica

  2. Hans Christian Andersen was a kind of “Henry” (aka your grampa)of his time. Reading your post about Capricorn … where my moon lives natally, and then reading the link to “The Little Match Girl” I feel the elegant thread between ‘realities’ Hans Christian Andersen was such a master at spinning. To me, The Little One finds a way to be with everything at once. Transformation. Death. Loving from the Grandmother. Not unlike “The Ugly Duckling” whose fate as a duck led nowhere, being a swam was ever thing. Bitter sweet. Lovely connection Elsa, truly a sublime link. Thank you.

  3. You know why she died? Because she was and wanted to be in other people’s reality, not in her own. She wanted a warm Christmas under the tree with her family (who sent her out in the cold), and she wanted to be with Grandma (who was already dead). She lighted the matches and sacrificed her light for an illusion, instead of looking for something in her reality to make a fire and to eat in order to survive.
    So, if the Little Match Girl is in the air here is my advise, don’t waste your matches, use them to make your own fire and to lighten your own way. They will last until the morning comes.

  4. The little match girl story is touching. I have never heard of her before. As metaphorical stories go she does sound like the victim in us. Sometimes its easier to adhere to that kind of status in contrast to making other decisions. Perhaps she didnt know “what else” was available in life? Perhaps she couldnt or wouldnt use her matches in other ways? No, I think its just that she didnt know how to use them differently. Nobody showed her how to.

    Sometimes in these situations its best to fake knowing how to do things differently and the rest of structure follows in time.


  5. Kingsley, if you click the tag, the soldier has associated her with me some months ago and outlines why.

    It’s all very ethereal, how could it be otherwise with my 12th packed with Capricorn!! 🙂

  6. A little girl like that needs nurturing, protecting and direction from those in charge of her. The image of the match girl looks like she needs help but she resists that with her matches. I couldnt get ito the tag yet Elsa.

    The twefth house is not so scary or unpredictable. There is some order in that dark and curious place. Psychoanalysis is found in the twelth and many answers (reality) come from images and dreams if one is paying attention.

    I would say that you have a good command of sorting out the reality in the twelfth Elsa. It can be damned annoying during the time that we dont know – dont have control – become stuck.

    Mostly twelfth house planets will find a way to identify self by identifying with others. The best part of the twelfth is; no matter what is gleaned from others to survive ones normal reality and sense of identity resumes as always.

    Gotta trust that and take ones time.


  7. I remember reading this story as a child, and it just made me so sad, I never wanted to hear the story again. Re-reading it now still disturbs me, but you i guess you could say she chose to leave the miserable life she was living, and that death actually was more peaceful.

  8. Back to memories. I had all the tales compiled in a book reading when it when I was five, the book was later filled with pressed flowers in it not for romanticism- but for biology class. I remember this tale moved me in particular. Understandable, I have a capricorn stellium. Interesting that Hans Christian Andersen had no planets in capricorn himself, except his North Node. And his north node is all conjunct my stellium. Round and round.

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