The Two Capricorns

The Capricorn guy with all the Scorpio in the 7th house who got everyone so hotted up, showed up to say he got a date with the Scorpio woman he’s been eyein’. We’re glad about that (well, maybe not Togi) but besides that it occurred to me if men knew how easy it was to get laid around here there would be a lot more hanging ’round, you think?

On other fronts, the other Capricorn who was having problems with Scorpios and Tauri also had a problem with me. I got a scathing email that was “angry, vindictive, unhealthy, vengeful, hurting…” It was all the various things he/she accused other people of and then some. I was not surprised and I am sure you’re not either.

The contrast here is what I am after. Capricorn is at it’s best when humble. The control freak breed – run for your life!

9 thoughts on “The Two Capricorns”

  1. I thought your advice on Scorpio/Tauri was right on and funny. Here you have Cappy micro-managing everyone in sight and then you have Scorpio/Taurus telling them where to stick it. I love it!

    Tis’ true. (this coming from an 8th house sun in Taurus who refuses to be owned or controlled by ANYONE.)

    So, when someone atempts to do so its almost amusing. Cappy will have to try a little harder next time………like bring out the ice skates when hell freezes over. 🙂


  2. I find it deliciously funny that the Cappy who gets negative reactions to her attempts to help/fix others had such a violent reaction to your advice. If Cappy’s lucky he/she will recognize that the shoe is on the other foot now and understand the other end of things. Sometimes people ask for “help” but really aren’t ready to hear what they need to do in order to change. Nothing quite like realizing that you exhibit the same energy you’ve been fighting against. Just goes to show that the outer reality is always a reflection if the inner reality.

  3. but besides that it occurred to me if men knew how easy it was to get laid around here there would be a lot more hanging ’round, you think?


    [‘April Fools!’]

  4. I’m jist a girl who cain’t say no,
    I’m in a turrible fix
    I always say “come on, le’s go”
    Jist when I orta say nix!
    When a person tries to kiss a girl,
    I know she orta give his face a smack.
    But as soon as someone kisses me,
    I somehow, sorta, wanta kiss him back!
    I’m jist a fool when lights are low
    I cain’t be prissy and quaint
    I ain’t the type that can faint
    How c’n I be whut I ain’t?
    I cain’t say no!

    {Tee Hee Hee}

  5. “it occurred to me if men knew how easy it was to get laid around here there would be a lot more hanging ’round, you think?”

    Yes! Elsa, I’ll sacrifice myself for the cause. Hell, I’m easy. Bring on the men!

  6. “I find it deliciously funny that the Cappy who gets negative reactions to her attempts to help/fix others had such a violent reaction to your advice.”

    Me too! 😀

  7. I’m not really amused but… I don’t really get those kind of jokes. 🙂

    If there’s absolutely no possibility of doing that particular Cap any good, if they are past redemption, why did you post their question? Just as an example of what not to do for the rest of us to read?

    I’d be feeling a little vengeful if that were me, tacked to the dartboard like that.

  8. Yeah, I agree with you, ewinbee. It’s not funny to me because I’ve been that Capricorn as a young adult, and it took a lot of hard knocks to get me to understand not to do it. But it was a lot of hard knocks which started me down that path, too. Not everybody gets to grow up with a good example of how to treat other people.

    Sure it’s ironic, but hopefully it’s compassionate amusement and not the enjoyment of watching someone else fall.

  9. i find humor in irony. there’s a boatload of irony here. i mean, c’mon…

    question: how do i give others (my version of) good advice they don’t particularly want without them going postal on me?

    answer (solicited, btw): butt out and let them run their own lives.

    response: going postal…

    i didn’t hear any cries of the antichrist, nor any implication cappy was “beyond redemption” or anything of the like…the projection going down in this exchange, however, is magnificient.

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