The Vertex, Fated Experiences And Timing

star gateBullwinkle: Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat.
Rocky: Again?
Bullwinkle: Presto!
Lion: ROAR!!!
Bullwinkle: Oops, wrong hat.

The vertex in the astrological chart is a theoretical point, calculated mathematically, like the ascendant or the midheaven. I’ve seen it referred to as a secondary descendent. I would consider it like a fated descendent, a point where fated encounters are drawn to us, where they enter our lives.

Dr. Z calls the vertex Destiny’s Gate. I think of the vertex, brace yourself for the geeky reference, like the Stargate of Fate. The Vertex Stargate is activated and a fated experience or person steps through. Sometimes in synastry you’ll see a double whammy effect with each person having a personal planet conjunct the other’s vertex. In that case it’s like a vortex opening between the two individuals, with each having a fated influence on the other.

Vertex activation by transit or synastry heralds the entrance of a person or event that is karmically pointed. Something or someone enters our lives in order to steer us in the direction of our own greater good, something to keep us on task or put us back on track if we’re straying. This can be a positive epiphany, a stressful can of worms, or anything in between.

The timing of such encounters is indicated by the activation of the vertex. A contact transit to the vertex, a conjunction, or to its opposite point, the anti-vertex, is the key that opens this gate. This timing can be observed in the natal chart as a transit. It could be seen in the progressed chart as a transit to the progressed vertex, or it can be a progressed planet activating the natal vertex.

One often sees vertex activation at critical points where you can look back and see a powerful intervention or redirect. This could be the meeting of a soulmate, or a mentor. It could be a job offer or a proposal. It could even be something so simple it could be overlooked. One time I gassed up my car for a long trip and headed out to go over a very dangerous mountain pass in winter. I always, always close my gas tank door after I pull out the fuel nozzle. As I was heading up the pass I saw in my rear-view mirror that it was flipped wipe open, so I pulled over and shut it. I remember thinking to myself, that is not possible; I distinctly remember closing it securely. I got back on the road and within ten or fifteen minutes encountered a huge, multi-car pileup at the end of a blind curve. The moon at that time was exact on my vertex. On one hand it was very pointed, on another it would be easy to overlook.

Where is your vertex? Have you ever noticed events or people entering your life when this point is conjuncted by a transiting planet?

98 thoughts on “The Vertex, Fated Experiences And Timing”

  1. I have had “path crossings” with a particular person when the transiting sun crossed my natal vertex.

    The eclipse tomorrow is on my progressed anti-vertex in the 11th house. Hmmmm

    1. Avatar
      Mary Ann Johnson

      What happened when the eclipse was on your progressed anti-vertex? Up coming eclipse is on my anti-vertex, please assist of you can.

  2. Avatar
    Anna in Canada

    My vertex at 7 degrees Aries (in 7th house)exactly conjuncts my husband’s Venus in Aries. My husband’s vertex at 3 degrees Libra exactly conjuncts my ascendant. We had unusual and fated meetings over the years before we were free to marry each other. We first met as teenagers and it was a fated relationship from the very beginning.

    1. Thank you so much for this. I just realized I have a lot of vertex activity….Saturn is currently conjunct my Sagittarius anti vertex in the second house of talents and abilities (which trines my Aquarius natal Saturn) and the Leo new moon is conjunct my north node in the tenth house of career and social standing, where I also am also experiencing a 10th to 6th house Leo Uranus-Aries Uranus trine. I’m wrapping up a fourteen year career as a massage therapist, am in love, and at the age of 54, getting married for the first time, to my beloved whose sun happens to be conjunct my vertex in Gemini. I’m looking at exploring new artistic talents with Neptune Pisces currently conjunct my 5th house Jupiter w/Chiron and square my Gemini vertex. Super interesting the way astrology tells the story….happily breaking thru!

        1. Yes, thanks for asking! Today we are happily celebrating our 7th Valentines Day as a couple. We were born just 9 days apart (ASC 2 signs apart)…Gemini Suns w/many natal chart planetary conjunctions. Not always easy, kind of like looking into a mirror and seeing what one likes ~and doesn’t like~ about oneself. But always, twin mates having fun and maturing together in love.

  3. My sun is conjuct the vertext of the man I am dating by one degree, my north node is on his anti-vertex. His sun jupiter conjunction squares my vertex/uranus conjunction…

    I do know he is learning a lot from me… he tells me so. I feel pretty hot and cold about him, but there is no denying I am learning too.

  4. considering that Pluto in Cap is about to conjunct my natal vertex soon, I guess I’m going to go ponder this…hmmm….

    1. Hello,
      This is with regards to the Pluto conjunctions Vetexbpist a looming time ago..I have the same transit approaching in my 5 house and was curious if you would share some of the manifestations of transiting Pluto on your vetex?
      Thanks in advance

  5. Satori, This is FABULOUS & I like the Stargate one of our family’s favorite shows but only with Harry Dean Anderson.

    Can charts tell if two people’s job is done with each other or if there is still more to do?


  6. What about transits to the vertex like a trine or square. I have in trine to both POF and vertex in a few days..curious.

  7. Sunsine, I’ve not seen the effects other than direct contact to the axis, but that’s my experience. your mileage may vary.

  8. CancerMom: ::fistbump:: ! for me it’s the movie and the Harry Dean original show. and the timing thing is a great question. I’m thinking it might be seen in the progressed charts.

  9. Avatar

    I met one of my closest friends about 11 years ago when we were assigned to share an office cubicle at work. We stayed friends after that job and have collaborated on numerous creative projects over the years.

    Recently, I noticed that he had several people in his life that shared my same birthday and it made me wonder if my sun made some aspect in his chart. I looked and his vertex is conjunct my sun almost exact. ::shakes head:: Astrology trips me out all the time.

    Love all your SciFi references BTW. It makes me feel at home.

  10. I’m going to have to check for past meetings. i wanted to ask you something, but have forgotten what it was – i’m typing with on-screen keyboard, and it’s a pain.

  11. my vertex is in gemini, 8th house, widely conjunct moon, venus and south node, square mars in pisces, sextile jupiter [closely], also closely trine pluto.

    this virtual stranger i’ve recently met, and keep thinking about, has his south node conjunct my vertex, nn conjunct our neptunes and square his venus at 10 pisces. i disqualified myself where he’s concerned, based on several things about him, and then his chart that has several similar aspects or placements to someone no longer in my life. i don’t know if thisis a ‘sign’ sign, or one thats ore along the lines of ‘don’t feed the bears’ – a sign to stay away. [i currently have neptune square moon/venus.]

    the taurus’ vertex completed my t-square. this guy has his mars there, and potentially his moon. wish i knew his birth time [and that my keyboard was working.]

  12. Satori when l read this (great) article l feel like l’m about to take off into space 🙂 wich is a nice feeling …vertex is kind fo advanced for me. l have no idea where my vertex is :/ or how l can find it…lol l went up and read some comments l guess l’m not the only one who gets the SF feeling here! Love it!

  13. My Vertex sits at the 1st degree of Capricorn, end of 5th house.

    In May 1988 Saturn and Uranus were hovering over it, hand in hand, and a certain man came into my life. After some years we went our separate ways.

    In 2008, with Pluto transiting the same point, we met again. I had moved away from the country where we met (his home country) and we had had no contact for 15 years.

    In 2010, when Uranus and Jupiter hit the Aries point where my natal Mercury sits, and squared my Vertex, we spend the summer together.

    Now I think it’s over (until the next strong outer planet transit:)).

    In synastry, his Jupiter conjunct my Vertex; my Venus trines his Vertex plus some other aspects.

    I believe in Vertex being strongly karmic. This relationship is completely out-of-the ordinary in all possible ways.

  14. Ooanney, on you have to click it for it to turn on in your natal chart. I think it is the second one listed after Part of Fortune. Like we did for Eris, remember?

  15. Ox’s vertex is in Cancer, conjunct his Saturn which is the point of his Yod. This point is about 6 degrees away from my part of fortune. Interesting.

  16. okeiiii l see my Vertex is Aquarius 6th progressed moon just passed the Vertex…many things changed for me fated things..out of my control so to speak that is the way it all felt anyhow!!! l need to meditate on this ….

    1. Dear Oanney,

      I am just about to experience this transit you went through in 2011 – Progressed moon transiting your 6th house aquarius vertex…wondering if you have any wise counsel? Thanks!

  17. Wow. I’ve always wondered about the Vertex, and after spending a half hour or so going through dates and time frames that are of major significance in who I am today, I can absolutely see the impact. Part of me has always known – somewhere inside myself – that those events were of importance to the evolution of my soul, but to see what was moving over the Vertex at those specific times is somewhat mind boggling!

    It’s at 0 degrees Cap/Aqu, with BML at 25 degrees Aqu. The first major change in who I am came as Lilith was transiting that are. It packed a bitchin’ punch. At the time my mother was dying, it was Saturn moving past. The time of my children’s births, action!

    Interestingly, the date of my marriage? Nothin’. huh…

  18. I still wonder if a 14 degree Gemini vertex counts for this eclipse. But I suspect not.

    I find the concept interesting, but so far it hasn’t played out in my life.

  19. Anyone have any info on Vertex conj Vertex in synastry?? I’ve got an EXACT conjunction (even in the same house!) with someone I met recently and the interaction has been extremely intense (with opposing extremes-REALLY good and then REALLY bad).

    Our ASC’s are 3 degree apart as well, so I’d assume that has something to do with it, but I haven’t been able to find ANYTHING on the conjunction of the Vertexes:-(

    We’ve got it at 14 Libra, 6th hse, also conj my Pluto;-)

  20. Today’s eclipse is exactly conjunct my anti-vertex in the 11th House. It’s also square my North Node and trine my Moon, both within 1 degree.

    …I wonder what THAT’S gonna do….!?

    Keeping all my spidey-senses up!

  21. transit Pluto is conjunct both my progressed ascendant and natal anti-vertex.
    I’m in the process of a further breakdown in health, coupled with trying to understand/transform the way I assert myself.

  22. @Aphrodite, Wow, that’s amazing! It’s been.. what, 20 years? More? That sounds intense.

    Do you have other personal connections (sun/moon, venus, ASC, mars contacts)? Or is it simply ‘fated’ because the vertex is involved?

    Sorry for being personal – I hope I’m not – but if it’s so fated, and if you keep running into each other/are willing to pursue it when you DO meet at these encounters, why not seal the deal? Make it more permanent?

    Or do vertex meetings not promise anything permanent or solid?

    Really interesting stuff.

  23. P.S., @Satori, does it ever matter when transiting planets (like the venus, mars, etc – in Taurus hehe) cross the natal vertex OR the antivertex? Ummm, this is happening now, and should I be expecting anything curious? Thank you for writing on this 🙂

  24. yep, energy represented by that planet enters your life physically in representative form, or at least that’s my take on it.

  25. my only Leo is my vertex/PF conjunction in the 8th. Guess it’s a super lucky spot haha. I do love Leo but who doesn’t? 😀

  26. Hey Satori,
    I was just curious, Jupiter trining node..POF and Vertex this week, POF on the 4th exact and Vertex on the 28th. I like my Jupiter and not a stranger to strange encounters so I thought I would ask and check it out. Thank you though, I appreciate your comments. I have been waiting for anything special to happen!

  27. Mercury is conjunct my 7 Leo Vertex and boy do I feel something happening!!! It’s like I’ve been reeving in 2nd gear not realizing I can shift all the way to 5th!!

  28. Today I found that Transiting Venus and Mercury were conjunct my natal vertex and natal Sun in my 5th house.
    I’m wondering what’s happening or what is going to happen… I feel a kind of gentle energy so far.

  29. I guess I need to check my chart before I post. I will blame that on pluto conjuct my moon..again…

    My pluto is 1 degree from conjunct my vertex in virgo 7th house. Mars will be hitting it soon..My pluto trines my moon which is getting creamed by trans pluto. I have not had posative experiences with virgo tranists..the big ones got me really bad! Saturn was a doozy. I guess the best way to see how it could manifest would be to go back to the last transit. I dont understnad the anti-vertex though.

  30. Occasionally I pull up my transits, out of curiosity. Rarely see vertex so never asked much about it….until now. The resulting search brought me here.
    Starting on the new moon a few days ago, they started to line up. At first, only a single touch to vertex. The next day another was added.

    This continues up to the 19 of September with 6 connections to vertex. A few trines to vertex come in and out dancing around MC and AS. A conjunction from Sun to vertex, Venus, Jupiter trine, Neptune quincunx, Lilith and True Node trne and sextile.

    The 20th of Sept. is a whopper with Sun lighting everyone up (looks like a birthday but isn’t), Jupiter and Uranus having a block party, and Pluto dancing with everyone over some big change in 10th.

    I hope its not fatal lol! I can’t lose my job because I already lost it!
    I have certaintly kept my eyes open and ready for any message, encounter, opportunity and self awareness coming my way!

  31. I also discovered that transiting south node in retrograde was going over my vertex at the same time as jupiter… was it a some sort of double whammy? Karmic encounter from the past?….it sure feels fated

  32. wow same with me, but their sun on my vertex. 3 back to back meetings.all of them with the same birthday. this is for real

  33. Hi Satori

    Do any of your relationship reports offer the vertex analysis?

    I just met someone and our vertexes are both conjunct our moons within 5 degree orbs and both our Junos are conjunct our suns. There’s no doubting the pull. I just would like to know whether it would be worth it or whether I will then land up in a real mess from loving 2 men at the same time – am separated from but still love my husband…

  34. glad i found this old thread! transit juno is conjunct my anti-vertex… it will be exact by saturday… i think this is rather interesting as its corresponding with the timing of the lunar eclipse, no? since it just went direct, i checked back to see when it was conj my anti-vertex while rx, and that was the first week of september… thats when my ex and i started talking again.

  35. What about the vertex of the first meeting chart conjunct a transiting Venus? I think this works pretty much, also vertex conjunct fixed star mirach is a fated meeting. Can anyone elaborate?

  36. This Tuesday the transiting Sun- Sag 10 degrees will transit my 2nd house anti-vertex which squares my Chiron at Pisces 10 degrees in my 5th house. I know Chiron transits can bring potent healing experiences. I know squares can be challenging, yet as well, an opportunity to unblock myself. This leaves me feeling curious and in anticipation.

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