Weekend Love Forecast – Intense Minds And Passionate Play

still lifeAll weekend long, the cardinal t-square of Libra Sun, Cancer Mars, and retro Chiron in Aries creates tension and discomfort in pursuing goals and correcting course. That doubles duty in avoiding some serious pitfalls as well. It’s a master course in “If it don’t come easy, back it off”.

But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t act. One thing it’s great for is initiating action on possibilities and seeing how they go. Friday night we’ve got a yod from retro Uranus in Taurus and retro Neptune in Pisces to Mercury in Libra that allows us to craft the mental and relational tools needed for this very specific time. So jump into planning early, and you’ll benefit more easily and fully as the weekend wears on.

In addition, the Sun and Mercury in Libra are heavily influenced by Scorpio Venus. Venus opposes retro Uranus and trines retro Neptune all weekend long. So plans, goals, senses, and communications (not to mention ego growth) are all subject to the powerful whims of desire, yes, but also upgraded impulses to improve our aims. Venus drives are currently subject to divine input and the magic of unseen connections.

If you fear loss or change in relationship as Mercury moves into square with retro Pluto in Capricorn, the position of Venus as well as the influence of the Moon in Aquarius and Pisces can aid in unhitching from personalized reactivity. Change may be exactly what you need, and it can also change your mind.

Friday night, the Aquarius Moon stretches out through the early degrees with no particular interruption, so we get a chance lean in to the excitation of the senses with the Mercury-Uranus-Neptune yod. Consciously milk the experience for details and toss what doesn’t suit. Communications are likely to be intense this weekend, possibly terse or intimidating, but there’s so much to learn. Let any unpleasantness flow off your back and only internalize what helps you make sense of things.

All weekend, the Sun trines newly retro Jupiter in Gemini, so it’s easy to find a silver lining if you’re open to it. If you’re too prone to giving others the benefit of the doubt and accepting less than ideal conditions or agreements just to get along (Libra Mercury square Pluto), Sun-Jupiter will aid in puffing out your defenses. Why should you accept less than you’re worth? You should not — unless it benefits you for some other reason (and it had better be a good one).

So when Saturday night’s Aquarius Moon hits the second half of the sign, it fills in a grand trine with the Sun and Jupiter. What fun! Friday night’s complications and explorations lay down a floor for Saturday night’s revels to party on. Nothing is ever perfectly shiny, but this shine elevates the entire shebang.

If you can’t move ahead with a fully formed plan, why not dance? If you’re entertaining options, why not play around with possibilities and lean into boundary blurring connections? Just for fun, for play. It’s learning, and knowledge is power.

Sunday morning comes around with the Aquarius Moon forming a t-square with the Venus-Uranus opposition. The best mood advice for Sunday morning is to control your intake Saturday night. Yes, that can mean intoxicants, but it’s also too much of anything: both Jupiter and Neptune are involved. Heck, talking too much can take it out of you.

Mercury squares Pluto exactly on Sunday morning, so the mind and senses gather a bit of breathing space as the day wears on. Mercury then heads into Scorpio to join Venus by afternoon, with the Moon moving to Pisces and a trine to Mercury immediately after. It’s a watery mood of flow that relaxes the senses, an ideal moment for putting down the stress and putting us back in touch with our inner grace.

The Sun’s t-square with retro Chiron and Mars lasts into the night, but so does its trine to retro Jupiter. Inner grace is the perfect accompaniment to powering through and learning what you really want, who you genuinely ARE, and what you wish to pursue. It imbues meaning to our expression of self and increases our base for employing emotional intelligence.

Do you have any weekend plans?

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