Weekend Love Forecast – Leo New Moon Sextile Jupiter, Mercury Retro

boy heliosAs we build toward Sunday morning’s new moon in Leo and take in the slow stationing of Mercury in Virgo (retro Sunday night), the dark of the Moon brings cover to the metamorphosis of desire. Venus spends the weekend in quincunx to retro Pisces Neptune.

Leo Venus got a tune-up this week, turning up the drama on novel attachments and and blazing up a fresh trail to delight. In quincunx to retro Neptune, Venus enters a sparkling chrysalis, and heaven knows what fascinations will emerge (protected by Neptune’s invisible touch).

Friday night, the self-ruled Cancer Moon squares retro Chiron in Aries, sextiles Uranus in Taurus, and winds up in sextile to Juno in Virgo. We’re set to learn in general, and to learn something specific that has eluded us up to this point. It’s not comfy, but it’s necessary to moving forward. Are our attachments an investment, something to scuttle when the winds change? Are they bonds settled in service and sense? In any case, these gut feelings may not settle our tummies, but they will set us on the road to the territory of satisfying relationships.

Saturday night, the Sun-ruled Leo Moon sextiles Mars in Mercury-ruled Gemini. Virgo Mercury crawls along in square to Mars, an aspect close enough for impact, but one that won’t perfect and will soon separate. The plans we’re planning and the steps we’re taking won’t pan out the way we think. However, the effort is in no way wasted. Follow through with the focus of your current goals; their shine will light the way through myriad possibilities – so you’re set regardless. Grab for the shiny prize. This glitter is worth MORE than gold.

Early Sunday, the Leo Moon forms its new moon conjunction with the Sun. At the same moment, the Sun picks up the orb of sextile to Jupiter in Gemini. The Moon goes on to sextile Jupiter on its own. The possibilities for success signal optimism and the mood sparks us to take advantage of its drive toward the goal. Double drive! It’s a buoyancy that leads to confidence, magnifying the odds for success on our intentions.

Leo Venus perfects its quincunx to retro Neptune midday, then heads into Virgo by night. Something real, something we can touch emerges into the world. Metaphorically, beauty spreads its brand new wings and is attainable, real.

With Mercury stationing retrograde as the Leo Moon trines retro Chiron in the night, there’s much to harness where we’ve already done the research and legwork. We’re called to reassess all aspects of our progress and understanding and roll that into a grand, new project of self and personal meaning. Our life’s philosophy and forward facing image are primed for an upgrade.

The deity is in the details, so it’s time for another look and another attempt.

The new moon takes place at 12 degrees Leo, early Sunday. Mercury stations retrograde at 4 degrees Virgo, late Sunday night. Where do these hit your chart? Do you have any weekend plans? What are your intentions?

5 thoughts on “Weekend Love Forecast – Leo New Moon Sextile Jupiter, Mercury Retro”

    1. Cannonball Adderley – Leo


      A Most Spectacular Leo to You

      Glorious gift of Summer light
      shining in the warm, bright Sun
      Play through languid days of
      darling fun
      Dance, sway musical nights
      wrapped in glow of romance
      Happy to take any chance for
      daring, to show off benevolence,
      loyal, generous, strong
      We give honor with ceremonial song,
      rising spirit, bubbling laughter
      Fierce wishes for joy and grace
      ever after

      Mary Lou Williams: 5. Leo (Zodiac Suite, 1945)

  1. New Moon opp. my Mars, quincunx my Mercury
    Mercury retro opp. my Jupiter
    much stress lately, a major stressor happening on Monday
    I need to quickly learn to relax, let go, just go through without getting caught in the mental maelstrom

  2. Thank you for your beautiful interpretations, Satori. The new moon is opposite my Sun by degree. Mercury is pivoting on my Pluto, one corner of a grand cross. Play it again….

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