Weekend Love Forecast – Seeing, Believing, and Making It Real

handsFriday night’s fiery Aries Moon hits its last quarter as the Moon squares the Cancer Sun and sextiles Gemini Jupiter. It’s the tipping point as we travel from full moon to new moon, and the mood is ripe with excitement and emotional courage.

Venus in Moon-ruled Cancer sextiles (Aries Moon sign ruler) Mars in Venus-ruled Taurus, exact in the night. The mood reflects a tremendous desire to initiate, to grab what we crave. The conditions (Venus-Mars) lend themselves to success. Go for it!

After the Venus-Mars sextile peaks, Venus continues in trine to Pisces Saturn. Sure, get after getting what you want, but it’s important to remember that what’s meant for you is a sure thing. Some things take time.

Friday through Saturday night, Cancer Mercury sextiles Uranus in Taurus, so expect the unexpected. Pay attention and stay in the loop; when the narrative shifts you’ll want to take advantage of a quick turnaround. You may not have control over what’s happening, but if you make it a point to stay abreast, you can turn the tide toward triumph. An emotional appeal to everyone’s better nature works wonders.

Saturday night’s Aries Moon conjoins Chiron and squares Venus and Mercury. If the Mercury-Uranus newsflash breaks discomforting reactions, take charge or take responsibility. That’s a world of difference from taking blame. The one who learns to lead is the winner here. In any case, challenge and friction aren’t a bad thing. Many times they’re the switch that raises the blush on desire. Step up.

As the Mercury-Uranus sextile peaks then passes, Mercury picks up a trine to Pisces Neptune. Whether the news (the sensation, the attitude, the conversation) is good or bad, assume that it’s in your best interest somehow. It’s a bit of mind-magic, but it works. Bypass anxiety and express yourself as it comes. The right response will flow. Will it feel right? Maybe, maybe not. But trust that it IS right.

On Sunday morning, the Moon finishes up in Aries then heads into Taurus. In Taurus, the Moon squares Pluto in Aquarius then goes on to sextile the Sun. Venus continues in trine to Saturn, as does Mercury to Neptune. Trust the process, even when it feels like a loss. These things take time unfolding, as well as faith. Keep up with formulating a plan and advancing the plot.

It’s okay to feel good about yourself whether or not you’re seeing results yet. Making an effort can help that along. Believe it so you can see it. Then when you see it in your mind’s eye, you’re more likely to spot the ways to make it real.

Do you have any weekend plans?

3 thoughts on “Weekend Love Forecast – Seeing, Believing, and Making It Real”

  1. โ€œTrust the process even when it feels like a loss. These things take time.โ€

    Thanks for this, Satori. Our little art and selling purple tent rests this Sunday as I recoup and find my bearings. Your advice is very loving. Ahh!โœŒ๏ธ๐Ÿ’œ

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