Weekend Love Forecast – Whirlwind of Joy!

venus marsWhat do you feel like doing? Mars in Cancer is Mars under the Moon’s rule. With Friday night’s Capricorn Moon, task-work from home is a lock, but what else?

This combo also takes us into themes of control, responsibility, home, family, nurturing. The Moon in solid Capricorn is earthy and cardinal, and its tie to Cancer is relational. So if you want to feel vital, you take control and make concrete steps to get your needs met.

It also invites participation, either through cooperation or objectification. Is someone else involved? Are they driving the action or are you? Movement and motion meld with emotion and feeling across a dynamic give and go. Satisfaction is there for the taking — or the giving. Remember, you get to decide (through your actions, stay or go?) if you like what you’re getting; but so does the other person.

Are you recognizing the other as a person? Are they?

Friday night’s Cap Moon trines retro Uranus in Taurus, sextiles retro Neptune in Pisces, then conjoins retro Pluto in Capricorn. Emotional lightning strikes shake the ground (or charge the batteries?). Options for magic flow are everywhere and nowhere; relax and connect to the earth to find them. The mood that goes dark goes very dark. The mood that follows the flow can change your life. Controlling force of action tips the scales. Do the right thing, particularly if others don’t (not that I’m suggesting they won’t). Do you feel it? Do you feel more alive?

Speaking of balance, Friday through Saturday night, Venus in Libra trines Jupiter in Gemini. We want more, we want it twice. We want it all! The balance-y nature of Libra with the airy nature of the trine lead us to negotiate. Ask for more! Ask twice if necessary. With Jupiter you can write it in BIG LETTERS, shout your wishes (with a laugh?), broadcast your hopes and schemes. It’s okay to expect more; did you know?

Saturday night, the Aquarius Moon quincunxes Virgo Mercury. An electric mood imbues the mind and senses with a whirlwind of those big ideas! But this mood is like a pump: You’ve got to put in some energy, but you’ll get so much more back. Put the pieces together. Snoop a bit (without compromising anyone’s privacy). Put more pieces together. Then make a plan! Virgo is good to others, is kind and in service to those who deserve it and those who do not. Make a plan to be good to YOURSELF as well.

Sunday morning through midday, the Aquarius Moon creates a grand trine in air with the past-exact Venus-Jupiter trine. Venus heads into opposition with retro Chiron in Aries. Take some of what you gleaned from the air on Saturday night and whip it through this rapid threshing mood to whisk away the chaff. Learning what to do with what you’ve figured out never felt so good. Now put it into action. This is fun! Don’t forget to feel the joy as you spin.

Sunday night, the Moon squares retro Uranus. Unsettling? Perhaps. OR, it could be electrifying, just the nudging shock you need to spark a change to your concrete reality and take it to heart.

Do you have any weekend plans? Beauty sparks joy this weekend. The full moon is coming up; are you feeling any prescient waves?

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