Weekly Forecast: February 19-23, 2024 – Pisces Season

orange Zac coatAll week long, Venus and Mars pull away from Pluto in Aquarius and continue to move into square with Jupiter in Taurus. Monday through Wednesday, Venus chases Mars — till Wednesday night when they conjoin and Venus pulls ahead.

In any case, desire and action; love, money, and physicality work together. BUT, they’re challenged in scale, over or undershooting, over or under-powered. That is something that can be mastered through experimentation, however, and Aquarius is skilled in that area.

The Sun at the beginning of Pisces makes its way into conjunction with Saturn over the course of a full week. Before then, we’ve got the full moon in Virgo, an opposition to the Sun, on Saturday morning. But Monday, we start out with the Moon in Cancer, the sign it rules, just past trine to the Sun and heading into trine with Saturn: a stable mood with plenty of creativity to bounce off.

And bounce we will as the Cancer Moon goes on to sextile Jupiter. The better part of the day lands a mood that capitalizes on meaning and right place, right time energy. What’s more than home, more than satisfied?

Tuesday morning, the Cancer Moon pushes off a square to the Aries north node-Chiron conjunction and heads into sextile with Uranus in Taurus. Our best efforts may feel sketchy, but we’re right to give it a go as there’s plenty of opportunity to pleasantly surprise ourselves! Nighttime brings a Moon trine to Neptune and the space to indulge in some sweet, fuzzy fantasizing.

Wednesday morning, the Moon moves to Sun-rule in Leo and immediately scores an opposition to Pluto. Leo is generally fun and affable… unless unreasonably challenged. The mood may be prone to sharp ego shocks, something you might not register if you took the time to examine them. So examine your fuse and make sure you’ve got snacks. Leo is also capable of brushing off what it deems below its level.

The Leo Moon goes on to oppose Venus and Mars as they close their conjunction. Add in a mutual square to Jupiter and you’ve got a nighttime t-square. If someone or something (or a concept) stands in your way, try not to let them spin you up! However, if you need a bit of motivation, others may be able to help you a great deal.

Thursday morning, the Leo Moon moves past its square to Jupiter and into trine with Chiron on the north node. It then goes on to square Uranus in Taurus. While a fiery mood is ready to put the shine on a special project, one that’s been in the works a while; be sure you’re braced for the truth of the outcome. Not everything has to be perfect to be worthwhile, to be worthy of being called a WIN. Consider alternate measures of what success may mean. Bettering oneself is a definite win.

In the wee, early hours of Friday, Mercury moves from zippy Aquarius to hazy Pisces, joining the Sun, Saturn, and Neptune in the sign. The Leo Moon slides through a quincunx to Neptune till afternoon. While the mood is HOT, the rest of the story is watery and tough to pin down. This can be a grand time if you’re able to hang, dude.

By late afternoon, the Moon winds up in vivacious Virgo, a counterbalance to all that Pisces and an earthy grounding for the run-up to the full moon (early Saturday). The Mercury-ruled Virgo Moon opposes early Pisces Mercury, and we can expect an earful from somebody. That earful could also come in the shape of a “knowing”, something that seems to come from inside and outside oneself all at once.

This is not something you need to worry about. It’s not something you’ve got to chase or fix either. In fact, heading into THIS full moon looks exciting (as all full moons are) but only in the best of ways. Fun, and soft, and glamorous but pulled down to earth to taste and feel and laugh with. It’s not just a dream but an inspiration to launch a greater reality.

The full moon takes place at 5 degrees Virgo with Jupiter at 10 Taurus. Where will these hit your chart?

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