Weekly Forecast: September 30 – October 4, 2024 – New Moon In Libra

tutu swordsDo you inform people what you’re going to do beforehand? Do you seek advice and discuss your musings, give a heads up or warning about what you’ve decided? Do you ask permission, or do you act first and apologize later if necessary?

This week’s new moon in Libra is heavily influenced by a Mercury-Mars square and Libra ruler Venus’ grand water trine with Mars and retro Saturn. So while there’s a collective challenge in matching intentions to actions, ultimately we’ve got to go with what works for us personally. Weigh things in your mind, but definitely go with your gut. If there’s any deferring to be done, it’s to a higher power or to the preponderance of spiritual work already done.

Remember, you’re the one who will bear the consequences, and we want those consequences to be pleasurable and desired. And good for us: we’re done shooting ourselves in the foot, yes?

On Monday, the Mercury-ruled Virgo Moon opposes retro Saturn in Pisces and sextiles Mars in Cancer. Libra Mercury rolls over the Sun, exact in the afternoon. The mood brings stamina, momentum, and the sense to navigate through a blind spot. We want what we want when we want it, but responding emotionally to overwhelm doesn’t have to take us off our game. Trust your established perspective.

Afternoon takes the Virgo Moon into square with Jupiter, an even better reason to keep your cool in the morning. Gemini Jupiter will exacerbate whatever hint of imbalance sparks its notice.

Tuesday’s Virgo Moon moves over the tail of last week’s kite with trines to retro Uranus and retro Pluto, and an opposition to retro Neptune. Listen, empathize, communicate, empower — download the echo of last week’s insights for a cohesive inventory of the map. There’s a saying: “The map is not the territory”; however, this mood map settles our subconscious worries that we’re missing something. By evening, the Moon moves to Libra and the impending new moon focus shifts to Venus in Scorpio, smoldering, ready for action but holding its line.

Wednesday morning, the Libra Moon conjoins the south node, gathering stability from experience. Midday it conjoins the Sun for the new moon, illuminating the Mercury-Mars square but supported gracefully by the grand trine in water. A lunar fresh start in cardinal air is precious; in Libra it requires a challenge to surmount in order to show its potent beauty and shine its brightest.

Because of all our grand groundwork, we’re coming into this new moon with incredible perspective, ready to break through and push past irrelevant objections. Do we know better? Who knows, but we’ve put in the work and are ready to cast our lot. Our goals are as pure as we could make them and certainly well-vetted by now.

Thursday morning through midday, the Libra Moon trines Jupiter and opposes retro Chiron. The new moon air is fresh and whipping up a meaning storm. Look for communications coming in that aren’t quite so fresh. Is there maybe a little judgement attached? Some criticism? Look it in the eye to see if it’s helpful. If yes, take it in and learn or upgrade; run with it. If no, just smile and say, “Thank you.” Your facial expression adds in all warranted flavor (if any). Mercury square Mars is still in effect, so there’s no need to spark a fight.

By nighttime, the Libra Moon quincunxes retro Uranus and retro Neptune at the point of a yod while squaring retro Pluto (exact overnight). The Pluto square is tempered by Scorpio Venus and more likely to be a help than a hindrance. Intensity of desire turns that yod into a snap partnership with pleasure. Lean in to the fantasy and make sure you prioritize your own delight.

On Friday, the Moon moves to Scorpio and Venus perfects its trine to retro Saturn. With both Saturn and Mars facing Venus in motion, this is a warm, wet squeeze. The completion of Saturn’s arm is a guide rail, support, and a bracing commitment as Mars walks us closer to birthing our creation.

All day and all night, the Scorpio Moon closes ground on a conjunction with Venus (exact Saturday), and the mood is sultry — focused on the sweet steamy kiss of an unchaste dream.

The new moon takes place midday-afternoon on Wednesday at 10 degrees Libra. It highlights a Mercury square to Mars and a grand trine in water. I’ll reckon it touches everyone somewhere. In your chart, is a good touch?

4 thoughts on “Weekly Forecast: September 30 – October 4, 2024 – New Moon In Libra”

    1. Oops… meant to add, thanks Satori for this intriguing look at the week ahead! Much needed hint of richness in trying times. And yes, with the eclipse conjunct my SN, I do plan to stop shooting myself in the foot!

  1. Complely broken from nothing! Pluto here transiting my 12th house. Love to be alone and be safe with myself and would love to work with vulnerable people again. Love to stick with Freddy Mercury song “I want to set free” No gender problem here. But that’s my feeding. Pluto squares both my mercury and venus 1th house and without other aspects Love you all 🙂

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