Hi, Elsa!
If Person A’s Mercury is squaring Person B’s Mercury (considered a challenging aspect) but Person A’s Mercury is conjunct Person B’s Moon which is harmonious. Which do you give greater weight to and how do you make that determination?
Curious in the United States
Hi Curious. This is a great question that a lot of people struggle with. When there are two aspects that seem to contradict each other, both are valid and both will play.
In the example you offer, Mercury in conflict with Mercury will see the two minds, clash. That’s one event. But with the harmonious contact with the Moon, the Moon person’s may feel okay about the situation. Or the Mercury person may understand (Mercury) the feelings (Moon) of their partner.
As for weighing one aspect over the other; this would be up to an individual’s preference. If they hate bickering, they may ignore some of the positive things that come from it. It might be a deal-breaker in that case. Another person might think it’s no big deal.
If you want to look at this, strictly in terms of astrology, then you might consider the orbs of the aspects. In that case, the aspect with the tighter orb might be more emphasized.
What’s your experience weighing aspects in synastry?
Another point to consider for example is a Gemini’s Mercury will act and respond very different to say a Pisces’s Mercury. This goes for how a moon will react too.
So looking at any planetary aspect against say another planetary aspect is still heavy governed by their Sun Sign. So for example, a Gemini might better be able to communicate more clearly his/her intentions in a diplomatic style which smoothes over any harshness in deliver, but still challenges in a good way the other person to think more deeply.
Obviously these examples apply to all the sun signs in connection with the planets in terms of inherent strengths and weaknesses.
Cheers – Shane
So Elsa, what’s better (not sure if that’s the right word) in Synastry, Sun Conjunct Moon or Sun conjunct Venus?
I’d be very grateful for either! 🙂
Me too!
I love it when you post tidbits like this, Elsa. You have a knack for explaining things succinctly.
I have a zero degree mercury square mercury in synastry with my mom hence we argue often and for dumb things, (imagine two fixed mercury in a square trying to agree to something quick lol) yet we have a one deg or even less* moon conjunct moon and it feels very comforting and safe to be around eachother, someone who has the same instinctual reaction to a thing but a very different and often grating opinion. That’s just how it goes.