What Is A Stellium?

stellium.jpgSometimes the planets bunch up together in the sky. When this happens, you usually hear about it on the news. Babies are born during these times. If you are one of them, then you have a “stellium” in your chart.

People who have stelliums in their charts have a focus on one sign or house. This explains how you can meet a Pisces who acts like a Leo!

You look at the chart and see the Sun in Pisces but the Moon, Mars and Jupiter and ascendant are all in Leo. You have your explanation right there!

A stellium generally refers to three or more planets in one sign in a chart.

Do you have a stellium in your chart?

101 thoughts on “What Is A Stellium?”

  1. I have a Stellium in Cancer. My Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Midheaven & Chiron are in Cancer. I’m such a watery crab that it’s ridiculous =)

  2. Thank you Elsa!
    Should have added that Stellium is in Virgo & currently trining 9th House-transiting Jupiter in Taurus & 5th House-
    transiting Pluto in Capricorn.

  3. My Drama queen mom has:
    5th house stellium, main actors are Venus, Uranus, Ceres, Merc, Eros.
    Leo Sun, Pluto, Saturn.

    She is all about Emotional Drama! the stellium hits cancer with Merc, Ceres, Eros.


  4. My ex has Sun/Merc/Pallas exact conjunct as well as Venus and Pluto (conj. NN) in Libra. I call him mega Libra, and yes he works in politics. My friend has the stellium pictured above (Merc, Venus, Sun, Moon plus Saturn) in Gemini. I find the focused energy of stellium people so fascinating. My progressed chart has a stellium in Leo (Sun, Merc, Jupiter, Venus), might be something to that as these days I’m quite driven to be known as force of nature 🙂

  5. I am a Leo sun with South Node, Mercury, Moon, Venus, Saturn in Virgo, all in the 10th, except for Saturn, which stands alone. Doesn’t that mean this is old business and I should be aspiring to become like my North Node, which is in Pisces.

  6. Yes in Libra: Sun,Jupiter,Mercury,Uranus and Venus all in 5th house. They hardly fit. Im a libra to the 5th power..lol.

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    Merc(my chart ruler) Chiron and Venus stellium here. My libra daughter has 2 strolling one in libra one in scorp.

    Her and I have always been so close that rarely did I even have to think if disciplining her. However my 5th house is libra. Ever since Saturn got there her and I have struggled painfully. She has 2nd and 3rd house libra. What she values and how she communicates are battling with what will and will not be allowed. Thing is I’m easy basic rules no unreasonable curfew I’m not a closed minded person and still she’s chaffing.

    Was excited to think bit much longer till Saturn moves out of my 5th and her 2nd and 3rd. Then I realized it will begin to work in my scorp moon and her 4th house Scorpio stellium.

    Now I have no idea what to think…

  8. Two to be exact…Pluto, Moon, Uranus & Jupiter in Virgo 10th House + Venus, Chiron, Mars and Neptune in Scorpio (ASC as well)

  9. 9th house stellium in Aries (mars, Jupiter, Chiron), cancer sun, Virgo rising.

    My 3 yr old has five planets in Virgo. Lines up his cars perfectly 🙂

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    Blessed Place

    Stellium in Cap: Merc H4 and Venus/Sun in H5.

    It’s strengthened too since almost all my main asteroids are conjunct a planet within 1˚ so almost exact; and I have Ceres conjunct Merc and Vesta conjunct Venus

    My chart is pretty Saturn heavy, since Merc is also my chart ruler

  11. Sun, mercury and mars in Virgo… Moon, Saturn and Pluto in Scorpio.. I feel a pull between two forces… Like I wanna go crazy but my mind stops me… I’m an intense thinker I guess lol…

  12. I have two. 4 planets in Libra in the 9th (Venus, Pluto, Uranus, and Mars) and 3 planets in Sagittarius in the 11th (Moon, Mercury, and Neptune).

  13. Woah- so I dialed in every asteroid I never heard of: In Sagittarius,5th house, Pallas,Neptune,the Moon, Venus, Juno and Ceres. Lilith is still in the 5th house but creeps into Capricorn.

  14. I have read that re. the stellium (Encyclopedia of Astrology by Devore), this is a group of five or more planets in the same sign or house.

  15. 1st house Stellium in Virgo: Sun, Mercury, Pluto
    and then
    Leo Stellium: Venus (11), Uranus (12), N Node (12)

    no idea what that all means though.

  16. I have (in this order) Moon, Saturn, Mercury, Uranus, Sun and Neptune stellium. All in Sagittarius except for Neptune being in Capricorn. Also happens to be in my 8th house, all except the Moon which lies in the 7th house.

    Needless to say I am the black sheep of my family. Mwahaha!

  17. I have a Libra Stellium in my 6th house (Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto).

    Jupiter crosses over into my 7th house (ruled by Libra) where my Sun, Mercury, and Uranus are in Scorpio.

    It is a challenge to find helpful insights on Stelliums on the web or in books. Do the lessons of the opposing sign/house of the stellium grant balance? Where is there more information?

  18. Hmm..
    Not completely sure if I’m reading mine correctly but if I am.

    Stellium in Scorpio in the 11th house, one slightly on 12th
    Stellium in Virgo in the 9th house.
    How do I interrupt this?

  19. Hello Elsa,
    I’m new in astrology so I’m having many questions. 🙂

    First: I wonder if a stellium is reaching to another sign within the same house?

    Second: Do you interpret a five planet conjuction as a stellium if the first two planets are in 2 degrees reach to each other, the third in 8 degrees reach from the second, and the fourth two degrees away from the third but in the next sign within the same house with the fifth planet?

    Third: How can I interpret this, if the three planets are in an intercepted sign?

    Thank you for your answer!

  20. This stellium is actually Sun-Jupiter-Saturn-Mercury-Moon in Virgo and Libra the VII. house with Leo on the house cusp. I have read many opposing things to this, but I guess it’s nothing terminal. 😀

  21. I know a man whose Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Mars, Juno, and Pallas Athene are in his Sagittarius 9H. He takes decisive action with his big ideas then assigns his projects to his partners for completion because he’s lost interest in the details.

  22. “This explains how you can meet a Pisces who acts like a Leo! You look at the chart and see the Sun in Pisces but the Moon, Mars and Jupiter and ascendant are all in Aries. You have your explanation right there!” Did you mean to say they are in Leo? Instead of Aries? A little confused.

  23. I m not sure but I think I may have 2 stelliums in my chart !
    The first house Ascendant,Leo Pluto and Uranus.

    Second in 9th house Aries, Jupiter Mars and Mercury

    A bit heavy I guess.

  24. Thanks Elsa, for pinning this. I kinda forgot I have a stellium in Sadge (moon, Saturn, Uranus). If you count Chiron then I have a stellium in Gemini too (Mecury, Chiron, Mars). These clusters form 3 distinct oppositions. All I know is it’s a beast! My Taurus sun is like “WTF, mate!” (like that old “end of ze world” video animation from the early 2000s)

  25. Indeed. sun, mercury, Mars, neptune, Uranus in cap. Sun is at an earlier degree landing in the 5th house. Venus in Aquarius in the 6th with all the rest. Very focused…. sometimes so focused that I can’t see anything at all.

  26. I am a 50 year old Scorpio with sun and moon in Scorpio and Sagittarius rising and all of th bad stuff is towards the end of my chart, aka past 5 years. it appears to be in the House of Aquarius. What is this about?

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