What To Expect From Jupiter in Pisces 2021-2022

pisces plateJupiter will re-enter Pisces on December 29th. Jupiter is at home in Pisces. Pisces is ethereal. Jupiter brings a benefit and offers protection. Jupiter in Pisces is a quintessential “angel on your shoulder”.  You can expect this is to be a positive transit, overall.

Jupiter spends about a year in a sign. There are a lot of people saying that Jupiter will only be in Pisces for six months. This is not correct.  It’s more like nine months but the time is broken up due to periods when they planet retrogrades.

Here are your dates and degrees:

May 13, 2021 – Jupiter enters Pisces
June 21, 2021 – Jupiter turns retrograde at 2 degrees Pisces
July 29, 2021 – Jupiter retrogrades back into Aquarius
December 30, 2021 – Jupiter enters Pisces
May 11, 2022 – Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries
July 29, 2022 – Jupiter turns retrograde at 8 degrees Aries
October 28, 2022 – Jupiter retrogrades back into Pisces.
November 24, 2022 – Jupiter turns direct at 28 degrees Pisces
December 21, 2022 – Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries.

That’s it. Jupiter will ingress back into Pisces in March of 2033.

It is notable that Jupiter will transit straight through Pisces in five and a half month. We’ll have to watch this!

Jupiter energy is large and generous and over the top. Pisces is not bound by the limits of the physical world.  This is a miraculous combination.  Take issue with that if you like. I know that miracles are not only real, they take place every day, all around the world.

This combination is inclusive. No one is shut out.  Everyone can forgive and be forgiven. To fare well, drop any petty behaviors and adopt an optimistic view of the future.

If you think this is impossible, ask the door to be opened so you can see that grace is available to everyone and everyone includes you.

What house will Jupiter in Pisces transit in your chart?  Can you see the possibilities and potential in that area of life?

58 thoughts on “What To Expect From Jupiter in Pisces 2021-2022”

  1. Jupiter in Pisces will be transiting my 5th H, but I can’t think of what that could affect.
    I’m currently bogged down by heavy 4th H matters – perhaps Jupiter will bring inspiration if some of the 4th H problems are resolved.
    I hope so!

  2. Yes, I can see possible benefits. I see the possibility to experience something miraculous at the root (fourth house) that brings opportunity (sextile) to sense of self (Sun), drive (Mars), and love life (Venus) so Yay!!!! 🙂 Jupiter is also my chart ruler double YAY YAY!

    1. Me too! Well, 28.53 Pisces. Please post how it goes for you. I will too. Big data gathering opportunity. I am already noticing changes in my neighborhood. Wonder if this will increase?

      1. Jupiter 4* from my MC at 26 Aquarius. Gemini stellium.. sun at 14*, Mars at 5*, Asc at 22* and a Mercury at 25* all Gemini. Uranus /Pluto conjunction at 15* Virgo. Moon at 9* sag or cap depending on which house place I use.
        ? I met my husband end of 2001, engaged 4 months later in 2002, he passed away in November 2020 ? 19years from the last eclipse cycle we will have again a May 26th. I need a miracle STAT ! ?

        1. Somewhere there’s a guide to the 18-19 year Saros Eclipse Cycles, perhaps by Bernadette Brady? I can’t find it, but if anyone has it they could she’d light on the qualities of this cycle. Good luck!

          1. Sorry I can’t remember or give details, but my wanderings on the internet recently brought me to a discussion of Saros cycle where I saw that this particular eclipse (December 2021) is considered the very MOST positive out of ALL of them. So ready for good news.
            And I regret not saving that website as a tab or screenshot for further research or sharing.

        2. Oh Holli, I am so sorry. I married my husband in 2000 9 months after we met, he passed away in 2019. I also have a Sag moon. I have two younger sisters recently diagnosed with cancer, one is small cell lung cancer stage 4. I am so hoping for miracles this year!!

      2. Goody! My Sun is at 28.35, 10th House Pisces. I shall be watching for your posts, aspire on and Christine. Indeed, I, too, am seeing changes in my neighbourhood: far fewer masks, lots of jocose, friendly one-liners from strangers. Just Chrsitmas spirit, or …?

  3. Will enter my 5th house in the late winter or early spring of 2022. I am hoping that transit brings about motherhood for me (pregnancy), Fingers crossed. And the expansion and unfolding of a creative project I’ve been mapping out for a while. I’ve no romantic relationship to speak of right now, but apparently one should remain optimistic (My very exact Saturn sq Moon has trouble with that one…)

  4. PurpleStarGirl

    It’ll be in my 5th house. I have no current plans to get pregnant or have kids and nor do I want to. I also don’t know if I’ll be getting into a new hobby or spiritual study either.

    I wonder if I’ll enter a new relationship because Uranus is currently in my 7th house. I hope not.

  5. Natal jupiter at 00 pisces and sun at 02 pisces in 10th.
    Trying to keep expectations low but indeed I have hopes and will try to manifest abundance this period. Of course I have my final MFA degree art show in this period…

  6. 6th house and descendant with my Moon Jupiter conjunction there, although not a Jupiter return until 2022. I’m hopeful for this transit because I am a Jupiter inspired person and I enjoy the transits through home signs. Jupiter in Sag was very hectic and demanding but enjoyable and positive.

  7. This will be a good opportunity to test out house systems. With Whole Sign and Equal houses, Jupiter is in my 3rd house. With most other house systems it is in my second. Excited to see how this goes.

    1. Aspire,
      Interesting thought because it’s the same situation for me. Whole sign, fifth house. Equal sign, fourth house. Placidus,(which I looked at for so long it stuck in my head), third house. I will watch this too. I can kinda see all three. I’m about to move to the big house in the middle of our little town. I’m 7 weeks pregnant and find out Monday if it’s twins. No fertility meds but progressed moon was conjunct my natal mercury with Jupiter transiting it at time of conception and a bunch of other Astro signatures and other signs. So new neighbors, new house, new baby(ies)…and third house, the gemini house??‍♀️

  8. This is good news! Jupiter will move into my 2nd House Pisces, what do I value and how am I of value to those I relate to? Yes, the potentialities (all so much Jupiter!) for forgiving and being forgiven as I age and find a home to settle into — foibiles and faults as well as joyful abundance. To be a neighbor, and be with good and helpful neighbors. WOW. Valuable assets, for growing community not commodity. I’m hopeful, humbled at how long this sort of lesson takes to blossom. Hopeful and grateful nonetheless.
    Pete and I have just moved “home”, Elsa.)

    1. Jupiter check: Post giving thanks day 2021, Pisces (water) is everywhere. It’s wet here on our island. Jupiter has moved into my 1st House to soften up any dried and fixed-in-placeness that may need to flow/go. I like this approach to navigation. Long haul transformation. Gives me perspective and appreciation for why my parts work or don’t work at different times.

  9. Oh to forgive and be forgiven
    The door open but in case it has been blown askew , I am listening
    For the knock , oh Jupiter, let the Grace begin, thank you Elsa , your view thoughts and interpretation
    Better a cup of coffee and a string
    Of Hail Marys

    1. “a cup of coffee and a string of Hail Marys” oh Raerae … yes to that (well coffee don’t do me good any more, but there’s other ways to nurse hot water)

  10. Avatar
    James Slattery

    Just short of my Asc at 2’35” Pisces before the retrograde. It will trine my 4th house Sun and 8th house Neptune. Looking for a miracle! Haha.

  11. Perhaps something extremely optimistic after all the heaviness of Capricorn Pluto and Saturn conjunct my moon for so long….
    My Venus and Mercury are in Pisces (3rd), and I’m an early Aries in the 4th.
    I’m truly going to be praying to Jupiter to bring me the relationship and the new home I’ve needed for so long.

  12. My ascendant is 21 deg pisces..just started my dream job after 10 years unemployed and studying ..I LOVE IT!

    1. Welcome, Dani. It sounds as if Jupiter is in your 6th house in your natal chart. This is in regards to Jupiter which is now transiting Pisces in the sky.
      I hope that clarifies a little. It’s confusing until it clicks. 🙂

      1. Thanks Elsa! You’re right, is in my natal chart. I checked again, and it will be transiting my 5th house, the last degrees.
        The thing is…I have natal Jupiter in Gemini in 9th house…so will Jupiter in Pisces will be expanding, matters related to Gemini in the 9th house.
        It’ll be expanding/benefiting matters of the 5th house which is in Aquarius in my natal chart.

        I’m new at this, and I’m trying to answer these two questions:
        – What house will Jupiter in Pisces transit in your chart?
        – Can you see the possibilities and potential in that area of life?

  13. I’m a pisces 9th house and then later in 2022 my Mid Heaven (12° pisces) will be affected. Don’t know what to expect. Maybe I’ll get into University. Or start to produce my own spiritual documentaries.

  14. Jupiter will turn direct in Aries 8 degrees right opposite my jupiter/saturn conjunction in Libra – this is the great conjunction of the early 80s which I find extremely interesting, giving that we recently had this great conjunction in Aquarius and the beginning of the air cycle. I’ve found that issues of social justice have really come to the fore and this opposition will continue to reinforce this theme. I’m really looking forward to understanding more the role we all play in this brand new air cycle with next year’s jupiter opposition to the libra great conjunction.

  15. To be given the chance to forgive and be forgiven would be such a healing balm. Will traverse through my 4th. Expecting nothing but hoping for a miracle.
    May we all be Safe, Happy and Free.

  16. All I can think of with Jupiter in Pisces is more flooding brought on by climate change. We’re being inundated by images of inundation here on the northwest coast of North America.

  17. Thank God a water Jupiter. It will trine my moon. Im so tired of all the stress of the past few years. Husband happens to be the few having heart complications from vax. He happens to be a Pisces moon, hopefully he will pull thru.

  18. I also have a lot of earth sign family members that went thru so much trial and change past few years who would benefit too. Water nourishes the earth !

    1. Avatar

      I think this has been mentioned somewhere on the forum or blog before but I will share anyway:
      -Aug 10: The World Health Organization (WHO) declares that the deadly H1N1 flu that gripped the entire world was officially over.

      Let’s hope this can repeat itself for C?

      1. Avatar

        Btw, if H1N1 “gripped” the world can we say C “strangled” the world?
        Although it’s more like the f*’n government strangling the world.

  19. Mostly my 8th house. My Pisces Saturn lives there. My only water placement. I hope to experience it as another wave that softens me inside and out.

  20. Avatar
    Shimmering Light

    End of March 22 to end of April 22 both rulers of Pisces, Jupiter and Neptune, conjunct in Pisces. This is mega. End of April Venus, exalted in Pisces, is also part of the mix. The romantics amongst us will be in 7th heaven!

    More pragmatic souls may be a little less pragmatic or cynical?

  21. I’m having Jupiter return in 11th house! I have had an easier time making friends in the past few months. I also feel more intuitive and confident as a friend, like what to say and when to reach out. I’ve been contacting friends “just because,” which is something I always hesitated to do or second guessed before.

  22. Hail Jupiter yes the door opened;so nice to hear hey you come on in,yep so nice
    I will tip toe oh so lightly, I think The last time I was so taken By the effects of low it’s a drug can’t get addicted this time so it’s just for the new year to all out there ,hope a love
    From second grade knocks.

  23. Love is a drug, damn! Old eyes meet fat fingers and spellcheck with a little microphone that will never decipher my accent ❤️So early going to catch mainland ferry and it is blustery cold out

  24. Along with Neptune, Jupiter will opposite my Virgo stelium.
    My life is full of challenges and changes. Some are good, the others are… challenging.

  25. Neptune opposed my Pluto and Uranus in Virgo the past year both planets conjunct at 15 degrees, BRUTAL !!
    Squared my sun and mars in Gemini and about to sq my Gem Asc at 22*
    With Jupiter now in the mix for the next year ,I have no idea what to expect ?
    Maybe the way out is Sag stuff since the others are T-squaring ?

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