candy legos

Weekend Love Forecast – New Moon in Cancer, Optimal Fresh Start

Friday night, the Cancer Moon conjoins the Cancer Sun: the moody, feely, extra watery new moon. It’s extra watery but also stable via the emerging trine to retro Saturn in Pisces and sextile to Mars in Taurus. What we start, we process in time. Everything can’t happen all at once; time is order. All weekend,


Sensory Isolation Chamber

“The smartphone is a handheld version of a sensory isolation chamber.” @UndergroundAeon This seems utterly accurate to me. It explains the widespread social anxiety, people live with today. I feel we’ve lost a good deal of our humanity to this. How can you not? Primary relationship is with a device. What kills me, is that

shadow figure

Living In The Shadow Of Your Parent

Some people loom large. They have some quality about them. It could be money, fame, power, or things having to do with their character or their personality. Charisma, for example. But also a hard-core sense of control, or a violent nature, or many other things. If your parent is like this, it can be quite


Search For Content

There is a lot of content on this site.  Google has deindexed most of it, which is their prerogative.  That aside, they allow a person like me to create a site-specific search engine, for people who want to find content on this blog, including the forum. Unfortunately, the custom search service is now excluding most

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