
What Planet Dictates The Beauty Standard?

Belen writes: “Super shallow topic, but I just read an article on how millennials in their 30/40s look younger than the next generation (because of fillers, heavy makeup etc). So – I hear Venus rules personal beauty but what about beauty standards at a given time? Thinking about the difference of growing up with 90s […]

gig worker

Adapting To The Gig Economy

I credit the Jupiter Uranus conjunction with expanding my confidence as well as my worldview, to the point where I could go on Fiverr and communicate my needs technical people on the other side of the world. I set up three jobs with two sellers. The results have been magnificent and I learned a lot


Losing Friends & Lack Of Trust

I value communication more than most. With a packed 8th house, I’ve always had an inner circle. These are people I can talk to about anything. Literally, anything. The planets have aligned in such a way; my entire inner circle is ill, if not gravely ill. Two of them have already passed. I’ve heard of this

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garbage in wind

The Internet and Cigarettes

When I open the door to “the internet” these days, I see a typhoon of garbage swirling around.  This is good if you’re trying to quit! I came across a fairly passionate rant, I published in the forum, some months back…. “The curtain can be pulled back and the machinations, revealed, because our society is


Weekly Forecast: April 15-19, 2024 – The End Of Aries Season

We’re just past the midway point of the Aries Mercury retrograde as it heads back over Chiron on Monday morning. So how’s it going? Not only have we learned something, but we’re finding use for things and thoughts and plans that had previously missed the mark. In fact, there are plenty of ways in which

Wild card

Waiting For The High, Wild Card To Be Dealt

We’re in a strange lull, waiting to be disrupted. There are no planetary clashes coming for nearly a week. Only the moon will ping various bodies in various way over the next six days. However, we all see the news. The Jupiter Uranus conjunction sextile with Mars and Saturn in Pisces, can be interpreted in

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