Aries red ram

Aries Is A Hero, Baybee!

Thanks for your patience! The site is in much less danger now, thanks to my Zoomer son and his girlfriend.  The payment issues are resolved and while we have another problem, so far the site is stable. I think the astrology here is interesting.  Mercury is currently conjunct Mars in Capricorn; these planets square my […]

little match girl

Is Redemption A Fairy Tale?

When I say “redemption” I mean this definition of the word: 2.deliverance; rescue It’s a Neptune-ruled phenomena. I watched a movie the other night that featured a man who carried the shadow for his entire community. He was innocent, but chosen for this role and he accepted the situation. He was a nice guy who


Feeling Guilty For No Reason

This is from a consultation. I think it’s somewhat harsh but some people are in jacked up situations and they don’t want to be coddled. They want to know how to untangle the knot and solve the damned problem so that can get their life on track and enjoy it. So what if your problem

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