Un-Comfort, The Capricorn Plague and Writing This Blog With Neptune Conjunct the Midheaven

Regarding Capricorn and concern over public image, if not for this training with Ben… and others, but especially Ben who is so incredibly keen, I would never be able to write this blog. I put this stuff out here every day with no way to control how it may be interpreted… or misinterpreted. I mean,

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I’m Engaged To a Man With Secrets

Dear Elsa, Last January, I lost my husband of 21 years and the father of my two teenage sons. I have recently become engaged to a man I love very dearly. The man I have met and fell in love with seems to have secrets. We have gotten to the point he stays over at

Five Years Post A Spirtual Crisis: Stellium In Virgo In The 9th House

Good Day Elsa, Some years ago, as a teenager and young adult, I belonged to a Christian church and a woman’s group. Due to the influence of these groups, I became someone unrecognizable. I went from being a shy moody girl to being an over zealous, self-righteous, bible quoting, hand waving, and hallelujah shouting fanatic.

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