Search Results for: pluto in capricorn


Weekend Love Forecast – GO SPEED RACER

Friday night, the Capricorn Sun perfects its square to Chiron in Aries. Have you been to your therapist lately? Issues are close to the surface and ready to be addressed. This is either a help or a hindrance depending on how you actively treat it.

one pearl earring

Weekend Love Forecast – Diving For Pearls

Friday night, the Libra Moon squares Pluto then heads into Scorpio and a trine to Saturn. Saturday morning, the Scorpio Moon conjoins Venus and opposes retro Jupiter. The Friday night mood goes from air to water, cardinal to fixed, and abrasive to lubricated. Take care of what you need up front, at least get it

what me worry

“Liquidity” – The Word On Everyone’s Lips

We’re done with the picky stuff now. The moon is at home in Cancer. If you experience stress today, it will most likely be tied to Mercury square Neptune or Saturn in Pisces. It’s interesting because Saturn in Pisces is beating many to a pulp, but they miss and blame something else. Misdiagnosis, which is


Waking Up, Disillusioned

It’s such strange time.  There’s very little that people agree on. It so unusual at this point, there’s a new way to describe “agreement” and it’s step down from what was.  It sounds like this, “We think the same thing for different reasons”.   That’s about as good as it gets. At this point in time,

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