September 2007

Taurus: Famous For Their Memory

The soldier, recalling times three decades past: “Do you remember our alarm clock, P? The one we had when we were kids?” “No.” “It had one of those sticks in the back you pulled out when you wanted it go off.” “Oh yeah, I do remember that.”


Food Is Love For Taurus

The soldier, a Taurus and P… confused over the weekend under the Venus Neptune opposition. “Well I love you,” I said. “I know that. I know you love me, P.” “How? How do you know that?” “You got me this pizza,” he said. “What?” “I know you love me ’cause you got me a pizza,”

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19 Year Old Woman Masturbates Frequently; Wonders About Health Risks

Dear Elsa, I masturbate quite often. I’m worried if this is seriously affecting my health. Sagittarius United States Dear Sagittarius, Is masturbating a lot harmful to your health? No I don’t so. In fact I think it’s enormously healthy and good for you especially considering you have Mars conjunct Pluto in Scorpio and various other

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