January 2011

Vintage astrology paper dolls

Balance Between Yin and Yang Signs In The Natal Chart

Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius and the yang or positive or male signs.  The remaining signs are yin, negative or feminine. I’ve been working with a client who has every single planet in her chart, save Uranus in one of the yin signs.  I’ve written about women in the opposite situation. Women who

Venus Aspecting Pluto In Synastry And The Composite Chart

“Snakes, why did it have to be snakes?” –Indiana Jones My Venus quincunxes my man’s Pluto. His Venus quincunxes my Pluto. This is called a “double whammy” in astrology slang, interaspects with the same planets repeated from chart to chart. It’s not exact or within the strict orb (2 to 3 degrees) but the effect

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