July 2011


Why Can’t I Find A Man? Because You Can’t Be Trusted.

It might be Venus opposing Pluto or the fact my lunar return this month is particularly feisty but I feel like tackling these difficult but rich topics latley. With Saturn in Libra many people are trying to overcome whatever it is that blocks them from partnering. I am trying to help them and because I

Contempt (Venus Opposite Pluto)

It occurred to me this morning that just because someone is contemptuous towards me it does not mean I am contemptible.  They may just be a contemptuous person and as a matter of fact, this is probably the case. I post this primarily for others with lives like mine but also for people to consider. 

ElsaElsa ask the collective

Men Who Withhold Sex

This is one of the touchy areas but you know I’m drawn to these topics. Please indulge my 8th house: Has a man ever withheld sex from you? Why do you think he did this? How was the issue resolved (if it was resolved)? Have you withheld sex yourself? Thanks!

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