July 2012

Hard-ass (Saturn In Scorpio)

I hate feeling like a hard-ass! There are a lot of people who have been able to somehow suspend reality. Reality is fixing to hit them when Saturn enters Scorpio. I do not lack compassion around this. I was devastated myself, 28.5 years ago when Saturn entered Scorpio. But that’s not going to do either of […]

mars comic

His Scorpio Moon Communes With My 8th House: Placing Blame And Projecting Your Shadow In Relationships – Redux

“So you think I do that?” the soldier asked regarding projecting his shadow (onto me). “Yes, but not very often. You’re not the type to do a lot of projecting because you look deeply at things. You’ll think about a relationship for years and years, willing to see it from all angles. You strive to

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Placing Blame And Projecting Your Shadow In Relationships

“Just what do you mean when you say, project their shadow?” my husband asked. “Exactly what do you mean by that?” “Well take these women, they have a falling out with their man. And they say blah, blah, blah he did all this crap to me. He’s this rotten guy.” “Yeah, they do that.” “Right.

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My 8th House Observations Around Secrets, Plus Notes on Gossip

The other night my husband said he preferred to avoid knowing my secrets, because they disturb him. I wrote about that and some others commented they also preferred not to hear other people’s secrets. I can understand. There are some things I don’t want to know anything about. Details around my lover’s ex-lover would be

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