March 2016

Plutonians Notice Signs

Plutonians notice “signs”. Over the last four or five days, I have repeatedly used the “last” of something. The end of a roll of saran wrap that I’ve had for several years. All the this.  All the that.  I would probably notice this if it happened a few times in a day. This has happened ten to twelve

Warning For Gemini & Virgo – Week Ahead

I just sent this to my newsletter peeps. It’s important so I am reposting here… Gemini is considered somewhat of a lightweight sign. They’re just not seen as dangerous or threatening, regardless of whether this is true or not. Virgos are also seen as punks to a certain extent. The main threat is they criticize you

zodiac charm bracelet

Intuition vs Perception

Hi Elsa! I was wondering, is there a difference between intuition and perception? I kinda associate the former with Pisces, and latter with Scorpio, but I’d really like to know what you think of it. Thanks! Our language has broken down to an extent where people often define words, independently. In order to answer a question

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