April 2018

How Do You Make Amends?

“It’s not up to me to make amends when they made it clear that my presence and voice and existence is offensive. You don’t come back from that.” That’s an excerpt from a comment, Jennifer, wrote on Are There People Who Are Truly Incompatible? I intended to write about “making amends” next so it struck

Scorpio And Trust – The Vetting Process

Penny Royal questioned my complete faith and confidence in a person’s character as outlined in Care And Feeding Of Your Energy Source. This video addresses this topic. I’ve added comments below. There is always a chance for betrayal but the chance is small when you can read a person. You read them and allow them


Will My Relationship Last Through A Saturn Return?

In my last post about my Saturn Return, debdeb asked: if you’re seeing someone who’s going through their SR, especially now as Saturn’s going retrograde, what can you expect? What should you to support him/her? Can you expect him/her to come out of the SR more confident [about your bond], or more clearsighted and perhaps

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Divorcing When You Have Teenagers

My husband is acquainted with a man; his wife wants to leave him.  He’s against the divorce. They have a teenage son at home. The wife left with the son and the dog. The dog was hit by a car and killed about a week later; I’m not sure how it happened. The boy wants

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