June 2019

sagittarius galloping horse

Are You Detail Oriented Or Do You Take A Broader View?

“Sagittarius Mind” aka, Jason Fleming, has been blogging a long time!  He’s got a stellium in Sagittarius.  Every time he opens his mouth, Jupiter flies out. Case in point, here’s one of his posts: ASTROLOGICAL COMPATIBILITY & THE “3 DYNAMICS” : A BROADER VIEW All caps, see? BIG. And of course he’s taking not just

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Scorpio necklace

Why Is Scorpio Repulsive?

Raven asked on, How To Raise A Scorpio Child, “Why is Scorpio so repulsive?” I’m not repulsed by Scorpio. I’m attracted. But I understand why this quality is associated with the sign. It’s because Scorpio is magnetic. A lot of people don’t like that.   Legions of people don’t like it.

Pluto Transit To Your Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven or IC

First, this disclaimer: I use EQUAL houses. When I say “angles of your chart”, that’s exactly what I mean. I am referring to Pluto transits over the angles of your chart, where the angles are the same degree as your ascendant. Pluto transits over the angles of your chart are invariably drastic and life-changing. For

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zodiac napier

What If My Chart & My Life Is Horrible?

Hey, Elsa! I was just wondering if you have a horribly hard chart and have had a really rough life of forty-plus years and the rest of it is not looking any better, is it changeable or is it set in stone? Is my blueprint that I’m stuck with a whole life of hell? Is

apple cake

Mars in Cancer Opposing Saturn In Capricorn – Cake vs Cruelty

In May, I warned that June would be a difficult month for many.  The peak of this period is between June 10th-24th, but we’re surely getting into it now. I thought I should elaborate. The opposition between Cancer and Capricorn suggests parent/child themes will be prominent. Dependency, responsibility, security, maturity, lack of maturity, feelings and

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