June 2021

self love

Do You Have to Love Yourself Before You Love Others?

Since I’ve been on a kick of debunking common self-care myths, let me tackle the biggest one of all: that you have to fully love yourself before you can love and be loved by others. Like most of these ideas, this started with the best of intentions, but has mutated into something that often does […]


On Being A Picky Snob

My husband and I were talking about a person we know. There are very few people he loves or likes or cares to be around.  Consequently he’s lonely. He doesn’t like this either.

mars planet

Mars Opposite Pluto: June 5, 2021 – Fight To The Death

Mars in Cancer will oppose Pluto in Capricorn on June 5th. This is a dynamic and potentially dangerous aspect. Scorpio is co-ruled by both planets and is probably already feeling this. Same for people with Cardinal planets near 26 degrees. Depending on your nature, you may feel your skin crawling.  You may be plotting or

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