October 2021

lizard brain

Your Lizard Brain

What about your “lizard brain”? This seems a good topic for the trigger-happy Pluto-flavored full moon in Aries coming up. I was thinking about a gal I know who had a TOXIC spill, personality-wise. I’m talking about a person getting triggered from reason and going off on a mind-boggling, destructive tirade.  “Let the bodies hit


Pluto Aspects In Synastry

“If you see me coming better step aside; a lot of men didn’t and a lot of men died.”                                        –Sixteen Tons, Merle Travis Pluto is depth, transformation, power. It is slow-moving so the aspects that it

Libra stellium with Mars

Stellium in Libra Impact!

The stellium in Libra is pretty tight at this time. It’s wreaking havoc in people’s lives, I can tell you that! The new moon has passed but Mars is kicking up all kinds of crap. It’s a problematic placement. I have Mars in Libra – I know!

elsa bartender

The Upside Of Being Naïve!

I’ve been learning a lot lately, a little too much, perhaps. When you learn something new, provided it’s deep enough, you may be compelled to go back over your past experiences so you can better understand them. This is not always comfortable.

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