April 2022

foggy mountain

Jupiter Conjunct Neptune In Pisces

The Jupiter Neptune conjunction will be exact tomorrow, April 12, 2022. I appreciate all the interesting comments on my recent posts about this. It’s a giant topic with no beginning and no end. Any one manifestation of this  of this is probably not more important than any other. I think this conjunction can bring us […]

garden cabbage

How To Be Happy In Life

I’m deleting old posts to clean up my database. I found this, written in 2011. It references, Pluto in Capricorn and now here we are… ~~~ eva writes on Why Are People Unhappy: “You know honestly I think people in this country have somehow weirdly been trained to be unhappy. My grandmother, and my mother,

zodiac napier

Using Astrology To Identify, “The One”

Yesterday, a client was talking about a woman he knew when he was younger. He and she were in a serious relationship.  She broke it off with him and he let her go.  This is exactly what happened when my husband and I were young. Looking back, he said if he knew astrology at the

mars warrior

Mars Conjunct Saturn: Controlled Burn

Mars aspecting Saturn has a bad reputation in astrology. It’s broadly considered to denote cruelty, especially if the planets clash. The conjunction of Mars and Saturn is probably the easiest to work with.  This is because it marries the energies together. Together, they mimic Mars in Saturn-ruled Capricorn. Mars is exalted in Capricorn. Mars is


Passion Thrives On Impediment

“Passion thrives on impediment”.  An old man told me this when I was a teenager. I’ve seen it demonstrated over the years. It’s easy to pine for the beloved when they’re inaccessible. The challenge fires up Mars in the horoscope!

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