December 2022

Pisces fish girl

Saturn in Pisces: Illusion Of Reality

Saturn is headed into Pisces, I’ll be tracking this closely, as always. This transit will be difficult for most. I am sorry if other astrologers are telling you otherwise – I think they’re wrong. It’s sort of endless. Burden that no one can see. But you can slip away sometimes. It’s a Saturn Neptune exchange. I’ve […]

money surprise confetti

Venus in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus: January 14, 2023 – Love & Money Surprise

Venus in Aquarius will square Uranus in Taurus on January 14th at 14 degrees. This is triple-whammy on the unpredictable love and money front. Venus in (unpredictable) Aquarius Venus square (unpredictable) Uranus Uranus (unpredictable) in Venus-ruled Taurus. Note that these planets are in mutual reception.  It’s a zappy type situation. Love and money zipping back

planets purple blue

How Do You “Work With The Energy?”

What does it mean when an astrologer says “work with the energy” Great question. First, “the energy” can be shown in your natal chart. This would refer to your own energy.  For example, I have Venus square Neptune. I can dream up a dirty rat! I can also erase or ignore or transcend my great

comedy tragedy

Your Life: A Comedy Or A Tragedy?

I got some insanely upsetting news yesterday; so cryptic I can’t figure it out.  The half-dozen people I shared it with, also can’t figure it out. We’ve done all kinds of math but solutions elude us all. It’s a about a drug overdose so it’s not very funny. Who texts someone and tells them they

Cancer crab moon

Insecurities & Practical Matters

I’ve gotten my nerve up so I am going to continue to write on these topics that are critically important to huge numbers of people.  We’ve got everyone, everywhere yelling about how screwed we are.  Yeah, we know. It’s time to start talking about solutions. This post will be about people who are alone. By

2023 new years

New Year’s Resolutions, Goals, Wishes, Hopes & Dreams

It must be all the planets in Capricorn.  I feel compelled to define my goals, heading into the new year… First, I don’t want to cause anyone harm or pain. I think there’s plenty of trouble out there. I don’t want to add to anyone’s burden. On a similar note, I want to be a

transit stargazing

Chemotherapy – Astro Help In Difficult Times

A gal who reads my newsletter will start chemotherapy next week. She asked me if I had a report that might help her. I’ve never been asked this before! I responded, “I would use astrology to set expectations as far as how thing might go smoothly at times; other times may be more challenging or

stellium in Capricorn 2022

How The 2022 Stellium In Capricorn Affects You!

The sun, Venus, Mercury and Pluto will be in Capricorn for the next ten days. Chances are most of these planets land in one house in your chart. The planets land in my 12th house. I hate to say this, but I would like to control the uncontrollable. I’m also pining quite a bit! Specifically,

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