February 2023

sushi chef

First Time To Consult An Astrologer

Occasionally, someone will hire me and mention they’ve never consulted an astrologer before.  Sometimes it’s because they’re in a crisis; lost in some situation where they’ve exhausted usual channels and they need some insight or else. Other times, the person has become interested in astrology. They’re pretty sure it’s real, but to make sure, before […]


Life Post Saturn Square Uranus

Saturn and Uranus squared off in Fixed signs in 2021-22. Rules changed, reality changed, everyone’s sense of security was disrupted around the world. In fact, “space” (Uranus) became the rule (Saturn) with social distancing. This “space” was enforced, even in extreme circumstances, causing people die alone and give birth alone… well, you know. You were

Saturn in Pisces

Saturn In Virgo vs Saturn In Pisces

Psychopath Mind Trick concerns oppositions which fascinate me. After writing that post, I recalled Saturn’s transit through Virgo roughly fourteen years ago. If you were reading at that time, I went on and on about “guarding your mind” and “learning to discern”. I talked about mental (Virgo) boundaries (Saturn), and taking responsibility for your mental

8th house

Psychopath Mind Trick

File this under, “Stuff they don’t teach you”.  If you tell a person the opposite of the truth, with emphasis, the average person will lose their ability to discern the truth. This is a common tactic used by psychopaths. Your knee-jerk reaction may have you not believe me but it you take a minute and



Dianne M left an interesting comment on my Negative Affective Presence post.  She mentioned, “Cassandra”.  I am not sure if she was referring to me, to herself or to both of us, but it got my attention because it was something I’d never heard before.  I’m Michael J. Burry? I had to think about this. Who

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