March 2024

aquarius water bearer flowers

Pluto in Aquarius Positives

We’ve had a fair taste of Pluto in Aquarius. Have you noticed anything positive? I’m aware of the power of detachment. The machine churns on, but you can separate yourself. Take some space! This includes, withdrawing from the internet. I have also found myself, using breathing techniques which has never been a thing for me.

How Do You Operate & What’s Your Motive?

“…This is all a process. What I am and what I want, is not to be the originator of the information as you seem to be saying is your process. My process is not like the Liz Greene’s of the world. For me, I want to inhabit the middle space and take the information others


Weekend Love Forecast – Sun-Neptune Field Of Dreams

Friday afternoon through evening, the Moon in Mercury-ruled Gemini sextiles Aries Mercury and squares Pisces Saturn. The mood ought to be popping, a myriad of options and interest-based possibilities. However, it might seem like there’s a stick for every spoke.

hall of mirrors

Venus Conjunct Saturn In Pisces: Universal Law, Money Disappears, Feeling Rejected

Venus will conjoin Saturn in Pisces on March 21, 2024.  There’s a high side to everything but this is a tough one. People are sensitized.  It’s common to feel rejected; to imagine you’re being rejected or oppressed. The simple fear of this happening can disable a person. In some cases, this may be actually be

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