
Alcoholism, drugs, sex…

garbage in wind

The Internet and Cigarettes

When I open the door to “the internet” these days, I see a typhoon of garbage swirling around.  This is good if you’re trying to quit! I came across a fairly passionate rant, I published in the forum, some months back…. “The curtain can be pulled back and the machinations, revealed, because our society is

mother and sons

Mothers Estranged From Their Adult Children

Holding a grudge has become a way of life for many. I don’t know that my perspective is trustworthy on this as my family is given to blood feuds!  Also, my parents were both hard-core Aquarians and not prone to clinging. I’m going to offer it anyway, just start this conversation. I just mentioned, Longstanding


Saturn Square Uranus: Snap Of It!

“Are you prepared to buy her cocaine, booze and other drugs?” I asked a client this morning. He’s a regular, I’ve worked with for years. “No, I’m not buying her cocaine.” “Well then she’s not interested in you because that’s what she wants…”

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