
Advice on anything and everything under the sun!

elsa vid

Save Me From Influencers!

Mercury is conjunct Saturn in Aquarius today. It’s about integrity of your mind and your ideas – your life! Video is 1:36 long.  Another manifestation of Mercury Saturn.  Enjoy. Have you noticed yourself being led by the brain?

Pluto god flowers

What Is The Upside To Venus Square Pluto?

A reader writes: “I’ve had lots of experience in my life of the lower forms of expression for the Pluto/Venus square eg difficult relationships. I wonder now if you could perhaps let me know what would be some of the higher forms of expression for a Pluto/Venus square or conjunction. I would like to look

How To Deal With Afflicted Planets!

You study astrology and you learn enough to scare yourself.  You see Venus square Saturn and conclude that you will never be loved. You see Venus square the Moon and decide you will never feel satisfied. You’ve got Saturn conjunct the Moon or the IC and you think, oh no! I’m depressed!


Saturn Square Uranus: Snap Of It!

“Are you prepared to buy her cocaine, booze and other drugs?” I asked a client this morning. He’s a regular, I’ve worked with for years. “No, I’m not buying her cocaine.” “Well then she’s not interested in you because that’s what she wants…”

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