
Advice on anything and everything under the sun!

Saturn Transit The First House, Square Venus

This morning’s client has Saturn transiting her first house while squaring her Venus in Virgo.  This is an example of a “double whammy”. Venus transiting Saturn as it opposes the Venus-ruled, seventh house. Some people don’t realize that any planet transiting the first house will aspect the seventh, but it you think about it, it’s obvious. […]


Feeling Mortified

Recently, I’ve been part of a number of scenarios that left me feeling mortified. Capricorn is most inclined to to having this experience. Public image and all.

Can A Person Learn To Be Less Self-Centered?

I have a client who is aware of his self-centeredness. The tendency is shown in his chart. He grew up with tremendous privilege which probably encouraged his proclivity to put himself first. I think he is trying to overcome this but he may just be trying to learn how to appear that he’s thinking of

Mom Struggles With Eccentric Aquarius Child

Hey Elsa, My son is having issues with his teacher, and with settling into being in a classroom, in general. He’s settled down tremendously recently, but my question is, will he settle into being in a classroom situation and make friends or is this a long term issue for him? Wondering Mom

Is Life Harder Than You Thought? Don’t Panic!

My son, Vid, will turn eighteen in April. He’s starting his second semester of college, studying engineering. He did exceptionally well his first semester which was great because it gave him confidence. I’m just off the phone with him. He says this semester is much harder.


How Can I Raise My Vibration?

Hello Elsa! I’d like to ask about wavelengths and raising one’s energy. Its sounds woo woo, but here’s what I mean. A Scorpio can be a stinging scorpion bent on punishing all for past wrong, or they can be a wise soaring eagle, focused on justice and righteous (rather than vindictive) retribution.

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